Source code for wolfhece.PyVertexvectors

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Utashi Ciraane Docile
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

from os import path
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import triangle.tri
import wx
import wx._dataview
from wx.dataview import *
from wx.core import BoxSizer, TreeItemId
from OpenGL.GL  import *
from shapely.geometry import LineString, MultiLineString,Point,MultiPoint,Polygon,JOIN_STYLE, MultiPolygon
from shapely.ops import nearest_points
from shapely import delaunay_triangles, prepare, is_prepared, destroy_prepared
import pygltflib
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import struct
import pyvista as pv
from typing import Union, Literal
import logging
from tqdm import tqdm
import copy
import geopandas as gpd
import io
from typing import Union, Literal
from pathlib import Path
import triangle

from .wolf_texture import genericImagetexture
from .PyTranslate import _
from .CpGrid import CpGrid
from .PyVertex import wolfvertex,getIfromRGB,getRGBfromI, cloud_vertices
from .PyParams import Wolf_Param, Type_Param, new_json
from .wolf_texture import Text_Image_Texture,Text_Infos
from .drawing_obj import Element_To_Draw
from .matplotlib_fig import Matplotlib_Figure as MplFig

[docs] class Triangulation(Element_To_Draw): def __init__(self, fn='', pts=[], tri=[], idx: str = '', plotted: bool = True, mapviewer=None, need_for_wx: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(idx, plotted, mapviewer, need_for_wx) self.filename = '' self.tri= tri self.pts = pts self.id_list = -99999 self.nb_tri = len(tri) self.nb_pts = len(pts) self._move_start = None self._move_step = None # step for a move self._rotation_center = None self._rotation_step = None self._cache = None if fn !='': self.filename=fn else: self.valid_format() pass
[docs] def valid_format(self): if isinstance(self.pts,list): self.pts = np.asarray(self.pts) if isinstance(self.tri,list): self.tri = np.asarray(self.tri)
[docs] def as_polydata(self) -> pv.PolyData: return pv.PolyData(np.asarray(self.pts),np.column_stack([[3]*self.nb_tri,self.tri]), self.nb_tri)
[docs] def from_polydata(self,poly:pv.PolyData): self.pts = np.asarray(poly.points.copy()) self.tri = np.asarray(poly.faces.reshape([int(len(poly.faces)/4),4])[:,1:4]) self.nb_pts = len(self.pts) self.nb_tri = len(self.tri)
[docs] def clip_surface(self,other,invert=True,subdivide=0): if subdivide==0: mypoly = self.as_polydata() mycrop = other.as_polydata() else: mypoly = self.as_polydata().subdivide(subdivide) mycrop = other.as_polydata().subdivide(subdivide) res = mypoly.clip_surface(mycrop,invert=invert) if len(res.faces)>0: self.from_polydata(res) else: return None
[docs] def get_mask(self,eps=1e-10): """ Teste si la surface de tous les triangles est positive Retire les triangles problématiques """ if self.nb_tri>0: v1 = [self.pts[curtri[1]][:2] - self.pts[curtri[0]][:2] for curtri in self.tri] v2 = [self.pts[curtri[2]][:2] - self.pts[curtri[0]][:2] for curtri in self.tri] self.areas = np.cross(v2,v1,)/2 return self.areas<=eps
# invalid_tri = np.sort(np.where(self.areas<=eps)[0]) # for curinv in invalid_tri[::-1]: # self.tri.pop(curinv) # self.nb_tri = len(self.tri)
[docs] def import_from_gltf(self, fn=''): if fn =='': dlg=wx.FileDialog(None,_('Choose filename'),wildcard='binary gltf2 (*.glb)|*.glb|gltf2 (*.gltf)|*.gltf|All (*.*)|*.*',style=wx.FD_OPEN) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fn=dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() gltf = pygltflib.GLTF2().load(fn) # get the first mesh in the current scene mesh = gltf.meshes[gltf.scenes[gltf.scene].nodes[0]] # get the vertices for each primitive in the mesh for primitive in mesh.primitives: # get the binary data for this mesh primitive from the buffer accessor = gltf.accessors[primitive.attributes.POSITION] bufferView = gltf.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView] buffer = gltf.buffers[bufferView.buffer] data = gltf.get_data_from_buffer_uri(buffer.uri)'Importing GLTF file : {}').format(fn))'Number of vertices : {}').format(accessor.count)) # pull each vertex from the binary buffer and convert it into a tuple of python floats points = np.zeros([accessor.count, 3], order='F', dtype=np.float64) for i in range(accessor.count): index = bufferView.byteOffset + accessor.byteOffset + i * 12 # the location in the buffer of this vertex d = data[index:index + 12] # the vertex data v = struct.unpack("<fff", d) # convert from base64 to three floats points[i, :] = np.asarray([v[0], -v[2], v[1]]) if np.mod(i,100000)==0:'Reading vertex {}').format(i)) accessor = gltf.accessors[primitive.indices] bufferView = gltf.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView] buffer = gltf.buffers[bufferView.buffer] data = gltf.get_data_from_buffer_uri(buffer.uri) triangles = [] if accessor.componentType==pygltflib.UNSIGNED_SHORT: size=6 format='<HHH' elif accessor.componentType==pygltflib.UNSIGNED_INT: size=12 format='<LLL''Number of triangles : {}').format(int(accessor.count/3))) for i in range(int(accessor.count/3)): index = bufferView.byteOffset + accessor.byteOffset + i*size # the location in the buffer of this vertex d = data[index:index+size] # the vertex data v = struct.unpack(format, d) # convert from base64 to three floats triangles.append(list(v)) if np.mod(i,100000)==0:'Reading triangle {}').format(i)) # On souhaite obtenir une triangulation du type : # - liste de coordonnées des sommets des triangles # - par triangle, liste de 3 indices, un pour chaque sommet # # Si le fichier GLTF vient de Blender, il y aura des informations de normales ... # Il est donc préférable de filtrer les points pour ne garder que des valeurs uniques # On ne souhaite pas gérer le GLTF dans toute sa généralité mais uniquement la triangulation de base'Sorting information ...')) xyz_u,indices = np.unique(np.array(points),return_inverse=True,axis=0)'Creating triangles ...')) triangles = [[indices[curtri[0]],indices[curtri[1]],indices[curtri[2]]] for curtri in list(triangles)] self.pts = xyz_u self.tri = triangles self.nb_pts = len(self.pts) self.nb_tri = len(self.tri)
[docs] def export_to_gltf(self,fn=''): #on force les types de variables triangles = np.asarray(self.tri).astype(np.uint32) points = np.column_stack([self.pts[:,0],self.pts[:,2],-self.pts[:,1]]).astype(np.float32) triangles_binary_blob = triangles.flatten().tobytes() points_binary_blob = points.flatten().tobytes() gltf = pygltflib.GLTF2( scene=0, scenes=[pygltflib.Scene(nodes=[0])], nodes=[pygltflib.Node(mesh=0)], meshes=[ pygltflib.Mesh( primitives=[ pygltflib.Primitive( attributes=pygltflib.Attributes(POSITION=1), indices=0 ) ] ) ], accessors=[ pygltflib.Accessor( bufferView=0, componentType=pygltflib.UNSIGNED_INT, count=self.nb_tri*3, type=pygltflib.SCALAR, max=[int(triangles.max())], min=[int(triangles.min())], ), pygltflib.Accessor( bufferView=1, componentType=pygltflib.FLOAT, count=self.nb_pts, type=pygltflib.VEC3, max=points.max(axis=0).tolist(), min=points.min(axis=0).tolist(), ), ], bufferViews=[ pygltflib.BufferView( buffer=0, byteLength=len(triangles_binary_blob), target=pygltflib.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ), pygltflib.BufferView( buffer=0, byteOffset=len(triangles_binary_blob), byteLength=len(points_binary_blob), target=pygltflib.ARRAY_BUFFER, ), ], buffers=[ pygltflib.Buffer( byteLength=len(triangles_binary_blob) + len(points_binary_blob) ) ], ) gltf.set_binary_blob(triangles_binary_blob + points_binary_blob) if fn =='': dlg=wx.FileDialog(None,_('Choose filename'),wildcard='binary gltf2 (*.glb)|*.glb|gltf2 (*.gltf)|*.gltf|All (*.*)|*.*',style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fn=dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() return fn
[docs] def saveas(self,fn=''): """ Binary '.TRI' format on disk is, little endian : - int32 for number of points - int32 as 64 ou 32 for float64 or float32 - VEC3 (float64 or float32) for points - int32 for number of triangles - VEC3 uint32 for triangles """ if self.filename=='' and fn=='': return if fn!='': self.filename=fn triangles = np.asarray(self.tri).astype(np.uint32) points = np.asarray(self.pts) #.astype(np.float64) with open(self.filename,'wb') as f: f.write(self.nb_pts.to_bytes(4,'little')) if points.dtype == np.float64: f.write(int(64).to_bytes(4,'little')) else: f.write(int(32).to_bytes(4,'little')) points.tofile(f,"") f.write(self.nb_tri.to_bytes(4,'little')) triangles.tofile(f,"")
[docs] def read(self,fn:str): """ Read a binary '.TRI' file """ fn = str(fn) if fn.endswith('.dxf'): self.import_dxf(fn) elif fn.endswith('.gltf') or fn.endswith('.glb'): self.import_from_gltf(fn) elif fn.endswith('.tri'): with open(fn,'rb') as f: self.nb_pts = int.from_bytes(,'little') which_type = int.from_bytes(,'little') if which_type == 64: buf = np.frombuffer( * self.nb_pts * 3), dtype=np.float64) self.pts = np.array(buf.copy(), dtype=np.float64).reshape([self.nb_pts,3]) elif which_type == 32: buf = np.frombuffer( * self.nb_pts * 3), dtype=np.float32) self.pts = np.array(buf.copy(), dtype=np.float32).reshape([self.nb_pts,3]).astype(np.float64) self.nb_tri = int.from_bytes(,'little') buf = np.frombuffer( * self.nb_tri * 3), dtype=np.uint32) self.tri = np.array(buf.copy(), dtype=np.uint32).reshape([self.nb_tri,3]).astype(np.int32) self.valid_format() self.find_minmax(True) self.reset_plot()
[docs] def reset_plot(self): try: if self.id_list!=-99999: glDeleteLists(self.id_list) except: pass self.id_list = -99999
[docs] def plot(self, sx=None, sy=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, size=None ): if self.id_list == -99999: try: self.id_list = glGenLists(1) glNewList(self.id_list, GL_COMPILE) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINE) for curtri in self.tri: glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP) glColor3ub(int(0),int(0),int(0)) glVertex2d(self.pts[curtri[0]][0], self.pts[curtri[0]][1]) glVertex2d(self.pts[curtri[1]][0], self.pts[curtri[1]][1]) glVertex2d(self.pts[curtri[2]][0], self.pts[curtri[2]][1]) glVertex2d(self.pts[curtri[0]][0], self.pts[curtri[0]][1]) glEnd() glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINE) glEndList() glCallList(self.id_list) except: logging.warning('Problem with OpenGL plot - Triangulation.plot') else: glCallList(self.id_list)
[docs] def find_minmax(self,force): if force: if self.nb_pts>0: self.xmin=np.min(self.pts[:,0]) self.ymin=np.min(self.pts[:,1]) self.xmax=np.max(self.pts[:,0]) self.ymax=np.max(self.pts[:,1])
[docs] def import_dxf(self,fn): import ezdxf if not path.exists(fn): logging.warning(_('File not found !') + ' ' + fn) return # Lecture du fichier dxf et identification du modelspace doc = ezdxf.readfile(fn) msp = doc.modelspace() # Liste de stockage des coordonnées des faces 3D xyz = [] # Bouclage sur les éléments du DXF for e in msp: if e.dxftype() == "3DFACE": # récupération des coordonnées # --> on suppose que ce sont des triangles (!! une face3D peut être un quadrangle !! on oublie donc la 4ème coord) xyz += [e[0],e[1],e[2]] # On souhaite obtenir une triangulation du type : # - liste de coordonnées des sommets des triangles # - par triangle, liste de 3 indices, un pour chaque sommet # # Actuellement, les coordonnées sont multipliées car chaque face a été extraite indépendamment # On commence donc par identifier les coordonnées uniques, par tuple # return_inverse permet de constituer la liste d'indices efficacement # xyz_u,indices = np.unique(np.array(xyz),return_inverse=True,axis=0) triangles = indices.reshape([int(len(indices)/3),3]) self.tri = triangles.astype(np.int32) self.pts = xyz_u self.nb_pts = len(self.pts) self.nb_tri = len(self.tri) self.valid_format()
[docs] def set_cache(self): """ Set the cache for the vertices """ self._cache = self.pts.copy()
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ Clear the cache for the vertices """ self._cache = None
[docs] def move(self, delta_x:float, delta_y:float, use_cache:bool = True): """ Move the vertices by a delta_x and delta_y :param delta_x: delta x [m] :param delta_y: delta y [m] """ if use_cache and self._cache is None: self.set_cache() if use_cache: self.pts[:,0] = self._cache[:,0] + delta_x self.pts[:,1] = self._cache[:,1] + delta_y else: self.pts[:,0] += delta_x self.pts[:,1] += delta_y
[docs] def rotate(self, angle:float, center:tuple, use_cache:bool = True): """ Rotate the vertices around a center :param angle: angle in degrees -- positive for clockwise rotation :param center: center of rotation """ angle = np.radians(angle) c,s = np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle) R = np.array([[c,-s],[s,c]]) if use_cache and self._cache is None: self.set_cache() if use_cache: locxy = self._cache[:,:2] - np.array(center) self.pts[:,:2] =,locxy.T).T + np.array(center) else: locxy = self.pts[:,:2] - np.array(center) self.pts[:,:2] =,locxy.T).T + np.array(center)
[docs] def rotate_xy(self, x:float, y:float, use_cache:bool = True): """ Rotate the vector around the rotation center and a xy point """ if self._rotation_center is None: logging.error('No rotation center defined -- set it before rotating by this routine') return self angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(-(y-self._rotation_center[1]), x-self._rotation_center[0])) if self._rotation_step is not None: angle = np.round(angle/self._rotation_step)*self._rotation_step return self.rotate(-angle, center=self._rotation_center, use_cache=use_cache)
[docs] class vectorproperties: """ Vector properties """
[docs] used:bool
[docs] color:int
[docs] width:int
[docs] style:int
[docs] alpha:int
[docs] closed=bool
[docs] filled:bool
[docs] legendvisible:bool
[docs] transparent:bool
[docs] flash:bool
[docs] legendtext:str
[docs] legendrelpos:int
[docs] legendx:float
[docs] legendy:float
[docs] legendbold:bool
[docs] legenditalic:bool
[docs] legendunderlined:bool
[docs] legendfontname=str
[docs] legendfontsize:int
[docs] legendcolor:int
[docs] extrude:bool = False
[docs] myprops:Wolf_Param = None
def __init__(self, lines:list[str]=[], parent:"vector"=None) -> None: """ Init the vector properties -- Compatibility with VB6, Fortran codes --> Modify with care :param lines: list of lines from a file :param parent: parent vector """ self.parent:vector self.parent=parent if len(lines)>0: line1=lines[0].split(',') line2=lines[1].split(',') self.color=int(line1[0]) self.width=int(line1[1])[2]) self.closed=line1[3]=='#TRUE#' self.filled=line1[4]=='#TRUE#' self.legendvisible=line1[5]=='#TRUE#' self.transparent=line1[6]=='#TRUE#' self.alpha=int(line1[7]) self.flash=line1[8]=='#TRUE#' self.legendtext=line2[0] self.legendrelpos=int(line2[1]) self.legendx=float(line2[2]) self.legendy=float(line2[3]) self.legendbold=line2[4]=='#TRUE#' self.legenditalic=line2[5]=='#TRUE#' self.legendfontname=str(line2[6]) self.legendfontsize=int(line2[7]) self.legendcolor=int(line2[8]) self.legendunderlined=line2[9]=='#TRUE#' self.used=lines[2]=='#TRUE#' else: # default values in case of new vector self.color=0 self.width=1 self.closed=False self.filled=False self.legendvisible=False self.transparent=False self.alpha=0 self.flash=False self.legendtext='' self.legendrelpos=5 self.legendx=0. self.legendy=0. self.legendbold=False self.legenditalic=False self.legendfontname='Arial' self.legendfontsize=10 self.legendcolor=0 self.legendunderlined=False self.used=True # FIXME : to be changed # if self.parent is not None: # self.closed = self.parent.closed self.init_extra()
[docs] def init_extra(self): """ Init extra properties --> not compatible with VB6, Fortran codes Useful for Python UI, OpenGL legend, etc. """ self.legendlength = 100. self.legendheight = 100. self.legendpriority = 3 self.legendorientation = 0. self.attachedimage = None self.imagevisible = False self.textureimage:genericImagetexture = None
[docs] def get_extra(self) -> list[float,float,int,float,str,bool]: """ Return extra properties """ return [self.legendlength, self.legendheight, self.legendpriority, self.legendorientation, str(self.attachedimage), self.imagevisible]
[docs] def set_extra(self, linesextra:list[float,float,int,float,str,bool] = None): """ Set extra properties """ if linesextra is None: return assert len(linesextra)>=4, 'Extra properties must be a list of [float, float, int, float, str, bool]' self.legendlength = float(linesextra[0]) self.legendheight = float(linesextra[1]) self.legendpriority = float(linesextra[2]) self.legendorientation = float(linesextra[3]) if len(linesextra)>4: self.attachedimage = Path(linesextra[4]) self.imagevisible = linesextra[5].lower() == 'true'
[docs] def load_extra(self, lines:list[str]) -> int: """ Load extra properties from lines """ nb_extra = int(lines[0]) linesextra = lines[1:1+nb_extra] self.set_extra(linesextra) return nb_extra+1
[docs] def save_extra(self, f:io.TextIOWrapper): """ Save extra properties to opened file """ extras = self.get_extra() f.write(self.parent.myname+'\n') f.write('{}\n'.format(len(extras))) for curextra in extras: f.write('{}'.format(curextra)+'\n')
