Source code for wolfhece.drawing_obj

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

from wx import App
import logging

from .PyTranslate import _

[docs] class Element_To_Draw: """ Base class of element to add into WolfMapViewer or another GUI """ def __init__(self, idx:str = '', plotted:bool = True, mapviewer = None, need_for_wx:bool = False) -> None: """ Constructor of the class :param idx: identifier :param plotted: boolean if plotting action must be processed :param mapviewer: WolfMapViewer instance attached to the object :param need_for_wx: test if wx App is running. If not, raise an error """ self.idx = idx # identifier self.xmin=0. # spatial extension - lower left corner X self.ymin=0. # spatial extension - lower left corner Y self.xmax=0. # spatial extension - upper right corner X self.ymax=0. # spatial extension - upper right corner Y self.plotted = plotted # boolean if plotting action must be processed self.plotting = False # plotting operations are underway self.mapviewer = mapviewer # WolfMapViewer instance attached to the object self.wx_exists = App.Get() is not None # test if wx App is running self._filename_vector:str = '' if need_for_wx and (not self.wx_exists): raise NameError(_('wx App is not running or you need it --> check your code and retry !')) #FIXME : checked and plotted are the same thing ?? -- YES but conserve for retro-compatibility @property
[docs] def checked(self) -> bool: """ Return the checked status. """ return self.plotted
@checked.setter def checked(self, value:bool) -> None: """ Set the checked status. """ self.plotted = value
[docs] def get_mapviewer(self): """ Return the mapviewer """ return self.mapviewer
[docs] def set_mapviewer(self, newmapviewer = None): """ Attach a (new) mapviewer to the object """ self.mapviewer = newmapviewer
[docs] def check_plot(self): """ Generic function responding to check operation from mapviewer """ self.plotted = True
[docs] def uncheck_plot(self, unload:bool = True): """ Generic function responding to uncheck operation from mapviewer """ self.plotted = False
[docs] def show_properties(self): """ Generic function to show properties of the object """ logging.warning('No properties to show for this object !') pass
[docs] def hide_properties(self): """ Generic function to hide properties of the object """ logging.warning('No properties to hide for this object !') pass
[docs] def plot(self, sx=None, sy=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, size=None): """ Plot data in OpenGL context """ if self.plotted: self.plotting = True # do something in OpenGL... self.plotting = False
[docs] def find_minmax(self, update=False): """ Generic function to find min and max spatial extent in data example : a WolfMapViewer instance needs spatial extent to zoom or test if element must be plotted """ self.xmin=0. # spatial extension - lower left corner X self.ymin=0. # spatial extension - lower left corner Y self.xmax=0. # spatial extension - upper right corner X self.ymax=0. # spatial extension - upper right corner Y pass
[docs] def has_OGLContext(self): """ Test if the object has a canvas """ if self.mapviewer is None: return False return self.mapviewer.SetCurrentContext()