[docs] def save(self, f:io.TextIOWrapper): """ Save properties to opened file Pay attention to the order of the lines and the format to be compatible with VB6, Fortran codes """ line1 = str(self.color) + ',' + str(self.width)+','+ str( added = ',#TRUE#' if self.closed else ',#FALSE#' line1+=added added = ',#TRUE#' if self.filled else ',#FALSE#' line1+=added added = ',#TRUE#' if self.legendvisible else ',#FALSE#' line1+=added added = ',#TRUE#' if self.transparent else ',#FALSE#' line1+=added line1+=','+str(self.alpha) added = ',#TRUE#' if self.flash else ',#FALSE#' line1+=added f.write(line1+'\n') line1 = self.legendtext + ',' + str(self.legendrelpos)+','+ str(self.legendx)+','+ str(self.legendy) added = ',#TRUE#' if self.legendbold else ',#FALSE#' line1+=added added = ',#TRUE#' if self.legenditalic else ',#FALSE#' line1+=added line1+= ','+self.legendfontname + ',' + str(self.legendfontsize)+ ',' + str(self.legendcolor) added = ',#TRUE#' if self.legendunderlined else ',#FALSE#' line1+=added f.write(line1+'\n') added = '#TRUE#' if self.used else '#FALSE#' f.write(added+'\n')
[docs] def load_unload_image(self): """ Load an attached image """ if self.imagevisible: if self.attachedimage is not None: if self.attachedimage.exists(): (xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax) = self.parent.get_bounds_xx_yy() self.textureimage = genericImagetexture(which = 'attachedfile', label=self.parent.myname, mapviewer= self.parent.get_mapviewer(), imageFile=self.attachedimage, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax) # self.textureimage.load(str(self.textureimage)) else: logging.warning('Image not found : {}'.format(self.attachedimage)) else: if self.textureimage is not None: self.textureimage.unload() self.textureimage = None
[docs] def fill_property(self, props:Wolf_Param = None, updateOGL:bool = True): """ Callback for the properties UI When the 'Apply' button is pressed, this function is called """ if props is None: props = self.myprops self.color = getIfromRGB(props[('Draw','Color')]) self.width = props[('Draw','Width')] = props[('Draw','Style')] old_closed = self.closed self.closed = props[('Draw','Closed')] if old_closed != self.closed: self.parent._reset_listogl() self.filled = props[('Draw','Filled')] self.transparent = props[('Draw','Transparent')] self.alpha = props[('Draw','Alpha')] self.flash = props[('Draw','Flash')] self.legendunderlined = props[('Legend','Underlined')] self.legendbold = props[('Legend','Bold')] self.legendfontname = self._convert_int2fontname(props[('Legend','Font name')]) self.legendfontsize = props[('Legend','Font size')] self.legendcolor = getIfromRGB(props[('Legend','Color')]) self.legenditalic = props[('Legend','Italic')] self.legendrelpos = props[('Legend','Relative position')] text = props[('Legend','Text')] self.legendvisible = props[('Legend','Visible')] self.legendlength = props[('Legend','Length')] self.legendheight = props[('Legend','Height')] self.legendpriority = props[('Legend','Priority')] self.legendorientation = props[('Legend','Orientation')] self.attachedimage = Path(props[('Image','Attached image')]) self.imagevisible = props[('Image','To show')] posx = props[('Move','Start X')] posy = props[('Move','Start Y')] move_step = props[('Move','Step [m]')] if posx != 99999. and posy != 99999.: self.parent._move_start = (posx,posy) else: self.parent._move_start = None if move_step != 99999.: self.parent._move_step = move_step else: self.parent._move_step = None posx = props[('Rotation','Center X')] posy = props[('Rotation','Center Y')] rot_step = props[('Rotation','Step [degree]')] if posx != 99999. and posy != 99999.: self.parent._rotation_center = (posx,posy) else: self.parent._rotation_center = None if rot_step != 99999.: self.parent._rotation_step = rot_step else: self.parent._rotation_step = None angle = props[('Rotation','Angle [degree]')] dx = props[('Move','Delta X')] dy = props[('Move','Delta Y')] if angle != 0. and (dx != 0. or dy != 0.): logging.error('Both rotation and move are selected') elif angle != 0.: if self.parent._rotation_center is not None: self.parent.rotate(angle, self.parent._rotation_center) self.parent.clear_cache() elif dx != 0. or dy != 0.: self.parent.move(dx,dy) self.parent.clear_cache() # FIXME : Must be positionned here to avoid bug during update of move and rotate # set_legend_position and set_legend_text will call update_props... It is not a good idea !! posx = props[('Legend','X')] posy = props[('Legend','Y')] self.parent.set_legend_position(posx,posy) self.parent.set_legend_text(text) self.load_unload_image() try: if updateOGL: self.parent.parentzone.prep_listogl() if self.parent.parentzone.parent is None: logging.critical('Problem with OpenGL update - parent/mapviewer is None -- Track this issue') self.parent.parentzone.parent.mapviewer.Refresh() except: logging.warning('Problem with OpenGL update - vectorproperties.fill_property') pass
[docs] def _defaultprop(self): """ Create the default properties for the vector and the associated UI """ if self.myprops is None: self.myprops=Wolf_Param(title='Vector Properties', w= 500, h= 800, to_read= False, ontop= False) self.myprops.show_in_active_if_default = True self.myprops._callbackdestroy = self.destroyprop self.myprops._callback=self.fill_property self.myprops.hide_selected_buttons() # only 'Apply' button self.myprops.addparam('Draw','Color',(0,0,0),'Color','Drawing color',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Draw','Width',1,'Integer','Drawing width',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Draw','Style',1,'Integer','Drawing style',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Draw','Closed',False,'Logical','',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Draw','Filled',False,'Logical','',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Draw','Transparent',False,'Logical','',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Draw','Alpha',0,'Integer','Transparency intensity (255 is opaque)',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Draw','Flash',False,'Logical','',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Visible',False,'Logical','',whichdict='Default') comment = _('Text for the legend \n \ if :\n \ - "Not used", the value will not be replaced\n \ - "name", the value will be the name of the vector\n \ - "first z", the value will be the z coordinate of the first vertex\n \ - "length2D", the value will be the 2D length of the vector\n \ - "length3D", the value will be the 3D length of the vector\n \ - "id", the value will be the index of the vector') self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Text','','String',comment,whichdict='Default') #1--4--7 #| | | #2--5--8 #| | | #3--6--9 jsonstr = new_json({_('Left'): 2, _('Right'):8, _('Top'):4, _('Bottom'):6, _('Center'):5, _('Top left'):1, _('Top right'):7, _('Bottom left'):3, _('Bottom right'):9}, _('Relative position of the legend')) self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Relative position',5,'Integer','',whichdict='Default', jsonstr=jsonstr) comment = _('Position of the legend \n \ if :\n \ - "Not used", the value will be the median of the coordinates of the vertices\n \ - "median", the value will be the median of the coordinates of the vertices\n \ - "mean", the value will be the mean of the coordinates of the vertices\n \ - "min", the value will be the minimum of the coordinates of the vertices\n \ - "max", the value will be the maximum of the coordinates of the vertices\n \ - "first", the value will be the coordinate of the first vertex\n \ - "last", the value will be the coordinate of the last vertex') self.myprops.addparam('Legend','X',0,Type_Param.String, comment,whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Y',0,Type_Param.String, comment,whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Bold',False,'Logical','',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Italic',False,'Logical','',whichdict='Default') jsonstr = new_json({_('Arial'): 1, _('Helvetica'):2, _('Sans Serif'):3}, _('Font name for the legend -- if not found, Arial will be used -- TTF file must be in a "fonts" directory in the same directory as the package')) self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Font name', 1 , 'Integer','',whichdict='Default', jsonstr=jsonstr) self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Font size',10,'Integer','',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Color',(0,0,0),'Color','',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Underlined',False,'Logical','',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Length',0,'Float','',whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Height',0,'Float','',whichdict='Default') jsonstr = new_json({_('Width'): 1, _('Height'):2, _('Fontsize'):3}, _('Priority will be respected during the OpenGL plot rendering')) self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Priority', 3 ,'Integer', whichdict='Default', jsonstr=jsonstr) self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Orientation',0,'Float',whichdict='Default', comment=_('In degrees')) self.myprops.addparam('Image','Attached image','',Type_Param.File, '', whichdict='Default') self.myprops.addparam('Image','To show',False,Type_Param.Logical,'',whichdict='Default')
[docs] def destroyprop(self): """ Nullify the properties UI Destroy has been called, so the UI is not visible anymore """ self.myprops=None
[docs] def show(self): """ Show the properties Firstly, set default values Then, add the current properties to the UI """ self._defaultprop() self.update_myprops() self.myprops.Layout() self.myprops.SetSizeHints(500,800) self.myprops.Show() self.myprops.SetTitle(_('Vector properties - {}'.format(self.parent.myname))) icon = wx.Icon() icon_path = Path(__file__).parent / "apps/wolf_logo2.bmp" icon.CopyFromBitmap(wx.Bitmap(str(icon_path), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) self.myprops.SetIcon(icon) self.myprops.Center() self.myprops.Raise()
[docs] def show_properties(self): """ Show the properties -- alias of show() """
[docs] def hide_properties(self): """ Hide the properties """ if self.myprops is not None: self.myprops.Hide()
[docs] def _convert_fontname2int(self, fontname:str) -> int: if fontname.lower() in 'arial.ttf': return 1 elif fontname.lower() in 'helvetica.ttf': return 2 elif fontname.lower() in 'sanserif.ttf': return 3 else: return 1
[docs] def _convert_int2fontname(self, id:int) -> str: if id == 1: return 'Arial' elif id == 2: return 'Helvetica' elif id == 3: return 'SanSerif' else: return 'Arial'
[docs] def update_myprops(self): """ Update the properties """ if self.myprops is not None: self.myprops[('Draw','Color')] = getRGBfromI(self.color) self.myprops[('Draw','Width')] = self.width self.myprops[('Draw','Style')] = self.myprops[('Draw','Closed')] = self.closed self.myprops[('Draw','Filled')] = self.filled self.myprops[('Draw','Transparent')]= self.transparent self.myprops[('Draw','Alpha')] = self.alpha self.myprops[('Draw','Flash')] = self.flash self.myprops[('Legend','Visible')] = self.legendvisible self.myprops[('Legend','Text')] = self.legendtext self.myprops[('Legend','Relative position')]=self.legendrelpos self.myprops[('Legend','X')] = str(self.legendx) self.myprops[('Legend','Y')] = str(self.legendy) self.myprops[('Legend','Bold')] = self.legendbold self.myprops[('Legend','Italic')] = self.legenditalic self.myprops[('Legend','Font name')]= self._convert_fontname2int(self.legendfontname) self.myprops[('Legend','Font size')]= self.legendfontsize self.myprops[('Legend','Color')] = getRGBfromI(self.legendcolor) self.myprops[('Legend','Underlined')]= self.legendunderlined self.myprops[('Legend','Length')] = self.legendlength self.myprops[('Legend','Height')] = self.legendheight self.myprops[('Legend','Priority')] = self.legendpriority self.myprops[('Legend','Orientation')]= self.legendorientation self.myprops[('Image','Attached image')] = str(self.attachedimage) self.myprops[('Image','To show')] = self.imagevisible if self.parent._rotation_center is not None: self.myprops[('Rotation','center X')] = self.parent._rotation_center[0] self.myprops[('Rotation','Center Y')] = self.parent._rotation_center[1] else: self.myprops[('Rotation','Center X')] = 99999. self.myprops[('Rotation','Center Y')] = 99999. if self.parent._rotation_step is not None: self.myprops[('Rotation','Step [degree]')] = self.parent._rotation_step else: self.myprops[('Rotation','Step [degree]')] = 99999. self.myprops[('Rotation', 'Angle [degree]')] = 0. if self.parent._move_start is not None: self.myprops[('Move','Start X')] = self.parent._move_start[0] self.myprops[('Move','Start Y')] = self.parent._move_start[1] else: self.myprops[('Move','Start X')] = 99999. self.myprops[('Move','Start Y')] = 99999. if self.parent._move_step is not None: self.myprops[('Move','Step [m]')] = self.parent._move_step else: self.myprops[('Move','Step [m]')] = 99999. self.myprops[('Move','Delta X')] = 0. self.myprops[('Move','Delta Y')] = 0. self.myprops.Populate()
[docs] class vector: """ Objet de gestion d'informations vectorielles Une instance 'vector' contient une liste de 'wolfvertex' """
[docs] myname:str
[docs] parentzone:"zone"
[docs] nbvertices:int
[docs] myvertices:list[wolfvertex]
[docs] myprop:vectorproperties
[docs] xmin:float
[docs] ymin:float
[docs] xmax:float
[docs] ymax:float
[docs] mytree:TreeListCtrl
[docs] myitem:TreeItemId
def __init__(self, lines:list=[], is2D=True, name='NoName', parentzone:"zone"=None, fromshapely=None, fromnumpy:np.ndarray = None) -> None: """ :param lines: utile pour lecture de fichier :param is2D: on interprète les 'vertices' comme 2D même si chaque 'wolfvertex' contient toujours x, y et z :param name: nom du vecteur :param parentzone: instance de type 'zone' qui contient le 'vector' """ self.myname='' self.is2D = is2D # Force a 2D interpretation of the vertices, even if a z coordinate is present. # self.closed=False # True if the vector is a polygon. !! The last vertex is not necessarily the same as the first one. In this case, some routines will add a virtual segment at the end. !! self.mytree = None self.parentzone:zone self.parentzone=parentzone self.xmin=-99999. self.ymin=-99999. self.xmax=-99999. self.ymax=-99999. self.mylimits = None self.textimage:Text_Image_Texture=None self.length2D=None self.length3D=None self._lengthparts2D=None self._lengthparts3D=None if type(lines)==list: if len(lines)>0: self.myname=lines[0] tmp_nbvertices=int(lines[1]) self.myvertices=[] if is2D: for i in range(tmp_nbvertices): try: curx,cury=lines[2+i].split() except: curx,cury=lines[2+i].split(',') curvert = wolfvertex(float(curx),float(cury)) self.myvertices.append(curvert) else: for i in range(tmp_nbvertices): try: curx,cury,curz=lines[2+i].split() except: curx,cury,curz=lines[2+i].split(',') curvert = wolfvertex(float(curx),float(cury),float(curz)) self.myvertices.append(curvert) self.myprop=vectorproperties(lines[tmp_nbvertices+2:],parent=self) if name!='' and self.myname=='': self.myname=name self.myvertices=[] self.myprop=vectorproperties(parent=self) self._cache_vertices = None self._move_start = None self._move_step = None self._rotation_center = None self._rotation_step = None self.linestring = None self.polygon = None # Utile surtout pour les sections en travers self.zdatum = 0. self.add_zdatum=False self.sdatum = 0. self.add_sdatum=False if fromshapely is not None: self.import_shapelyobj(fromshapely) if fromnumpy is not None: self.add_vertices_from_array(fromnumpy)
[docs] def set_legend_text(self, text:str): """ Set the legend text """ if text is _('Not used'): pass elif text == _('name'): self.myprop.legendtext = self.myname elif text == _('first z'): if self.nbvertices>0: self.myprop.legendtext = str(self.myvertices[0].z) else: self.myprop.legendtext = '' elif text == _('length2D'): self.myprop.legendtext = str(self.length2D) elif text == _('length3D'): self.myprop.legendtext = str(self.length3D) elif text == _('id'): if self.parentzone is not None: self.myprop.legendtext = str(self.parentzone.myvectors.index(self)) else: self.myprop.legendtext = '' else: self.myprop.legendtext = str(text) self.myprop.update_myprops()
[docs] def set_legend_position(self, x:str | float, y:str | float): """ Set the legend position """ if isinstance(x, str): if x == _('Not used'): pass elif x.lower() == _('median'): # valeur mediane selon x et y xy = self.xy self.myprop.legendx = np.median(xy[:,0]) elif x.lower() == _('mean'): # valeur moyenne selon x et y xy = self.xy self.myprop.legendx = np.mean(xy[:,0]) elif x.lower() == _('min'): # valeur minimale selon x et y xy = self.xy self.myprop.legendx = np.min(xy[:,0]) elif x.lower() == _('max'): # valeur maximale selon x et y xy = self.xy self.myprop.legendx = np.max(xy[:,0]) elif x.lower() == _('first'): self.myprop.legendx = self.myvertices[0].x elif x.lower() == _('last'): self.myprop.legendx = self.myvertices[-1].x else: self.myprop.legendx = float(x) elif isinstance(x, float): self.myprop.legendx = x if isinstance(y, str): if y == _('Not used'): pass elif y.lower() == _('median'): # valeur mediane selon x et y xy = self.xy self.myprop.legendy = np.median(xy[:,1]) elif y.lower() == _('mean'): # valeur moyenne selon x et y xy = self.xy self.myprop.legendy = np.mean(xy[:,1]) elif y.lower() == _('min'): # valeur minimale selon x et y xy = self.xy self.myprop.legendy = np.min(xy[:,1]) elif y.lower() == _('max'): # valeur maximale selon x et y xy = self.xy self.myprop.legendy = np.max(xy[:,1]) elif y.lower() == _('first'): self.myprop.legendy = self.myvertices[0].y elif y.lower() == _('last'): self.myprop.legendy = self.myvertices[-1].y else: self.myprop.legendy = float(y) elif isinstance(y, float): self.myprop.legendy = y self.myprop.update_myprops()
[docs] def closed(self) -> bool: return self.myprop.closed
@closed.setter def closed(self, value:bool): self.myprop.closed = value if self.myprop.myprops is not None: self.myprop.myprops.Populate()
[docs] def set_cache(self): """ Set the cache for the vertices """ self._cache_vertices = self.asnparray3d()
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ Clear the cache for the vertices """ self._cache_vertices = None
[docs] def move(self, deltax:float, deltay:float, use_cache:bool = True, inplace:bool = True): """ Move the vector :param deltax: delta x :param deltay: delta y :param use_cache: use the cache if available :param inplace: move the vector inplace or return a new vector """ if self._move_step is not None: deltax = np.round(deltax/self._move_step)*self._move_step deltay = np.round(deltay/self._move_step)*self._move_step if inplace: if use_cache and self._cache_vertices is None: self.set_cache() if use_cache: self.xy = self._cache_vertices[:,:2] + np.array([deltax, deltay]) else: for curvert in self.myvertices: curvert.x += deltax curvert.y += deltay return self else: new_vector = self.deepcopy_vector(self.myname + '_moved') new_vector.move(deltax, deltay, inplace=True) return new_vector
[docs] def rotate(self, angle:float, center:tuple[float,float]=(0.,0.), use_cache:bool = True, inplace:bool = True): """ Rotate the vector :param angle: angle in degrees :param center: center of the rotation :param use_cache: use the cache if available :param inplace: rotate the vector inplace or return a new vector """ if inplace: if use_cache and self._cache_vertices is None: self.set_cache() if use_cache: locxy = self._cache_vertices[:,:2] - np.array(center) rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(np.radians(angle)), -np.sin(np.radians(angle))], [np.sin(np.radians(angle)), np.cos(np.radians(angle))]]) self.xy =, rotation_matrix) + np.array(center) else: for curvert in self.myvertices: curvert.rotate(angle, center) return self else: new_vector = self.deepcopy_vector(self.myname + '_rotated') new_vector.rotate(angle, center, inplace=True) return new_vector
[docs] def rotate_xy(self, x:float, y:float, use_cache:bool = True, inplace:bool = True): """ Rotate the vector around the rotation center and a xy point """ if self._rotation_center is None: logging.error('No rotation center defined -- set it before rotating by this routine') return self angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(-(y-self._rotation_center[1]), x-self._rotation_center[0])) if self._rotation_step is not None: angle = np.round(angle/self._rotation_step)*self._rotation_step return self.rotate(angle, center=self._rotation_center, use_cache=use_cache, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def get_mapviewer(self): """ Retourne l'instance de la mapviewer """ if self.parentzone is not None: return self.parentzone.get_mapviewer() else: return None
[docs] def show_properties(self): """ Show the properties """ if self.myprop is not None:
[docs] def hide_properties(self): """ Hide the properties """ if self.myprop is not None: self.myprop.hide_properties()
[docs] def get_normal_segments(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the normals of each segment The normals are oriented to the left """ if self.nbvertices<2: return None xy = self.asnparray() delta = xy[1:]-xy[:-1] norm = np.sqrt(delta[:,0]**2+delta[:,1]**2) normals = np.zeros_like(delta) notnull = np.where(norm!=0) normals[notnull,0] = -delta[notnull,1]/norm[notnull] normals[notnull,1] = delta[notnull,0]/norm[notnull] return normals
[docs] def get_center_segments(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the center of each segment """ if self.nbvertices<2: return None xy = self.asnparray() centers = (xy[1:]+xy[:-1])/2. return centers
@property def nbvertices(self) -> int: return len(self.myvertices) @property
[docs] def used(self) -> bool: return self.myprop.used
@used.setter def used(self, value:bool): self.myprop.used = value
[docs] def import_shapelyobj(self, obj): """ Importation d'un objet shapely """ if isinstance(obj, LineString): xy = np.array(obj.xy).T self.is2D = xy.shape[1]==2 self.add_vertices_from_array(xy) elif isinstance(obj, Polygon): xy = np.array(obj.exterior.xy).T self.is2D = xy.shape[1]==2 self.add_vertices_from_array(xy) self.close_force() else: logging.warning(_('Object type {} not supported -- Update "import_shapelyobj"').format(type(obj)))
[docs] def get_bounds(self, grid:float = None): """ Return tuple with : - (lower-left corner), (upper-right corner) If you want [[xmin,xmax],[ymin,ymax]], use get_bounds_xx_yy() instead. """ if grid is None: return ((self.xmin, self.ymin), (self.xmax, self.ymax)) else: xmin = float(*grid) ymin = float(*grid) xmax = float(np.ceil(self.xmax/grid)*grid) ymax = float(np.ceil(self.ymax/grid)*grid) return ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax))
[docs] def get_bounds_xx_yy(self, grid:float = None): """ Return tuple with : - (xmin,xmax), (ymin, ymax) If you want [[lower-left corner],[upper-right corner]], use get_bounds() instead. """ if grid is None: return ((self.xmin, self.xmax), (self.ymin, self.ymax)) else: xmin = float(*grid) ymin = float(*grid) xmax = float(np.ceil(self.xmax/grid)*grid) ymax = float(np.ceil(self.ymax/grid)*grid) return ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax))
[docs] def get_mean_vertex(self, asshapelyPoint = False): """ Return the mean vertex """ if self.closed or (self.myvertices[0].x == self.myvertices[-1].x and self.myvertices[0].y == self.myvertices[-1].y): # if closed, we don't take the last vertex otherwise we have a double vertex x_mean = np.mean([curvert.x for curvert in self.myvertices[:-1]]) y_mean = np.mean([curvert.y for curvert in self.myvertices[:-1]]) z_mean = np.mean([curvert.z for curvert in self.myvertices[:-1]]) else: x_mean = np.mean([curvert.x for curvert in self.myvertices]) y_mean = np.mean([curvert.y for curvert in self.myvertices]) z_mean = np.mean([curvert.z for curvert in self.myvertices]) if asshapelyPoint: return Point(x_mean, y_mean, z_mean) else: return wolfvertex(x_mean, y_mean, z_mean)
[docs] def highlighting(self, rgb=(255,0,0), linewidth=3): """ Mise en évidence """ self._oldcolor = self.myprop.color self._oldwidth = self.myprop.color self.myprop.color = getIfromRGB(rgb) self.myprop.width = linewidth
[docs] def withdrawal(self): """ Mise en retrait """ try: self.myprop.color = self._oldcolor self.myprop.width = self._oldwidth except: self.myprop.color = 0 self.myprop.width = 1
[docs] def save(self,f): """ Sauvegarde sur disque """ f.write(self.myname+'\n') f.write(str(self.nbvertices)+'\n') force3D=False if self.parentzone is not None: force3D = self.parentzone.parent.force3D if self.is2D and not force3D: for curvert in self.myvertices: f.write(f'{curvert.x},{curvert.y}'+'\n') else: for curvert in self.myvertices: f.write(f'{curvert.x},{curvert.y},{curvert.z}'+'\n')
[docs] def reverse(self): """Renverse l'ordre des vertices""" self.myvertices.reverse()
[docs] def isinside(self,x,y): """Teste si la coordonnée (x,y) est dans l'objet -- en 2D""" if self.nbvertices==0: return False poly = self.asshapely_pol() inside2 = poly.contains(Point([x,y])) return inside2
[docs] def asshapely_pol(self) -> Polygon: """ Conversion des coordonnées en Polygon Shapely """ coords=self.asnparray() return Polygon(coords)
[docs] def asshapely_pol3D(self) -> Polygon: """ Conversion des coordonnées en Polygon Shapely """ coords=self.asnparray3d() return Polygon(coords)
[docs] def asshapely_ls3d(self) -> LineString: """ Conversion des coordonnées en Linestring Shapely """ coords=self.asnparray3d() return LineString(coords)
[docs] def asshapely_ls(self) -> LineString: """ Conversion des coordonnées en Linestring Shapely """ coords=self.asnparray3d() return LineString(coords)
[docs] def asshapely_mp(self) -> MultiPoint: """ Conversion des coordonnées en Multipoint Shapely """ multi=self.asnparray3d() return MultiPoint(multi)
[docs] def asnparray(self): """ Conversion des coordonnées en Numpy array -- en 2D return : np.ndarray -- shape = (nb_vert,2) """ return np.asarray(list([vert.x,vert.y] for vert in self.myvertices))
[docs] def asnparray3d(self): """ Conversion des coordonnées en Numpy array -- en 3D return : np.ndarray -- shape = (nb_vert,3) """ xyz= np.asarray(list([vert.x,vert.y,vert.z] for vert in self.myvertices)) if self.add_zdatum: xyz[:,2]+=self.zdatum return xyz
[docs] def prepare_shapely(self, prepare_shapely:bool = True): """ Conversion Linestring Shapely et rétention de l'objet afin d'éviter de multiples appel par ex. dans une boucle. :param prepare_shapely: Préparation de l'objet Shapely pour une utilisation optimisée - True par défaut - see """ self.reset_linestring() self.linestring = self.asshapely_ls() self.polygon = self.asshapely_pol() if prepare_shapely: prepare(self.linestring) prepare(self.polygon)
[docs] def projectontrace(self, trace): """ Projection du vecteur sur une trace (type 'vector') Return : Nouveau vecteur contenant les infos de position sur la trace et d'altitude (s,z) """ # trace:vector tracels:LineString tracels = trace.asshapely_ls() # conversion en linestring Shapely xyz = self.asnparray3d() # récupération des vertices en numpy array all_s = [tracels.project(Point(cur[0],cur[1])) for cur in xyz] # Projection des points sur la trace et récupération de la coordonnées curviligne # création d'un nouveau vecteur newvec = vector(name=_('Projection on ')+trace.myname) for s,(x,y,z) in zip(all_s,xyz): newvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(s,z)) return newvec
[docs] def parallel_offset(self, distance=5., side='left'): """ The distance parameter must be a positive float value. The side parameter may be ‘left’ or ‘right’. Left and right are determined by following the direction of the given geometric points of the LineString. """ if self.nbvertices<2: return None myls = self.asshapely_ls() mypar = myls.parallel_offset(distance=abs(distance),side=side,join_style=JOIN_STYLE.round) if mypar.geom_type=='MultiLineString': return None if len(mypar.coords) >0: # if side=='right': # #On souhaite garder une même orientation pour les vecteurs # mypar = substring(mypar, 1., 0., normalized=True) newvec = vector(name='par'+str(distance), parentzone=self.parentzone) for x,y in mypar.coords: xy = Point(x,y) curs = mypar.project(xy, True) curz = myls.interpolate(curs,True).z newvert = wolfvertex(x,y,curz) newvec.add_vertex(newvert) return newvec else: return None
[docs] def intersection(self, vec2:"vector" = None, eval_dist=False,norm=False, force_single=False): """ Calcul de l'intersection avec un autre vecteur Return : - le point d'intersection - la distance (optional) le long de 'self' Utilisation de Shapely """ ls1 = self.asshapely_ls() if self.linestring is None else self.linestring ls2 = vec2.asshapely_ls() if vec2.linestring is None else vec2.linestring myinter = ls1.intersection(ls2) if isinstance(myinter, MultiPoint): if force_single: myinter = myinter.geoms[0] elif isinstance(myinter, MultiLineString): if force_single: myinter = Point(myinter.geoms[0].xy[0][0],myinter.geoms[0].xy[1][0]) if myinter.is_empty: if eval_dist: return None, None else: return None if eval_dist: mydists = ls1.project(myinter,normalized=norm) return myinter,mydists else: return myinter
[docs] def reset(self): """Remise à zéro""" self.myvertices=[] self.reset_linestring()
[docs] def reset_linestring(self): """Remise à zéro de l'objet Shapely""" if self.linestring is not None: if is_prepared(self.linestring): destroy_prepared(self.linestring) self.linestring=None if self.polygon is not None: if is_prepared(self.polygon): destroy_prepared(self.polygon) self.polygon=None
[docs] def add_vertex(self,addedvert: Union[list[wolfvertex], wolfvertex]): """ Ajout d'un wolfvertex Le compteur est automatqiuement incrémenté """ if type(addedvert) is list: for curvert in addedvert: self.add_vertex(curvert) else: assert(addedvert is not None) assert isinstance(addedvert, wolfvertex) self.myvertices.append(addedvert)
[docs] def add_vertices_from_array(self, xyz:np.ndarray): """ Ajout de vertices depuis une matrice numpy -- shape = (nb_vert,2 ou 3) """ if xyz.dtype==np.int32: xyz = xyz.astype(np.float64) if xyz.shape[1]==3: for cur in xyz: self.add_vertex(wolfvertex(cur[0], cur[1], cur[2])) elif xyz.shape[1]==2: for cur in xyz: self.add_vertex(wolfvertex(cur[0], cur[1]))
[docs] def count(self): """ Retroune le nombre de vertices For compatibility with older version of the code --> use 'nbvertices' property instead Must be removed in the future """ # Nothing to do because nbvertices is a property # self.nbvertices=len(self.myvertices) return
[docs] def close_force(self): """ Force la fermeture du 'vector' Commence par vérifier si le premier point possède les mêmes coords que le dernier Si ce n'est pas le cas, on ajoute un wolfvertes self.closed -> True """ """ A polygon is closed either if - it has the `closed` attribute. - it has not the `closed` attribute, in which case there must be a repeated vertex in its vertices. """ # FIXME With this code, it is possible to have apolygon marked # as closed but without an actual closing vertex... # FIXME Wouldn't it be better to have a vector that can be # requested to become a closed or not closed one, depending # on the needs of the caller ? # First condition checks that the same vertex is not at the # beginning and end of the vector (it it was, vector would be closed) # second and third condition tests that, if begin and end vertices # are different, they also have different coordinates (this # again checks that the vector is not closed; in the case where # two vertices are not the same one but have the same coordinates) is_open = not((self.myvertices[-1] is self.myvertices[0]) or \ (self.myvertices[-1].x==self.myvertices[0].x and \ self.myvertices[-1].y==self.myvertices[0].y)) if not self.is2D : is_open = is_open or self.myvertices[-1].z!=self.myvertices[0].z if is_open: self.add_vertex(self.myvertices[0]) self.closed=True
[docs] def force_to_close(self): """ Force the vector to be closed """ self.close_force()
[docs] def _nblines(self): """ routine utile pour l'initialisation sur base de 'lines' """ return self.nbvertices+5
[docs] def verify_s_ascending(self): """ Vérifie que les points d'un vecteur sont énumérés par distances 2D croissantes Utile notamment pour le traitement d'interpolation de sections en travers afin d'éviter une triangulation non valable suite à des débords """ s,z=self.get_sz(cumul=False) correction=False where=[] for i in range(self.nbvertices-1): if s[i]>s[i+1]: #inversion si le points i est plus loin que le i+1 correction=True where.append(i+1) x=self.myvertices[i].x y=self.myvertices[i].y self.myvertices[i].x=self.myvertices[i+1].x self.myvertices[i].y=self.myvertices[i+1].y self.myvertices[i+1].x=x self.myvertices[i+1].y=y return correction,where
[docs] def find_nearest_vert(self,x,y): """ Trouve le vertex le plus proche de la coordonnée (x,y) -- en 2D """ xy=Point(x,y) mynp = self.asnparray() mp = MultiPoint(mynp) near = np.asarray(nearest_points(mp,xy)[0].coords) return self.myvertices[np.asarray(np.argwhere(mynp==near[0])[0,0])]
[docs] def insert_nearest_vert(self,x,y): """ Insertion d'un nouveau vertex au plus proche de la coordonnée (x,y) -- en 2D """ xy=Point(x,y) mynp = self.asnparray() mp = MultiPoint(mynp) ls = LineString(mynp) nearmp = nearest_points(mp,xy) #point le plus proche sur base du nuage nearls = nearest_points(ls,xy) #point le plus proche sur base de la ligne smp = ls.project(nearmp[0]) #distance le long de la ligne du sommet le plus proche sls = ls.project(nearls[0]) #distance le long de la ligne du point le plus proche au sens géométrique (perpendiculaire au segment) indexmp= np.argwhere(mynp==np.asarray([nearmp[0].x, nearmp[0].y]))[0,0] #index du vertex if indexmp==0 and self.closed: #le vecteur est fermé #il faut donc chercher à savoir si le point est après le premier point ou avant le dernier (qui possèdent les mêmes coords) if sls<=ls.length and sls >=ls.project(Point([self.myvertices[-2].x,self.myvertices[-2].y])): smp=ls.length indexmp=self.nbvertices-1 else: indexmp=1 else: if sls >= smp: #le point projeté sur la droite est au-delà du vertex le plus proche #on ajoute donc le point après indexmp+=1 myvert=wolfvertex(x,y) self.myvertices.insert(indexmp,myvert) return self.myvertices[indexmp]
[docs] def find_minmax(self, only_firstlast:bool=False): """ Recherche l'extension spatiale du vecteur :param only_firstlast: si True, on ne recherche que les coordonnées du premier et du dernier vertex """ if self.nbvertices > 0: if only_firstlast: self.xmin=min(self.myvertices[0].x, self.myvertices[-1].x) self.ymin=min(self.myvertices[0].y, self.myvertices[-1].y) self.xmax=max(self.myvertices[0].x, self.myvertices[-1].x) self.ymax=max(self.myvertices[0].y, self.myvertices[-1].y) else: self.xmin=min(vert.x for vert in self.myvertices) self.ymin=min(vert.y for vert in self.myvertices) self.xmax=max(vert.x for vert in self.myvertices) self.ymax=max(vert.y for vert in self.myvertices) else: self.xmin=-99999. self.ymin=-99999. self.xmax=-99999. self.ymax=-99999.
[docs] def has_interior(self): """ Return True if the vector has an interior """ not_in_use = [curvert for curvert in self.myvertices if not curvert.in_use] return len(not_in_use) > 0
[docs] def get_subpolygons(self) -> list[list[wolfvertex]]: """ Return a list of polygons from the vector If the vector has no interior, the list contains the whole vector as a polygon """ if self.nbvertices == 0: return [] if self.myprop.filled: if self.myprop.closed and (self.myvertices[0].x != self.myvertices[-1].x or self.myvertices[0].y != self.myvertices[-1].y): return [self.myvertices + [self.myvertices[0]]] else: return [self.myvertices] else: if self.has_interior: # not_in_use = [curvert for curvert in self.myvertices if not curvert.in_use] alls = [] new_poly = [] alls.append(new_poly) for curvert in self.myvertices: if curvert.in_use: new_poly.append(curvert) else: new_poly = [] alls.append(new_poly) new_poly.append(curvert) if self.myprop.closed and (self.myvertices[0].x != self.myvertices[-1].x or self.myvertices[0].y != self.myvertices[-1].y): alls[0].append(self.myvertices[0]) return alls else: if self.myprop.closed and (self.myvertices[0].x != self.myvertices[-1].x or self.myvertices[0].y != self.myvertices[-1].y): return [self.myvertices + [self.myvertices[0]]] else: return [self.myvertices]
[docs] def plot(self, sx=None, sy=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, size=None): """ Plot OpenGL """ if self.myprop.used: if self.myprop.filled: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_FILL) else: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINE) rgb=getRGBfromI(self.myprop.color) if self.myprop.transparent: glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) # glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) else: glDisable(GL_BLEND) glLineWidth(float(self.myprop.width)) #glPointSize(float(self.myprop.width)) if self.myprop.transparent: glColor4ub(int(rgb[0]),int(rgb[1]),int(rgb[2]),int(self.myprop.alpha)) else: glColor3ub(int(rgb[0]),int(rgb[1]),int(rgb[2])) if self.myprop.filled: ls = self.asshapely_pol() if False: #FIXME : Shapely have not constrained Delaunay triangulation -- using Delaunay from Wolf Fortran instead ls = ls.segmentize(.1) delaunay = delaunay_triangles(ls) for curpol in delaunay.geoms: if ls.contains(curpol.centroid): glBegin(GL_POLYGON) for curvert in curpol.exterior.coords: glVertex2d(curvert[0],curvert[1]) glEnd() else: logging.debug(_('Polygon not in Polygon')) else: #En attendant de lier WOLF-Fortran, on utilise la triangulation contrainte de la librairie Triangle -- xx, yy = ls.exterior.xy # On translate les coordonnées pour éviter les erreurs de triangulation tr_x = np.array(xx).min() tr_y = np.array(yy).min() xx = np.array(xx)-tr_x yy = np.array(yy)-tr_y geom = {'vertices' : [[x,y] for x,y in zip(xx[:-1],yy[:-1])], 'segments' : [[i,i+1] for i in range(len(xx)-2)]+[[len(xx)-2,0]]} try: delaunay = triangle.triangulate(geom, 'p') for curtri in delaunay['triangles']: glBegin(GL_POLYGON) for i in range(3): # on retraduit les coordonnées pour revenir dans le monde réel glVertex2d(delaunay['vertices'][curtri[i]][0] + tr_x, delaunay['vertices'][curtri[i]][1] + tr_y) glEnd() except: pass else: all_polys = self.get_subpolygons() for curpoly in all_polys: glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP) for curvertex in curpoly: glVertex2d(curvertex.x, curvertex.y) glEnd() glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINE) glDisable(GL_BLEND) glLineWidth(1.0)
[docs] def plot_legend(self, sx=None, sy=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, size=None): """ Plot OpenGL Legend is an image texture """ if self.get_mapviewer() is None: logging.warning(_('No mapviewer available for legend plot')) return if self.myprop.legendvisible and self.myprop.used: self.textimage = Text_Image_Texture(self.myprop.legendtext, self.get_mapviewer(), # mapviewer de l'instance Zones qui contient le vecteur self._get_textfont(), self, self.myprop.legendx, self.myprop.legendy) self.textimage.paint() else: self.textimage = None
[docs] def plot_image(self, sx=None, sy=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, size=None): """ plot attached images """ if self.get_mapviewer() is None: logging.warning(_('No mapviewer available for image plot')) return if self.myprop.imagevisible and self.myprop.used: if self.myprop.textureimage is None: self.myprop.load_unload_image() if self.myprop.textureimage is not None: self.myprop.textureimage.paint() else: logging.warning(_('No image texture available for plot'))
[docs] def _get_textfont(self): """ Retunr a 'Text_Infos' instance for the legend """ r,g,b = getRGBfromI(self.myprop.legendcolor) tinfos = Text_Infos(self.myprop.legendpriority, (np.cos(self.myprop.legendorientation/180*np.pi), np.sin(self.myprop.legendorientation/180*np.pi)), self.myprop.legendfontname, self.myprop.legendfontsize, colour=(r,g,b,255), dimsreal=(self.myprop.legendlength, self.myprop.legendheight), relative_position=self.myprop.legendrelpos) return tinfos
[docs] def add2tree(self, tree:TreeListCtrl, root): """ Ajout de l'objte à un TreeListCtrl wx """ self.mytree=tree self.myitem=tree.AppendItem(root, self.myname,data=self) if self.myprop.used: tree.CheckItem(self.myitem)
[docs] def unuse(self): """ L'objet n'est plus à utiliser """ self.myprop.used=False if self.mytree is not None: self.mytree.UncheckItem(self.myitem) self._reset_listogl()
[docs] def use(self): """ L'objet n'est plus à utiliser """ self.myprop.used=True if self.mytree is not None: self.mytree.CheckItem(self.myitem) self._reset_listogl()
[docs] def fillgrid(self, gridto:CpGrid): """ Remplissage d'un CpGrid """ curv:wolfvertex gridto.SetColLabelValue(0,'X') gridto.SetColLabelValue(1,'Y') gridto.SetColLabelValue(2,'Z') gridto.SetColLabelValue(3,'value') gridto.SetColLabelValue(4,'s curvi') gridto.SetColLabelValue(5,'in use') nb=gridto.GetNumberRows() if len(self.myvertices)-nb>0: gridto.AppendRows(len(self.myvertices)-nb) k=0 for curv in self.myvertices: gridto.SetCellValue(k,0,str(curv.x)) gridto.SetCellValue(k,1,str(curv.y)) gridto.SetCellValue(k,2,str(curv.z)) gridto.SetCellValue(k,5,'1' if curv.in_use else '0') k+=1
[docs] def updatefromgrid(self,gridfrom:CpGrid): """ Mise à jour depuis un CpGrid """ curv:wolfvertex nbl=gridfrom.GetNumberRows() k=0 while k<nbl: x=gridfrom.GetCellValue(k,0) y=gridfrom.GetCellValue(k,1) z=gridfrom.GetCellValue(k,2) inuse = gridfrom.GetCellValue(k,5) if z=='': z=0. if x!='': if k<self.nbvertices: self.myvertices[k].x=float(x) self.myvertices[k].y=float(y) self.myvertices[k].z=float(z) self.myvertices[k].in_use = inuse=='1' else: newvert=wolfvertex(float(x),float(y),float(z)) self.add_vertex(newvert) k+=1 else: break while k<self.nbvertices: self.myvertices.pop(k) if self.linestring is not None or self.polygon is not None: self.prepare_shapely() self._reset_listogl()
[docs] def get_s2d(self) -> np.ndarray: """ calcul et retour des positions curvilignes 2D """ s2d=np.zeros(self.nbvertices) for k in range(1,self.nbvertices): s2d[k]=s2d[k-1]+self.myvertices[k-1].dist2D(self.myvertices[k]) return s2d
[docs] def get_s3d(self) -> np.ndarray: """ calcul et retour des positions curvilignes 3D """ s3d=np.zeros(self.nbvertices) for k in range(1,self.nbvertices): s3d[k]=s3d[k-1]+self.myvertices[k-1].dist3D(self.myvertices[k]) return s3d
[docs] def get_sz(self, cumul=True): """ Calcule et retourne la distance horizontale cumulée ou non de chaque point vis-à-vis du premier point Utile pour le tracé de sections en travers ou des vérifications de position :param cumul: si True, retourne la distance cumulée 2D. si False, retourne la distance 2D entre chaque point et le premier. """ z = np.asarray([self.myvertices[i].z for i in range(self.nbvertices)]) nb = len(z) s = np.zeros(nb) if cumul: x1 = self.myvertices[0].x y1 = self.myvertices[0].y for i in range(nb-1): x2 = self.myvertices[i+1].x y2 = self.myvertices[i+1].y length = np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2.+(y2-y1)**2.) s[i+1] = s[i]+length x1=x2 y1=y2 else: for i in range(nb): s[i] = self.myvertices[0].dist2D(self.myvertices[i]) return s,z
[docs] def update_lengths(self): """ Mise à jour de la longueur - en 2D - en 3D Retient également les longueurs de chaque segment """ if self.nbvertices < 2: logging.warning(_('No enough vertices in vector to compute lenghts')) return self._lengthparts2D=np.zeros(self.nbvertices-1) self._lengthparts3D=np.zeros(self.nbvertices-1) for k in range(self.nbvertices-1): self._lengthparts2D[k] = self.myvertices[k].dist2D(self.myvertices[k+1]) self._lengthparts3D[k] = self.myvertices[k].dist3D(self.myvertices[k+1]) if self.closed and self.myvertices[0]!=self.myvertices[-1]: self._lengthparts2D[-1] = self.myvertices[-2].dist2D(self.myvertices[-1]) self._lengthparts3D[-1] = self.myvertices[-2].dist3D(self.myvertices[-1]) self.length2D = np.sum(self._lengthparts2D) self.length3D = np.sum(self._lengthparts3D)
[docs] def get_segment(self, s, is3D, adim=True,frombegin=True): """ Retrouve le segment associé aux paramètres passés """ if is3D: length = self.length3D lengthparts = self._lengthparts3D else: length = self.length2D lengthparts = self._lengthparts2D if length is None: self.update_lengths() if is3D: length = self.length3D lengthparts = self._lengthparts3D else: length = self.length2D lengthparts = self._lengthparts2D cums = np.cumsum(lengthparts) if adim: cums = cums.copy()/length cums[-1]=1. lengthparts = lengthparts.copy()/length if s>1.: s=1. if s<0.: s=0. else: if s>length: s=length if s<0.: s=0. if frombegin: k=0 while s>cums[k]: k+=1 else: k=self.nbvertices-2 if k>0: while s<cums[k] and k>0: k-=1 if (k==0 and s<cums[0]) or s==cums[self.nbvertices-2]: pass else: k+=1 if k==len(cums): k-=1 return k,cums[k],lengthparts
[docs] def _refine2D(self, ds): """ Raffine un vecteur selon un pas 'ds' Return : Liste Python avec des Point Shapely """ myls = self.asshapely_ls() length = myls.length nb = int(np.ceil(length/ds))+1 if length<1: length*=1000. alls = np.linspace(0, length, nb) alls/=1000. else: alls = np.linspace(0, length, nb, endpoint=True) pts = [myls.interpolate(curs) for curs in alls] # pts = [(curpt.x, curpt.y) for curpt in pts] return pts
[docs] def split(self,ds, new=True): """ Création d'un nouveau vecteur sur base du découpage d'un autre et d'un pas spatial à respecter Le nouveau vecteur contient tous les points de l'ancien et des nouveaux sur base d'un découpage 3D :param ds: pas spatial :param new: si True, le vecteur est ajouté à la zone parente """ newvec = vector(name=self.myname+'_split',parentzone=self.parentzone) self.update_lengths() locds = ds/self.length3D dist3d = np.concatenate([np.arange(0.,1.,locds),np.cumsum(self._lengthparts3D)/self.length3D]) dist3d = np.unique(dist3d) for curs in dist3d: newvec.add_vertex(self.interpolate(curs,is3D=True,adim=True)) if new: curzone:zone curzone=self.parentzone if curzone is not None: curzone.add_vector(newvec) curzone._fill_structure() else: self.myvertices = newvec.myvertices self.update_lengths()
[docs] def interpolate(self,s,is3D=True,adim=True,frombegin=True) -> wolfvertex: """ Interpolation linéaire à une abscisse curviligne 's' donnée Calcul par défaut : - en 3D - en adimensionnel """ k,cums,lengthparts=self.get_segment(s,is3D,adim,frombegin) pond = (cums-s)/lengthparts[k] return wolfvertex(self.myvertices[k].x*pond+self.myvertices[k+1].x*(1.-pond), self.myvertices[k].y*pond+self.myvertices[k+1].y*(1.-pond), self.myvertices[k].z*pond+self.myvertices[k+1].z*(1.-pond))
[docs] def substring(self,s1,s2,is3D=True,adim=True,eps=1.e-2): """ Récupération d'une fraction de vector entre 's1' et 's2' Nom similaire à la même opération dans Shapely mais qui ne gère, elle, que le 2D """ if s1==s2: s2+=eps k1,cums1,lengthparts1=self.get_segment(s1,is3D,adim,True) k2,cums2,lengthparts2=self.get_segment(s2,is3D,adim,False) pond1 = max((cums1-s1)/lengthparts1[k1],0.) pond2 = min((cums2-s2)/lengthparts2[k2],1.) v1= wolfvertex(self.myvertices[k1].x*pond1+self.myvertices[k1+1].x*(1.-pond1), self.myvertices[k1].y*pond1+self.myvertices[k1+1].y*(1.-pond1), self.myvertices[k1].z*pond1+self.myvertices[k1+1].z*(1.-pond1)) v2= wolfvertex(self.myvertices[k2].x*pond2+self.myvertices[k2+1].x*(1.-pond2), self.myvertices[k2].y*pond2+self.myvertices[k2+1].y*(1.-pond2), self.myvertices[k2].z*pond2+self.myvertices[k2+1].z*(1.-pond2)) newvec = vector(name='substr') newvec.add_vertex(v1) if s1<=s2: if is3D: for k in range(k1+1,k2+1): if self.myvertices[k].dist3D(newvec.myvertices[-1])!=0.: newvec.add_vertex(self.myvertices[k]) else: for k in range(k1+1,k2+1): if self.myvertices[k].dist2D(newvec.myvertices[-1])!=0.: newvec.add_vertex(self.myvertices[k]) else: if is3D: for k in range(k1+1,k2+1,-1): if self.myvertices[k].dist3D(newvec.myvertices[-1])!=0.: newvec.add_vertex(self.myvertices[k]) else: for k in range(k1+1,k2+1,-1): if self.myvertices[k].dist2D(newvec.myvertices[-1])!=0.: newvec.add_vertex(self.myvertices[k]) if [v2.x,v2.y,v2.z] != [newvec.myvertices[-1].x,newvec.myvertices[-1].y,newvec.myvertices[-1].z]: newvec.add_vertex(v2) # if newvec.nbvertices==0: # a=1 # if newvec.nbvertices==1: # a=1 # newvec.update_lengths() # if np.min(newvec._lengthparts2D)==0.: # a=1 return newvec
[docs] def get_values_linked_polygon(self, linked_arrays:list, getxy=False) -> dict: """ Retourne les valeurs contenue dans le polygone linked_arrays : liste Python d'objet matriciels WolfArray (ou surcharge) """ vals={} for curarray in linked_arrays: if curarray.plotted: vals[curarray.idx] = curarray.get_values_insidepoly(self, getxy=getxy) else: vals[curarray.idx] = None return vals
[docs] def get_all_values_linked_polygon(self, linked_arrays, getxy=False) -> dict: """ Retourne toutes les valeurs contenue dans le polygone --> utile au moins pour les résultats WOLF2D linked_arrays : liste Python d'objet matriciels WolfArray (ou surcharge) """ vals={} for curarray in linked_arrays: if curarray.plotted: vals[curarray.idx] = curarray.get_all_values_insidepoly(self, getxy=getxy) else: vals[curarray.idx] = None return vals
[docs] def get_all_values_linked_polyline(self,linked_arrays, getxy=True) -> dict: """ Retourne toutes les valeurs sous la polyligne --> utile au moins pour les résultats WOLF2D linked_arrays : liste Python d'objet matriciels WolfArray (ou surcharge) """ vals={} for curarray in linked_arrays: if curarray.plotted: vals[curarray.idx], xy = curarray.get_all_values_underpoly(self, getxy=getxy) else: vals[curarray.idx] = None return vals
[docs] def get_values_on_vertices(self,curarray): """ Récupération des valeurs sous les vertices et stockage dans la coordonnée 'z' """ if not curarray.plotted: return for curpt in self.myvertices: curpt.z = curarray.get_value(curpt.x,curpt.y)
[docs] def get_values_linked(self, linked_arrays:dict, refine=True, filter_null = False): """ Récupération des valeurs dans les matrices liées sous les vertices et stockage dans la coordonnée 'z' Possibilité de raffiner la discrétisation pour obtenir au moins une valeur par maille """ exit=True for curlabel, curarray in linked_arrays.items(): if curarray.plotted: # at least one plotted array exit=False if exit: return if refine: myzone=zone(name='linked_arrays - fine step') for curlabel, curarray in linked_arrays.items(): if curarray.plotted: myvec=vector(name=curlabel,parentzone=myzone) myzone.add_vector(myvec) ds = curarray.get_dxdy_min() pts = self._refine2D(ds) allz = [curarray.get_value(curpt.x, curpt.y, nullvalue=-99999) for curpt in pts] if filter_null: for curpt,curz in zip(pts,allz): if curz!=-99999: myvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(curpt.x,curpt.y,curz)) else: for curpt,curz in zip(pts,allz): myvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(curpt.x,curpt.y,curz)) else: myzone=zone(name='linked_arrays') for curlabel, curarray in linked_arrays.items(): if curarray.plotted: myvec=vector(name=curlabel,parentzone=myzone) myzone.add_vector(myvec) if filter_null: for curpt in self.myvertices: locval = curarray.get_value(curpt.x, curpt.y, nullvalue=-99999) if locval !=-99999: myvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(curpt.x, curpt.y, locval)) else: for curpt in self.myvertices: locval = curarray.get_value(curpt.x, curpt.y, nullvalue=-99999) myvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(curpt.x, curpt.y, locval)) return myzone
[docs] def plot_linked(self, fig, ax, linked_arrays:dict): """ Graphique Matplolib de valeurs dans les matrices liées """ # from .wolf_array import WolfArray # from .wolfresults_2D import Wolfresults_2D colors=['red','blue','green'] exit=True for curlabel, curarray in linked_arrays.items(): if curarray.plotted: exit=False if exit: return k=0 myls = self.asshapely_ls() length = myls.length tol=length/10. ax.set_xlim(0-tol,length+tol) zmin=99999. zmax=-99999. nullvalue = -99999 for curlabel, curarray in linked_arrays.items(): if curarray.plotted: ds = curarray.get_dxdy_min() nb = int(np.ceil(length/ds*2)) alls = np.linspace(0,int(length),nb) pts = [myls.interpolate(curs) for curs in alls] allz = np.asarray([curarray.get_value(curpt.x,curpt.y, nullvalue= nullvalue) for curpt in pts]) zmaxloc=np.max(allz[allz!=nullvalue]) zminloc=np.min(allz[allz!=nullvalue]) zmax=max(zmax,zmaxloc) zmin=min(zmin,zminloc) if np.max(allz)>nullvalue: # select parts if nullvalue in allz: # find all parts separated by nullvalue nulls = np.argwhere(allz==nullvalue) nulls = np.insert(nulls,0,-1) nulls = np.append(nulls,len(allz)) addlabel = True for i in range(len(nulls)-1): if nulls[i+1]-nulls[i]>1: ax.plot(alls[nulls[i]+1:nulls[i+1]],allz[nulls[i]+1:nulls[i+1]], color=colors[np.mod(k,3)], lw=2.0, label=curlabel if addlabel else None) addlabel = False else: ax.plot(alls,allz, color=colors[np.mod(k,3)], lw=2.0, label=curlabel) k+=1 ax.set_ylim(zmin,zmax) ax.legend() ax.grid() fig.canvas.draw() return fig,ax
[docs] def plot_linked_wx(self, fig:MplFig, linked_arrays:dict): """ Graphique Matplolib de valeurs dans les matrices liées. Version pour wxPython """ colors=['red','blue','green'] exit=True for curlabel, curarray in linked_arrays.items(): if curarray.plotted: exit=False if exit: return k=0 myls = self.asshapely_ls() length = myls.length tol=length/10. fig.cur_ax.set_xlim(0-tol,length+tol) zmin=99999. zmax=-99999. nullvalue = -99999 for curlabel, curarray in linked_arrays.items(): if curarray.plotted: ds = curarray.get_dxdy_min() nb = int(np.ceil(length/ds*2)) alls = np.linspace(0,int(length),nb) pts = [myls.interpolate(curs) for curs in alls] allz = np.asarray([curarray.get_value(curpt.x,curpt.y, nullvalue= nullvalue) for curpt in pts]) zmaxloc=np.max(allz[allz!=nullvalue]) zminloc=np.min(allz[allz!=nullvalue]) zmax=max(zmax,zmaxloc) zmin=min(zmin,zminloc) if np.max(allz)>nullvalue: # select parts if nullvalue in allz: # find all parts separated by nullvalue nulls = np.argwhere(allz==nullvalue) nulls = np.insert(nulls,0,-1) nulls = np.append(nulls,len(allz)) addlabel = True for i in range(len(nulls)-1): if nulls[i+1]-nulls[i]>1: fig.plot(alls[nulls[i]+1:nulls[i+1]],allz[nulls[i]+1:nulls[i+1]], color=colors[np.mod(k,3)], lw=2.0, label=curlabel if addlabel else None) addlabel = False else: fig.plot(alls,allz, color=colors[np.mod(k,3)], lw=2.0, label=curlabel) k+=1 fig.cur_ax.set_ylim(zmin,zmax) fig.cur_ax.legend() fig.cur_ax.grid() return fig
[docs] def plot_mpl(self,show=False,forceaspect=True,fig:Figure=None,ax:Axes=None,labels:dict={}): """ Graphique Matplolib du vecteur """ x,y=self.get_sz() xmin=x[0] xmax=x[-1] ymin=np.min(y) ymax=np.max(y) if ax is None: redraw=False fig = plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) else: redraw=True ax.cla() if 'title' in labels.keys(): ax.set_title(labels['title']) if 'xlabel' in labels.keys(): ax.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) if 'ylabel' in labels.keys(): ax.set_ylabel(labels['ylabel']) if ymax>-99999.: dy=ymax-ymin ymin-=dy/4. ymax+=dy/4. ax.plot(x,y,color='black', lw=2.0, label=self.myname) ax.legend() tol=(xmax-xmin)/10. ax.set_xlim(xmin-tol,xmax+tol) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) if forceaspect: aspect=1.0*(ymax-ymin)/(xmax-xmin)*(ax.get_xlim()[1] - ax.get_xlim()[0]) / (ax.get_ylim()[1] - ax.get_ylim()[0]) ax.set_aspect(aspect) if show: if redraw: fig.canvas.draw() return fig,ax
[docs] def deepcopy_vector(self, name: str = None, parentzone = None) -> 'vector': """ Return a deep copy of the vector. """ if name is None: name = self.myname + "_copy" if parentzone is not None: copied_vector = vector(name=name,parentzone=parentzone) else: copied_vector = vector(name=name) copied_vector.myvertices = copy.deepcopy(self.myvertices) return copied_vector
[docs] def deepcopy(self, name: str = None, parentzone = None) -> 'vector': """ Return a deep copy of the vector. """ return self.deepcopy_vector(name, parentzone)
[docs] def set_legend_to_centroid(self, text:str='', visible:bool=True): """ Positionne la légende au centre du vecteur """ self.myprop.legendvisible = visible ls = self.asshapely_pol() centroid = ls.centroid self.myprop.legendx = centroid.x self.myprop.legendy = centroid.y self.myprop.legendtext = text if text else self.myname
[docs] def set_z(self, new_z:np.ndarray): """ Set the z values of the vertices """ self.z = new_z
[docs] def z(self): z = np.asarray([curvert.z for curvert in self.myvertices]) if self.add_zdatum: z+=self.zdatum return z
[docs] def x(self): return np.asarray([curvert.x for curvert in self.myvertices])
[docs] def y(self): return np.asarray([curvert.y for curvert in self.myvertices])
[docs] def xy(self): return np.asarray([[curvert.x, curvert.y] for curvert in self.myvertices])
[docs] def xz(self): return np.asarray([[curvert.x, curvert.z] for curvert in self.myvertices])
[docs] def xyz(self): return self.asnparray3d()
[docs] def i(self): return np.asarray([curvert.in_use for curvert in self.myvertices])
[docs] def xyzi(self): x = self.x y = self.y z = self.z i = self.i return np.column_stack((x,y,z,i))
[docs] def xyi(self): return np.asarray([[curvert.x, curvert.y, curvert.in_use] for curvert in self.myvertices])
[docs] def sz_curvi(self): return self.get_sz()
[docs] def s_curvi(self): sz = self.get_sz() return sz[0]
@x.setter def x(self, new_x:np.ndarray | list): """ Set the x values of the vertices """ if isinstance(new_x, list): new_x = np.array(new_x) if len(new_x) != self.nbvertices: logging.warning(_('New x values have not the same length as the number of vertices')) return for curvert, newx in zip(self.myvertices, new_x): curvert.x = newx self._reset_listogl() @y.setter def y(self, new_y:np.ndarray | list): """ Set the y values of the vertices """ if isinstance(new_y, list): new_y = np.array(new_y) if len(new_y) != self.nbvertices: logging.warning(_('New y values have not the same length as the number of vertices')) return for curvert, newy in zip(self.myvertices, new_y): curvert.y = newy self._reset_listogl() @z.setter def z(self, new_z:np.ndarray | float | list): """ Set the z values of the vertices """ if isinstance(new_z, (int, float)): new_z = np.full(self.nbvertices, new_z, dtype=float) if isinstance(new_z, list): new_z = np.array(new_z) if len(new_z) != self.nbvertices: logging.warning(_('New z values have not the same length as the number of vertices')) return if self.add_zdatum: for curvert, newz in zip(self.myvertices, new_z): curvert.z = newz - self.zdatum else: for curvert, newz in zip(self.myvertices, new_z): curvert.z = newz self._reset_listogl() @xyz.setter def xyz(self, new_xyz:np.ndarray | list): """ Set the x, y, z values of the vertices """ if isinstance(new_xyz, list): new_xyz = np.array(new_xyz) if len(new_xyz) != self.nbvertices: logging.warning(_('New xyz values have not the same length as the number of vertices')) return if self.add_zdatum: for curvert, newxyz in zip(self.myvertices, new_xyz): curvert.x = newxyz[0] curvert.y = newxyz[1] curvert.z = newxyz[2] - self.zdatum else: for curvert, newxyz in zip(self.myvertices, new_xyz): curvert.x = newxyz[0] curvert.y = newxyz[1] curvert.z = newxyz[2] self._reset_listogl() @xy.setter def xy(self, new_xy:np.ndarray | list): """ Set the x, y values of the vertices """ if isinstance(new_xy, list): new_xy = np.array(new_xy) if len(new_xy) != self.nbvertices: logging.warning(_('New xy values have not the same length as the number of vertices')) return for curvert, newxy in zip(self.myvertices, new_xy): curvert.x = newxy[0] curvert.y = newxy[1] self._reset_listogl() @xz.setter def xz(self, new_xz:np.ndarray | list): """ Set the x, z values of the vertices """ if isinstance(new_xz, list): new_xz = np.array(new_xz) if len(new_xz) != self.nbvertices: logging.warning(_('New xz values have not the same length as the number of vertices')) return if self.add_zdatum: for curvert, newxz in zip(self.myvertices, new_xz): curvert.x = newxz[0] curvert.z = newxz[1] - self.zdatum else: for curvert, newxz in zip(self.myvertices, new_xz): curvert.x = newxz[0] curvert.z = newxz[1] self._reset_listogl() @xyzi.setter def xyzi(self, new_xyzi:np.ndarray | list): """ Set the x, y, z, in_use values of the vertices """ if isinstance(new_xyzi, list): new_xyzi = np.array(new_xyzi) if len(new_xyzi) != self.nbvertices: logging.warning(_('New xyzi values have not the same length as the number of vertices')) return for curvert, newxyzi in zip(self.myvertices, new_xyzi): curvert.x = newxyzi[0] curvert.y = newxyzi[1] curvert.z = newxyzi[2] - self.zdatum if self.add_zdatum else newxyzi[2] curvert.in_use = newxyzi[3] self._reset_listogl() @xyi.setter def xyi(self, new_xyi:np.ndarray | list): """ Set the x, y, in_use values of the vertices """ if isinstance(new_xyi, list): new_xyi = np.array(new_xyi) if len(new_xyi) != self.nbvertices: logging.warning(_('New xyi values have not the same length as the number of vertices')) return for curvert, newxyi in zip(self.myvertices, new_xyi): curvert.x = newxyi[0] curvert.y = newxyi[1] curvert.in_use = newxyi[2] self._reset_listogl() @i.setter def i(self, new_i:np.ndarray | list): """ Set the in_use values of the vertices """ if isinstance(new_i, list): new_i = np.array(new_i) if len(new_i) != self.nbvertices: logging.warning(_('New i values have not the same length as the number of vertices')) return for curvert, newi in zip(self.myvertices, new_i): curvert.in_use = newi self._reset_listogl() def __str__(self): return self.myname def __len__(self): return self.nbvertices def __iter__(self) -> wolfvertex: return iter(self.myvertices) def __getitem__(self, ndx:int) -> wolfvertex: """ Permet de retrouver un vertex sur base de son index """ if ndx>=0 and ndx < self.nbvertices: return self.myvertices[ndx] else: logging.warning(_('Index out of range')) def __setitem__(self, ndx:int, value:wolfvertex): """ Permet de modifier un vertex sur base de son index """ if ndx>=0 and ndx < self.nbvertices: self.myvertices[ndx] = value self._reset_listogl() else: logging.warning(_('Index out of range')) def __delitem__(self, ndx:int): """ Permet de supprimer un vertex sur base de son index """ if ndx>=0 and ndx < self.nbvertices: self.myvertices.pop(ndx) self._reset_listogl() else: logging.warning(_('Index out of range'))
[docs] def append(self, other:"vector", merge_type:Literal['link', 'copy']='link'): """ Append a vector to the current one """ if merge_type == 'link': self.myvertices.extend(other.myvertices) elif merge_type == 'copy': self.myvertices.extend(other.myvertices.copy()) else: logging.warning(_('Merge type not supported')) self.update_lengths() self._reset_listogl()
[docs] def cut(self, s:float, is3D:bool=True, adim:bool=True, frombegin:bool=True): """ cut a vector at a given curvilinear abscissa """ newvec = vector(name=self.myname+'_cut', parentzone=self.parentzone) self.parentzone.add_vector(newvec, update_struct=True) k,cums,lengthparts=self.get_segment(s,is3D,adim,frombegin) if frombegin: newvec.myvertices = self.myvertices[:k+1] self.myvertices = self.myvertices[k:] else: newvec.myvertices = self.myvertices[k:] self.myvertices = self.myvertices[:k+1] self.update_lengths() newvec.update_lengths() self._reset_listogl() return newvec
[docs] def _reset_listogl(self): """ Reset the list of OpenGL display """ if self.parentzone is not None: self.parentzone.reset_listogl()
[docs] def select_points_inside(self, xy:cloud_vertices | np.ndarray): """ Select the points inside a polygon :param xy: cloud_vertices or np.ndarray with x,y coordinates :return: list of boolean """ self.prepare_shapely() if isinstance(xy, cloud_vertices): xy = xy.get_xyz()[:,0:2] inside = [self.polygon.contains(Point(curxy)) for curxy in xy] return inside
[docs] def split_cloud(self, cloud_to_split:cloud_vertices): """ Split a cloud of vertices on the vector """ inside = self.select_points_inside(cloud_to_split) cloud_inside = cloud_vertices(idx = 'inside_'+cloud_to_split.idx) cloud_outside = cloud_vertices(idx = 'outside_'+cloud_to_split.idx) vertices = cloud_to_split.get_vertices() for idx, (locinside, curvert) in enumerate(zip(inside, vertices)): if locinside: cloud_inside.add_vertex(curvert) else: cloud_outside.add_vertex(curvert) return cloud_inside, cloud_outside
[docs] def check_if_closed(self) -> bool: """ Check if the vector is closed """ return not self.check_if_open()
[docs] def check_if_open(self) -> bool: """ Check if the vector is open """ is_open = not((self.myvertices[-1] is self.myvertices[0]) or \ (self.myvertices[-1].x==self.myvertices[0].x and \ self.myvertices[-1].y==self.myvertices[0].y)) if not self.is2D : is_open = is_open or self.myvertices[-1].z!=self.myvertices[0].z self.closed = not is_open return is_open
[docs] def surface(self): """ Compute the surface of the vector """ if self.closed: return self.asshapely_pol().area else: return 0.
[docs] def area(self): """ Alias for surface """ return self.surface
[docs] class zone: """ Objet de gestion d'informations vectorielles Une instance 'zone' contient une listde de 'vector' (segment, ligne, polyligne, polygone...) """
[docs] myname:str
[docs] nbvectors:int
[docs] myvectors:list[vector]
[docs] xmin:float
[docs] ymin:float
[docs] xmax:float
[docs] ymax:float
[docs] selected_vectors:list[tuple[vector,float]]
[docs] mytree:TreeListCtrl
[docs] myitem:TreeItemId
def __init__(self, lines:list[str]=[], name:str='NoName', parent:"Zones"=None, is2D:bool=True, fromshapely:Union[LineString,Polygon,MultiLineString, MultiPolygon]=None) -> None: self.myprop = None self.myprops = None self.myname = '' # name of the zone self.idgllist = -99999 # id of the zone in the gllist self.active_vector=None # current active vector self.parent=parent # parent object - type(Zones) self.xmin = -99999. self.ymin = -99999. self.xmax = -99999. self.ymax = -99999. self.has_legend = False # indicate if at least one vector in the zone has a legend self.has_image = False # indicate if at least one vector in the zone has an image self._move_start = None # starting point for a move self._move_step = None # step for a move self._rotation_center = None # center of rotation self._rotation_step = None # step for rotation if len(lines)>0: # Decoding from lines -- lines is a list of strings provided by the parent during reading # The order of the lines is important to ensure compatibility with the WOLF2D format self.myname=lines[0] tmp_nbvectors=int(lines[1]) self.myvectors=[] curstart=2 if tmp_nbvectors>1000:'Many vectors in zone -- {} -- Be patient !').format(tmp_nbvectors)) for i in range(tmp_nbvectors): curvec=vector(lines[curstart:],parentzone=self,is2D=is2D) curstart+=curvec._nblines() self.myvectors.append(curvec) if tmp_nbvectors>1000: if i%100==0:'{} vectors read').format(i)) if name!='' and self.myname=='': self.myname=name self.myvectors=[] self.selected_vectors=[] # list of selected vectors self.multils:MultiLineString = None # MultiLineString shapely self.used = True # indicate if the zone must used or not --> corresponding to checkbox in the tree self.mytree=None # TreeListCtrl wx if fromshapely is not None: # Object can be created from a shapely object self.import_shapelyobj(fromshapely)
[docs] def set_legend_text(self, text:str): """ Set the legend text for the zone """ for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.set_legend_text(text)
[docs] def set_legend_position(self, x, y): """ Set the legend position for the zone """ for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.set_legend_position(x, y)
[docs] def area(self): """ Compute the area of the zone """ return sum([curvec.surface for curvec in self.myvectors])
[docs] def set_cache(self): """ Set the cache for the zone and all its vectors """ for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.set_cache()
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ Clear the cache for the zone and all its vectors """ for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.clear_cache() self._move_start = None self._move_step = None self._rotation_center = None self._rotation_step = None self.find_minmax(update=True)
[docs] def move(self, dx:float, dy:float, use_cache:bool=True, inplace:bool=True): """ Move the zone and all its vectors """ if self._move_step is not None: dx = np.round(dx/self._move_step)*self._move_step dy = np.round(dy/self._move_step)*self._move_step if inplace: for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.move(dx, dy, use_cache) return self else: newzone = self.deepcopy() newzone.move(dx, dy, use_cache= False) return newzone
[docs] def rotate(self, angle:float, center:tuple[float,float], use_cache:bool=True, inplace:bool=True): """ Rotate the zone and all its vectors :param angle: angle in degrees (clockwise) :param center: center of rotation :param use_cache: use the cache for the vertices :param inplace: modify the zone in place or return a new one """ if inplace: for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.rotate(angle, center, use_cache) return self else: newzone = self.deepcopy() newzone.rotate(angle, center, use_cache= False) return newzone
[docs] def rotate_xy(self, x:float, y:float, use_cache:bool=True, inplace:bool=True): """ Rotate the zone and all its vectors in the xy plane """ if self._rotation_center is None: logging.error(_('No rotation center defined - Set it before rotating by this routine')) return self angle = np.degrees(-np.arctan2(y-self._rotation_center[1], x-self._rotation_center[0])) if self._rotation_step is not None: angle = np.round(angle/self._rotation_step)*self._rotation_step return self.rotate(angle, self._rotation_center, use_cache, inplace)
@property def nbvectors(self): return len(self.myvectors)
[docs] def get_mapviewer(self): """ Retourne l'instance de la mapviewer """ return self.parent.get_mapviewer()
[docs] def import_shapelyobj(self, obj): """ Importation d'un objet shapely """ if isinstance(obj, LineString): curvec = vector(fromshapely= obj, parentzone=self, name = self.myname) self.add_vector(curvec) elif isinstance(obj, Polygon): curvec = vector(fromshapely= obj, parentzone=self, name = self.myname) self.add_vector(curvec) elif isinstance(obj, MultiLineString): for curls in list(obj.geoms): curvec = vector(fromshapely= curls, parentzone=self, name = self.myname) self.add_vector(curvec) elif isinstance(obj, MultiPolygon): for curpoly in list(obj.geoms): curvec = vector(fromshapely= curpoly, parentzone=self, name = self.myname) self.add_vector(curvec) else: logging.warning(_('Object type {} not supported -- Update "import_shapelyobj"').format(type(obj)))
[docs] def get_vector(self,keyvector:Union[int, str])->vector: """ Retrouve le vecteur sur base de son nom ou de sa position Si plusieurs vecteurs portent le même nom, seule le premier est retourné """ if isinstance(keyvector,int): if keyvector < self.nbvectors: return self.myvectors[keyvector] return None if isinstance(keyvector,str): zone_names = [cur.myname for cur in self.myvectors] if keyvector in zone_names: return self.myvectors[zone_names.index(keyvector)] return None
[docs] def vector_names(self)->list[str]: """ Return the list of vector names """ return [cur.myname for cur in self.myvectors]
def __getitem__(self, ndx:Union[int,str]) -> vector: """ Permet de retrouver un vecteur sur base de son index """ return self.get_vector(ndx)
[docs] def export_shape(self, fn:str = ''): """ Export to shapefile using GDAL/OGR """ from osgeo import osr, ogr fn = str(fn) # create the spatial reference system, Lambert72 srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(31370) # create the data source driver: ogr.Driver driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") # create the data source if not fn.endswith('.shp'): fn += '.shp' ds = driver.CreateDataSource(fn) # create one layer layer = ds.CreateLayer("poly", srs, ogr.wkbPolygon) # FIXME What about other geometries (line, points)? # Add ID fields idFields=[] idFields.append(ogr.FieldDefn('curvi', ogr.OFTReal)) layer.CreateField(idFields[-1]) # Create the feature and set values featureDefn = layer.GetLayerDefn() feature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) for curvec in self.myvectors: ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for curvert in curvec.myvertices: # Creating a line geometry ring.AddPoint(curvert.x,curvert.y) # Create polygon poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) feature.SetGeometry(poly) feature.SetField('curvi', float(curvec.myvertices[0].z)) layer.CreateFeature(feature) feature = None # Save and close DataSource ds = None
[docs] def save(self, f:io.TextIOWrapper): """ Ecriture sur disque """ f.write(self.myname+'\n') f.write(str(self.nbvectors)+'\n') for curvect in self.myvectors:
[docs] def save_extra(self, f:io.TextIOWrapper): """ Ecriture des options EXTRA """ f.write(self.myname+'\n') curvect:vector for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.myprop.save_extra(f)
[docs] def load_extra(self, lines:list[str]) -> int: """ Lecture des options EXTRA """ curvect:vector nb_treated = 0 i=0 idx_vect = 0 while nb_treated < self.nbvectors: curvect = self.myvectors[idx_vect] assert curvect.myname == lines[i], _('Vector name mismatch') i+=1 ret = curvect.myprop.load_extra(lines[i:]) i+=ret nb_treated += 1 idx_vect += 1 return i
[docs] def add_vector(self, addedvect:vector, index=-99999, forceparent=False, update_struct=False): """ Ajout d'une instance 'vector' :param addedvect: instance 'vector' à ajouter :param index: position d'insertion :param forceparent: True = forcer le parent à être la zone dans lequel le vecteur est ajouté """ if index==-99999 or index >self.nbvectors: self.myvectors.append(addedvect) else: self.myvectors.insert(index,addedvect) # FIXME set vector's parent to self ? # NOT necessary because, in some situation, we can add a vector # to a temporary zone without forcing its parent to be this zone if forceparent: addedvect.parentzone = self if self.nbvectors==1: self.active_vector = addedvect # FIXME else ? # NOTHING because the active vector is normally choosen by the UI or during special operations # Here, we select the first added vector if update_struct: self._fill_structure()
[docs] def count(self): """ Compte le nombre de vecteurs For compatibility with older versions --> Must be removed in future version """ # self.nbvectors=len(self.myvectors) # Nothing to do because the number of vectors is a property return
[docs] def _nblines(self): """ Utile pour init par 'lines' """ nb=2 for curvec in self.myvectors: nb+=curvec._nblines() return nb
[docs] def find_minmax(self, update=False, only_firstlast:bool=False): """ Recherche de l'emprise spatiale de toute la zone :param update: True = mise à jour des valeurs ; False = utilisation des valeurs déjà calculées :param only_firstlast: True = recherche uniquement sur les premiers et derniers points de chaque vecteur """ if update: for vect in self.myvectors: vect.find_minmax(only_firstlast=only_firstlast) if self.nbvectors==0: self.xmin=-99999. self.ymin=-99999. self.xmax=-99999. self.ymax=-99999. else: minsx=np.asarray([vect.xmin for vect in self.myvectors if vect.xmin!=-99999.]) minsy=np.asarray([vect.ymin for vect in self.myvectors if vect.ymin!=-99999.]) maxsx=np.asarray([vect.xmax for vect in self.myvectors if vect.xmax!=-99999.]) maxsy=np.asarray([vect.ymax for vect in self.myvectors if vect.ymax!=-99999.]) if minsx.size == 0: self.xmin=-99999. self.ymin=-99999. self.xmax=-99999. self.ymax=-99999. else: self.xmin = minsx.min() self.xmax = maxsx.max() self.ymin = minsy.min() self.ymax = maxsy.max()
[docs] def prep_listogl(self): """ Préparation des listes OpenGL pour augmenter la vitesse d'affichage """ self.plot(prep = True)
[docs] def plot(self, prep:bool=False, sx=None, sy=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, size=None): """ Graphique OpenGL :param prep: True = préparation des listes OpenGL ; False = affichage direct """ if prep: if len(self.myvectors) == 0: logging.debug(_('No vector in zone -- {}').format(self.myname)) return try: if self.idgllist==-99999: self.idgllist = glGenLists(1) self.has_legend = False self.has_image = False glNewList(self.idgllist,GL_COMPILE) for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.plot() self.has_legend |= curvect.myprop.legendvisible self.has_image |= curvect.myprop.imagevisible glEndList() except: logging.error(_('OpenGL error in zone.plot')) else: if len(self.myvectors) == 0: logging.debug(_('No vector in zone -- {}').format(self.myname)) return if self.idgllist!=-99999: glCallList(self.idgllist) else: self.has_legend = False self.has_image = False for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.plot() self.has_legend |= curvect.myprop.legendvisible self.has_image |= curvect.myprop.imagevisible if self.has_legend: for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.plot_legend(sx, sy, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, size) if self.has_image: for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.plot_image(sx, sy, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, size)
[docs] def select_vectors_from_point(self,x:float,y:float,inside=True): """ Sélection du vecteur de la zone sur base d'une coordonnée (x,y) -- en 2D inside : True = le point est contenu ; False = le point le plus proche """ if self.nbvectors==0: logging.warning(_('No vector in zone -- {}').format(self.myname)) return curvect:vector self.selected_vectors.clear() if inside: for curvect in self.myvectors: if curvect.isinside(x,y): self.selected_vectors.append((curvect,99999.)) else: distmin=99999. for curvect in self.myvectors: nvert:wolfvertex nvert= curvect.find_nearest_vert(x,y) dist=np.sqrt((nvert.x-x)**2.+(nvert.y-y)**2.) if dist<distmin: distmin=dist vectmin=curvect self.selected_vectors.append((vectmin,distmin))
[docs] def add2tree(self,tree:TreeListCtrl,root): """ Ajout à un objet TreeListCtrl """ self.mytree=tree self.myitem=tree.AppendItem(root, self.myname,data=self) for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.add2tree(tree,self.myitem) if self.used: tree.CheckItem(self.myitem) else: tree.UncheckItem(self.myitem)
[docs] def unuse(self): """ Ne plus utiliser """ for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.unuse() self.used=False if self.mytree is not None: self.mytree.UncheckItem(self.myitem) self.reset_listogl()
[docs] def use(self): """ A utiliser """ for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.use() self.used=True if self.mytree is not None: self.mytree.CheckItem(self.myitem) self.reset_listogl()
[docs] def asshapely_ls(self): """ Retroune la zone comme MultiLineString Shaely """ mylines=[] curvect:vector for curvect in self.myvectors: mylines.append(curvect.asshapely_ls()) return MultiLineString(mylines)
[docs] def prepare_shapely(self): """ Converti l'objet en MultiLineString Shapely et stocke dans self.multils """ self.multils = self.asshapely_ls()
[docs] def get_selected_vectors(self,all=False): """ Retourne la liste du/des vecteur(s) sélectionné(s) """ if all: mylist=[] if len(self.selected_vectors)>0: mylist.append(self.selected_vectors) return mylist else: if len(self.selected_vectors)>0: return self.selected_vectors[0] return None
[docs] def add_parallel(self,distance): """ Ajoute une parallèle au vecteur actif """ if distance>0.: mypl = self.active_vector.parallel_offset(distance,'right') elif distance<0.: mypl = self.active_vector.parallel_offset(distance,'left') else: mypl = vector(name=self.active_vector.myname+"_duplicate") mypl.myvertices = [wolfvertex(cur.x,cur.y,cur.z) for cur in self.active_vector.myvertices] # mypl.nbvertices = self.active_vector.nbvertices # No longer needed if mypl is None: return mypl.parentzone = self self.add_vector(mypl)
[docs] def parallel_active(self,distance): """ Ajoute une parallèle 'left' et 'right' au vecteur actif """ if self.nbvectors>1: self.myvectors = [curv for curv in self.myvectors if curv ==self.active_vector] mypl = self.active_vector.parallel_offset(distance,'left') mypr = self.active_vector.parallel_offset(distance,'right') if mypl is None or mypr is None: return self.add_vector(mypl,0) self.add_vector(mypr,2)
[docs] def createmultibin(self, nb=None, nb2=0) -> Triangulation: """ Création d'une triangulation sur base des vecteurs Tient compte de l'ordre :param nb : nombre de points de découpe des vecteurs :param nb2 : nombre de points en perpendiculaire return : - instance de 'Triangulation' """ wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None # transformation des vecteurs en polyline shapely nbvectors = self.nbvectors myls = [] for curv in self.myvectors: myls.append(curv.asshapely_ls()) if nb is None and wx_exists: dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('How many points along polylines ?')+'\n'+ _('Length size is {} meters').format(myls[0].length), 'nb', 'dl size', 100, 1, 10000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return nb=int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() else: logging.warning( _('Bad parameter nb')) # redécoupage des polylines s = np.linspace(0.,1.,num=nb,endpoint=True) newls = [] for curls in myls: newls.append(LineString([curls.interpolate(curs,True) for curs in s])) if nb2==0 and wx_exists: dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('How many points between two polylines ?'), 'nb2', 'perpendicular', 0, 1, 10000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return nb2=int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() if nb2>0: finalls = [] ds = 1./float(nb2+1) sperp = np.arange(ds,1.,ds) for j in range(len(newls)-1): myls1:LineString myls2:LineString myls1 = newls[j] myls2 = newls[j+1] xyz1 = np.asarray(myls1.coords[:]) xyz2 = np.asarray(myls2.coords[:]) finalls.append(myls1) for curds in sperp: finalls.append(LineString(xyz1*(1.-curds)+xyz2*curds)) finalls.append(myls2) newls = finalls nbvectors = len(newls) points=np.zeros((nb*nbvectors,3),dtype=np.float64) xyz=[] for curls in newls: xyz.append(np.asarray(curls.coords[:])) decal=0 for i in range(len(xyz[0])): for k in range(nbvectors): points[k+decal,:] = xyz[k][i] decal+=nbvectors decal=0 triangles=[] nbpts=nbvectors triangles.append([[i+decal,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) triangles.append([[i+decal+nbpts,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts+1] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) for k in range(1,nb-1): decal=k*nbpts triangles.append([ [i+decal,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) triangles.append([ [i+decal+nbpts,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts+1] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) triangles=np.asarray(triangles,dtype=np.uint32).reshape([(2*nbpts-2)*(nb-1),3]) mytri=Triangulation(pts=points,tri=triangles) mytri.find_minmax(True) return mytri
[docs] def create_tri_crosssection(self, ds:float = 1.) -> Triangulation: """ Create a triangulation like cross sections and support vectors """ supports = [curv for curv in self.myvectors if curv.myname.startswith('support')] others = [curv for curv in self.myvectors if curv not in supports] if len(supports) ==0: logging.error(_('No support vector found')) return None if len(others) == 0: logging.error(_('No cross section vector found')) return None from .PyCrosssections import Interpolators, crosssections, profile banks = Zones(plotted=False) onezone = zone(name='support') banks.add_zone(onezone, forceparent=True) onezone.myvectors = supports cs = crosssections(plotted=False) for curprof in others: cs.add(curprof) cs.verif_bed() cs.find_minmax(True) cs.init_cloud() cs.sort_along(supports[0].asshapely_ls(), 'poly', downfirst = False) # cs.set_zones(True) interp = Interpolators(banks, cs, ds) return interp
[docs] def create_constrainedDelaunay(self, nb=None) -> Triangulation: """ Création d'une triangulation Delaunay contrainte sur base des vecteurs Utilisation de la librairie "triangle" ( :param nb: nombre de points de découpe des vecteurs (0 pour ne rien redécouper) """ wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None # Transformation des vecteurs en polylines shapely # Utile pour le redécoupage myls = [] for curv in self.myvectors: myls.append(curv.asshapely_ls()) meanlength = np.mean([curline.length for curline in myls]) if nb is None and wx_exists: dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('How many points along polylines ? (0 to use as it is)')+'\n'+ _('Mean length size is {} meters').format(meanlength), 'nb', 'dl size', 100, 0, 10000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return nb=int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() else: logging.warning( _('Bad parameter nb')) if nb==0: # no decimation newls = myls else: # redécoupage des polylines s = np.linspace(0.,1.,num=nb,endpoint=True) newls = [LineString([curls.interpolate(curs,True) for curs in s]) for curls in myls if curls.length>0.] # Récupération des coordonnées des points xyz = [np.asarray(curls.coords[:]) for curls in newls] xyz = np.concatenate(xyz) # Recherche du minimum pour recentrer les coordonnées et éviter des erreurs de calcul xmin = xyz[:,0].min() ymin = xyz[:,1].min() xyz[:,0] -= xmin xyz[:,1] -= ymin # Remove duplicate points xyz, indices = np.unique(xyz, axis=0, return_inverse=True) # Numérotation des segments segments = [] k = 0 for cur in newls: for i in range(len(cur.coords)-1): segments.append([indices[k], indices[k+1]]) k+=1 # Création de la géométrie pour la triangulation geom = {'vertices' : [[x,y] for x,y in xyz[:,:2]], 'segments' : segments} try: # Triangulation delaunay = triangle.triangulate(geom, 'p') # d'autres options sont possibles (voir la doc de triangle) # Recover z values from xyz for each vertex # Searching value in xyz is not the best way # We create a dictionary to avoid searching manually xyz_dict = {(curxyz[0], curxyz[1]): curxyz[2] for curxyz in xyz} allvert = [] for curvert in delaunay['vertices']: x = curvert[0] y = curvert[1] z = xyz_dict.get((x, y), 0.) allvert.append([x + xmin, y + ymin, z]) # Create the Triangulation object mytri=Triangulation(pts= allvert, tri= [curtri for curtri in delaunay['triangles']]) mytri.find_minmax(True) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in constrained Delaunay triangulation - {e}')) return None return mytri
[docs] def createmultibin_proj(self, nb=None, nb2=0) -> Triangulation: """ Création d'une triangulation sur base des vecteurs par projection au plus proche du vecteur central Tient compte de l'ordre :param nb : nombre de points de découpe des vecteurs :param nb2 : nombre de points en perpendiculaire return : - instance de 'Triangulation' """ wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None # transformation des vecteurs en polyline shapely nbvectors = self.nbvectors myls = [] for curv in self.myvectors: myls.append(curv.asshapely_ls()) if nb is None and wx_exists: dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('How many points along polylines ?')+'\n'+ _('Length size is {} meters').format(myls[0].length),'nb','dl size',100,1,10000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return nb=int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() else: logging.warning( _('Bad parameter nb')) # redécoupage des polylines s = np.linspace(0.,1.,num=nb,endpoint=True) newls = [] supportls = myls[int(len(myls)/2)] supportls = LineString([supportls.interpolate(curs,True) for curs in s]) for curls in myls: curls:LineString news = [curls.project(Point(curpt[0], curpt[1])) for curpt in supportls.coords] news.sort() newls.append(LineString([curls.interpolate(curs) for curs in news])) if nb2==0 and wx_exists: dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('How many points between two polylines ?'), 'nb2','perpendicular',0,0,10000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return nb2=int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() if nb2>0: finalls = [] ds = 1./float(nb2+1) sperp = np.arange(ds,1.,ds) for j in range(len(newls)-1): myls1:LineString myls2:LineString myls1 = newls[j] myls2 = newls[j+1] xyz1 = np.asarray(myls1.coords[:]) xyz2 = np.asarray(myls2.coords[:]) finalls.append(myls1) for curds in sperp: finalls.append(LineString(xyz1*(1.-curds)+xyz2*curds)) finalls.append(myls2) newls = finalls nbvectors = len(newls) points=np.zeros((nb*nbvectors,3),dtype=np.float64) xyz=[] for curls in newls: xyz.append(np.asarray(curls.coords[:])) decal=0 for i in range(len(xyz[0])): for k in range(nbvectors): points[k+decal,:] = xyz[k][i] decal+=nbvectors decal=0 triangles=[] nbpts=nbvectors triangles.append([[i+decal,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) triangles.append([[i+decal+nbpts,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts+1] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) for k in range(1,nb-1): decal=k*nbpts triangles.append([ [i+decal,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) triangles.append([ [i+decal+nbpts,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts+1] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) triangles=np.asarray(triangles,dtype=np.uint32).reshape([(2*nbpts-2)*(nb-1),3]) mytri=Triangulation(pts=points,tri=triangles) mytri.find_minmax(True) return mytri
[docs] def create_polygon_from_parallel(self, ds:float, howmanypoly=1) ->None: """ Création de polygones depuis des vecteurs parallèles La zone à traiter ne peut contenir que 3 vecteurs Une zone de résultat est ajouté à l'objet ds : desired size/length of the polygon, adjusted on the basis of a number of polygons rounded up to the nearest integer howmanypoly : Number of transversal polygons (1 = one large polygon, 2 = 2 polygons - one left and one right) """ assert self.nbvectors==3, _('The zone must contain 3 and only 3 vectors') vecleft:vector vecright:vector veccenter:vector vecleft = self.myvectors[0] veccenter = self.myvectors[1] vecright = self.myvectors[2] #Shapely LineString lsl = vecleft.asshapely_ls() lsr = vecright.asshapely_ls() lsc = veccenter.asshapely_ls() #Number of points nb = int(np.ceil(lsc.length / ds)) #Adimensional distances along center vector sloc = np.linspace(0.,1.,nb,endpoint=True) #Points along center vector ptsc = [lsc.interpolate(curs,True) for curs in sloc] #Real distances along left, right and center vector sl = [lsl.project(curs) for curs in ptsc] sr = [lsr.project(curs) for curs in ptsc] sc = [lsc.project(curs) for curs in ptsc] if howmanypoly==1: #un seul polygone sur base des // gauche et droite zonepoly = zone(name='polygons_'+self.myname,parent=self.parent) self.parent.add_zone(zonepoly) for i in range(len(sl)-1): #mean distance along center will be stored as Z value of each vertex smean =(sc[i]+sc[i+1])/2. curvec=vector(name='poly'+str(i+1),parentzone=zonepoly) #Substring for Left and Right sublsl = vecleft.substring(sl[i], sl[i+1], False, False) sublsr = vecright.substring(sr[i], sr[i+1], False, False) # sublsl=substring(lsl,sl[i],sl[i+1]) # sublsr=substring(lsr,sr[i],sr[i+1]) #Test if the substring result is Point or LineString if isinstance(sublsl, vector): vr = sublsr.myvertices.copy() vr.reverse() curvec.myvertices = sublsl.myvertices.copy() + vr # curvec.nbvertices = len(curvec.myvertices) FIXME Not needed anymore for curv in curvec.myvertices: curv.z = smean else: if sublsl.geom_type=='Point': curvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(sublsl.x,sublsl.y,smean)) elif sublsl.geom_type=='LineString': xy=np.asarray(sublsl.coords) for (x,y) in xy: curvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x,y,smean)) if sublsr.geom_type=='Point': curvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(sublsr.x,sublsr.y,smean)) elif sublsr.geom_type=='LineString': xy=np.asarray(sublsr.coords) xy=np.flipud(xy) for (x,y) in xy: curvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x,y,smean)) #force to close the polygon curvec.close_force() #add vector to zone zonepoly.add_vector(curvec) #set legend text curvec.myprop.legendtext = '{:.2f}'.format(smean) xy = curvec.asnparray() curvec.myprop.legendx = np.mean(xy[:,0]) curvec.myprop.legendy = np.mean(xy[:,1]) #force to update minmax in the zone --> mandatory to plot zonepoly.find_minmax(True) else: #deux polygones sur base des // gauche et droite zonepolyleft = zone(name='polygons_left_'+self.myname,parent=self.parent) zonepolyright = zone(name='polygons_right_'+self.myname,parent=self.parent) self.parent.add_zone(zonepolyleft) self.parent.add_zone(zonepolyright) for i in range(len(sl)-1): smean =(sc[i]+sc[i+1])/2. curvecleft=vector(name='poly'+str(i+1),parentzone=zonepolyleft) curvecright=vector(name='poly'+str(i+1),parentzone=zonepolyright) # sublsl=substring(lsl,sl[i],sl[i+1]) # sublsr=substring(lsr,sr[i],sr[i+1]) # sublsc=substring(lsc,sc[i],sc[i+1]) sublsl = vecleft.substring(sl[i], sl[i+1], False, False) sublsr = vecright.substring(sr[i], sr[i+1], False, False) sublsc = veccenter.substring(sc[i], sc[i+1], False, False) if isinstance(sublsl, vector): vr = sublsr.myvertices.copy() vr.reverse() vcr = sublsc.myvertices.copy() vcr.reverse() curvecleft.myvertices = sublsl.myvertices.copy() + vcr curvecright.myvertices = sublsc.myvertices.copy() + vr for curv in curvecleft.myvertices: curv.z = smean for curv in curvecright.myvertices: curv.z = smean curvecleft.nbvertices = len(curvecleft.myvertices) curvecright.nbvertices = len(curvecright.myvertices) else: #left poly if sublsl.geom_type=='Point': curvecleft.add_vertex(wolfvertex(sublsl.x,sublsl.y,smean)) elif sublsl.geom_type=='LineString': xy=np.asarray(sublsl.coords) for (x,y) in xy: curvecleft.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x,y,smean)) if sublsc.geom_type=='Point': curvecleft.add_vertex(wolfvertex(sublsc.x,sublsc.y,smean)) elif sublsc.geom_type=='LineString': xy=np.asarray(sublsc.coords) xy=np.flipud(xy) for (x,y) in xy: curvecleft.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x,y,smean)) #right poly if sublsc.geom_type=='Point': curvecright.add_vertex(wolfvertex(sublsc.x,sublsc.y,smean)) elif sublsc.geom_type=='LineString': xy=np.asarray(sublsc.coords) for (x,y) in xy: curvecright.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x,y,smean)) if sublsr.geom_type=='Point': curvecright.add_vertex(wolfvertex(sublsr.x,sublsr.y,smean)) elif sublsr.geom_type=='LineString': xy=np.asarray(sublsr.coords) xy=np.flipud(xy) for (x,y) in xy: curvecright.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x,y,smean)) curvecleft.close_force() curvecright.close_force() #set legend text curvecleft.myprop.legendtext = '{:.2f}'.format(smean) curvecright.myprop.legendtext = '{:.2f}'.format(smean) xy = curvecleft.asnparray() curvecleft.myprop.legendx = np.mean(xy[:,0]) curvecleft.myprop.legendy = np.mean(xy[:,1]) xy = curvecright.asnparray() curvecright.myprop.legendx = np.mean(xy[:,0]) curvecright.myprop.legendy = np.mean(xy[:,1]) zonepolyleft.add_vector(curvecleft) zonepolyright.add_vector(curvecright) zonepolyleft.find_minmax(True) zonepolyright.find_minmax(True) self._fill_structure()
[docs] def _fill_structure(self): """ Mise à jour des structures """ if self.parent is not None: self.parent.fill_structure()
[docs] def create_sliding_polygon_from_parallel(self, poly_length:float, ds_sliding:float, farthest_parallel:float, interval_parallel:float=None, intersect=None, howmanypoly=1, eps_offset:float=0.25): """ Create sliding polygons from a support vector. "poly_length" is the length of the polygons. "ds_sliding" is the sliding length. If "ds_sliding" is lower than "ds", the polygons are overlapping. If "ds_sliding" is greater than "ds", the polygons are separated. If "ds_sliding" is equal to "ds", the polygons are adjacent. The zone to be processed can only contain 1 vector. A result zone is added to the object. The sliding polygons are created on the basis of the left and right parallels of the central vector. "farthest_parallel" is the farthest parallel. "interval_parallel" is the distance between each parallels. If not defined, it is equal to "farthest_parallel". Lateral sides of the polygons are defined by projecting the points/vertices of the support vector onto the parallels, from the nearest to the farthest. The method first creates the parallels. Then, it intersects the parallels with the constraints defined in the "intersect" zone. The intersection is done with an offset defined by "eps_offset". :param poly_length: size/length of the polygon, adjusted on the basis of a number of polygons rounded up to the nearest integer :param ds_sliding: sliding length :param farthest_parallel: position of the parallels :param interval_parallel: parallel intervals (internal computation) :param intersect: zone class containing constraints :param howmanypoly: number of transversal polygons (1 = one large polygon, 2 = 2 polygons - one left and one right) :param eps_offset: space width impose to the "intersect" """ assert self.nbvectors==1, _('The zone must contain 1 and only 1 vector') veccenter:vector # All parallels on the left vecleft:dict[str,vector]={} # All parallels on the right vecright:dict[str,vector]={} veccenter = self.myvectors[0] veccenter.update_lengths() # Returned zone myparallels = zone() if interval_parallel is None : interval_parallel : farthest_parallel if interval_parallel > farthest_parallel: logging.warning(_('dspar is greater than dpar --> dspar is set to dpar')) interval_parallel = farthest_parallel # All parallel distances all_par = np.arange(0, farthest_parallel, interval_parallel)[1:] all_par = np.concatenate((all_par,[farthest_parallel])) for curpar in tqdm(all_par): # add current parallel to the dicts vecleft[curpar] = veccenter.parallel_offset(curpar, 'left') vecright[curpar]= veccenter.parallel_offset(curpar, 'right') myparallels.add_vector(vecleft[curpar], forceparent=True) myparallels.add_vector(vecright[curpar], forceparent=True) if isinstance(intersect, zone): # Some constraints are defined # # gestion de vecteurs d'intersection for curint in intersect.myvectors: # bouclage sur les vecteurs curint2 = curint.parallel_offset(eps_offset, side='right') # recherche si une intersection existe pt, dist = vecleft[curpar].intersection(curint, eval_dist=True, force_single=True) if pt is not None: #Une intersection existe --> on ajoute la portion de vecteur # Projection du point d'intersection sur le vecteur à suivre curls = curint.asshapely_ls() dist2 = curls.project(pt) # recherche de la portion de vecteur # subs = extrêmité -> intersection # subs_inv = intersection -> extrêmité subs = curint.substring(0. , dist2, is3D=False, adim=False) subs.reverse() subs2 = curint2.substring(0., dist2, is3D=False, adim=False) vec1 = vecleft[curpar].substring(0., dist, is3D=False, adim=False) vec2 = vecleft[curpar].substring(dist, vecleft[curpar].length2D, is3D=False, adim=False) # combinaison du nouveau vecteur vecleft constitué de : # - la partie avant l'intersection # - l'aller-retour # - la partie après l'intersection vecleft[curpar].myvertices = vec1.myvertices.copy() + subs.myvertices.copy() + subs2.myvertices.copy() + vec2.myvertices.copy() # mise à jour des caractéristiques vecleft[curpar].find_minmax() vecleft[curpar].update_lengths() pt, dist = vecright[curpar].intersection(curint, eval_dist=True, force_single=True) if pt is not None: curls = curint.asshapely_ls() dist2 = curls.project(pt) #Une intersection existe --> on ajoute la portion de vecteur subs = curint.substring(0., dist2, is3D=False, adim=False) subs2 = curint2.substring(0., dist2, is3D=False, adim=False) subs2.reverse() vec1 = vecright[curpar].substring(0., dist, is3D=False, adim=False) vec2 = vecright[curpar].substring(dist, vecright[curpar].length2D, is3D=False, adim=False) vecright[curpar].myvertices = vec1.myvertices.copy() + subs2.myvertices.copy() + subs.myvertices.copy() + vec2.myvertices.copy() vecright[curpar].update_lengths() vecright[curpar].find_minmax() #Shapely LineString lsl:dict[str,LineString] = {key:vec.asshapely_ls() for key,vec in vecleft.items()} lsr:dict[str,LineString] = {key:vec.asshapely_ls() for key,vec in vecright.items()} lsc = veccenter.asshapely_ls() #Number of points nb = int(np.ceil(lsc.length / float(ds_sliding))) #Dimensional distances along center vector sloc = np.asarray([float(ds_sliding) * cur for cur in range(nb)]) sloc2 = sloc + float(poly_length) sloc2[sloc2>veccenter.length2D]=veccenter.length2D #Points along center vector ptsc = [veccenter.interpolate(curs, is3D=False, adim=False) for curs in sloc] ptsc2 = [veccenter.interpolate(curs, is3D=False, adim=False) for curs in sloc2] sc = [lsc.project(Point(curs.x, curs.y)) for curs in ptsc] sc2 = [lsc.project(Point(curs.x, curs.y)) for curs in ptsc2] #Real distances along left, right and center vector sl={} sr={} sl2={} sr2={} ptl={} ptl2={} ptr={} ptr2={} # on calcule les points de proche en proche (// par //) # utile pour la prise en compte des intersections avec les polylignes de contrainte curpts = ptsc for key,ls in lsl.items(): sl[key] = [ls.project(Point(curs.x, curs.y)) for curs in curpts] ptl[key] = [ls.interpolate(curs) for curs in sl[key]] curpts = ptl[key] curpts = ptsc2 for key,ls in lsl.items(): sl2[key] = [ls.project(Point(curs.x, curs.y)) for curs in curpts] ptl2[key] = [ls.interpolate(curs) for curs in sl2[key]] curpts = ptl2[key] curpts = ptsc for key,ls in lsr.items(): sr[key] = [ls.project(Point(curs.x, curs.y)) for curs in curpts] ptr[key] = [ls.interpolate(curs) for curs in sr[key]] curpts = ptr[key] curpts = ptsc2 for key,ls in lsr.items(): sr2[key] = [ls.project(Point(curs.x, curs.y)) for curs in curpts] ptr2[key] = [ls.interpolate(curs) for curs in sr2[key]] curpts = ptr2[key] if howmanypoly==1: #un seul polygone sur base des // gauche et droite zonepoly = zone(name='polygons_'+self.myname,parent=self.parent) self.parent.add_zone(zonepoly) for i in range(nb): ptc1 = sc[i] ptc2 = sc2[i] pt1 = [cur[i] for cur in sl.values()] pt2 = [cur[i] for cur in sl2.values()] pt3 = [cur[i] for cur in sr.values()] pt4 = [cur[i] for cur in sr2.values()] #mean distance along center will be stored as Z value of each vertex smean =(ptc1+ptc2)/2. curvec=vector(name='poly'+str(i), parentzone=zonepoly) #Substring for Left and Right sublsl=vecleft[farthest_parallel].substring(pt1[-1], pt2[-1], is3D=False, adim=False) sublsr=vecright[farthest_parallel].substring(pt3[-1], pt4[-1], is3D=False, adim=False) sublsr.reverse() sublsc=veccenter.substring(ptc1,ptc2,is3D=False, adim=False) upl = [wolfvertex(pt[i].x, pt[i].y) for pt in ptl.values()] upr = [wolfvertex(pt[i].x, pt[i].y) for pt in ptr.values()] upr.reverse() downl = [wolfvertex(pt[i].x, pt[i].y) for pt in ptl2.values()] downl.reverse() downr = [wolfvertex(pt[i].x, pt[i].y) for pt in ptr2.values()] curvec.myvertices = sublsl.myvertices.copy() + downl[1:].copy() + [sublsc.myvertices[-1].copy()] + downr[:-1].copy() + sublsr.myvertices.copy() + upr[1:].copy() + [sublsc.myvertices[0].copy()] + upl[:-1].copy() for curvert in curvec.myvertices: curvert.z = smean #force to close the polygon curvec.close_force() #add vector to zone zonepoly.add_vector(curvec) #force to update minmax in the zone --> mandatory to plot zonepoly.find_minmax(True) else: #deux polygones sur base des // gauche et droite zonepolyleft = zone(name='polygons_left_'+self.myname,parent=self.parent) zonepolyright = zone(name='polygons_right_'+self.myname,parent=self.parent) self.parent.add_zone(zonepolyleft) self.parent.add_zone(zonepolyright) for i in range(nb): ptc1 = sc[i] ptc2 = sc2[i] pt1 = [cur[i] for cur in sl.values()] pt2 = [cur[i] for cur in sl2.values()] pt3 = [cur[i] for cur in sr.values()] pt4 = [cur[i] for cur in sr2.values()] #mean distance along center will be stored as Z value of each vertex smean =(ptc1+ptc2)/2. curvecleft=vector(name='poly'+str(i+1),parentzone=zonepolyleft) curvecright=vector(name='poly'+str(i+1),parentzone=zonepolyright) #Substring for Left and Right sublsl=vecleft[farthest_parallel].substring(pt1[-1], pt2[-1], is3D=False, adim=False) sublsr=vecright[farthest_parallel].substring(pt3[-1], pt4[-1], is3D=False, adim=False) sublsr.reverse() sublsc=veccenter.substring(ptc1,ptc2,is3D=False, adim=False) sublscr = sublsc.deepcopy() sublscr.reverse() upl = [wolfvertex(pt[i].x, pt[i].y) for pt in ptl.values()] upr = [wolfvertex(pt[i].x, pt[i].y) for pt in ptr.values()] upr.reverse() downl = [wolfvertex(pt[i].x, pt[i].y) for pt in ptl2.values()] downl.reverse() downr = [wolfvertex(pt[i].x, pt[i].y) for pt in ptr2.values()] curvecleft.myvertices = sublsl.myvertices.copy() + downl[1:-1].copy() + [sublscr.myvertices.copy()] + upl[1:-1].copy() curvecright.myvertices = sublsc.myvertices.copy() + downr[1:-1].copy() + [sublsr.myvertices.copy()] + upr[1:-1].copy() for curvert in curvecleft.myvertices: curvert.z = smean for curvert in curvecright.myvertices: curvert.z = smean curvecleft.close_force() curvecright.close_force() zonepolyleft.add_vector(curvecleft) zonepolyright.add_vector(curvecright) zonepolyleft.find_minmax(True) zonepolyright.find_minmax(True) self._fill_structure() return myparallels
[docs] def get_values_linked_polygons(self, linked_arrays, stats=True) -> dict: """ Récupération des valeurs contenues dans tous les polygones de la zone Retourne un dictionnaire contenant les valeurs pour chaque polygone Les valeurs de chaque entrée du dict peuvent contenir une ou plusieurs listes en fonction du retour de la fonction de l'objet matriciel appelé """ exit=True for curarray in linked_arrays: if curarray.plotted: exit=False if exit: return None vals= {idx: {'values' : curpol.get_values_linked_polygon(linked_arrays)} for idx, curpol in enumerate(self.myvectors)} if stats: self._stats_values(vals) return vals
[docs] def get_all_values_linked_polygon(self, linked_arrays, stats=True, key_idx_names:Literal['idx', 'name']='idx', getxy=False) -> dict: """ Récupération des valeurs contenues dans tous les polygones de la zone Retourne un dictionnaire contenant les valeurs pour chaque polygone ATTENTION : Il est possible de choisir comme clé soit l'index du vecteur dans la zone, soit non nom Si le nom est choisi, cela peut aboutir à une perte d'information car il n'y a pas de certitude que les noms de vecteur soient uniques --> il est nécessaire que l'utilisateur soit conscient de cette possibilité Les valeurs de chaque entrée du dict peuvent contenir une ou plusieurs listes en fonction du retour de la fonction de l'objet matriciel appelé """ exit=True for curarray in linked_arrays: if curarray.plotted: exit=False if exit: return None if key_idx_names=='idx': vals= {idx: {'values' : curpol.get_all_values_linked_polygon(linked_arrays, getxy=getxy)} for idx, curpol in enumerate(self.myvectors)} else: vals= {curpol.myname: {'values' : curpol.get_all_values_linked_polygon(linked_arrays, getxy=getxy)} for idx, curpol in enumerate(self.myvectors)} # if stats: # self._stats_values(vals) return vals
[docs] def _stats_values(self,vals:dict): """ Compute statistics on values dict resulting from 'get_values_linked_polygons' """ for curpol in vals.values(): medianlist =curpol['median'] = [] meanlist = curpol['mean'] = [] minlist = curpol['min'] = [] maxlist = curpol['max'] = [] p95 = curpol['p95'] = [] p5 = curpol['p5'] = [] for curval in curpol['values']: if curval[1] is not None: if curval[0] is not None and len(curval[0])>0: medianlist.append( (np.median(curval[0]), np.median(curval[1]) ) ) meanlist.append( (np.mean(curval[0]), np.mean(curval[1]) ) ) minlist.append( (np.min(curval[0]), np.min(curval[1]) ) ) maxlist.append( (np.max(curval[0]), np.max(curval[1]) ) ) p95.append( (np.percentile(curval[0],95), np.percentile(curval[1],95) ) ) p5.append( (np.percentile(curval[0],5), np.percentile(curval[1],5) ) ) else: medianlist.append((None,None)) meanlist.append((None,None)) minlist.append((None,None)) maxlist.append((None,None)) p95.append((None,None)) p5.append((None,None)) else: if curval[0] is not None and len(curval[0])>0: medianlist.append(np.median(curval[0])) meanlist.append(np.mean(curval[0])) minlist.append(np.min(curval[0])) maxlist.append(np.max(curval[0])) p95.append(np.percentile(curval[0],95)) p5.append(np.percentile(curval[0],5)) else: medianlist.append(None) meanlist.append(None) minlist.append(None) maxlist.append(None) p95.append(None) p5.append(None)
[docs] def plot_linked_polygons(self, fig:Figure, ax:Axes, linked_arrays:dict, linked_vec:dict[str,"Zones"]=None, linestyle:str='-', onlymedian:bool=False, withtopography:bool = True, ds:float = None): """ Création d'un graphique sur base des polygones Chaque polygone se positionnera sur base de la valeur Z de ses vertices - façon conventionnelle de définir une longueur - ceci est normalement fait lors de l'appel à 'create_polygon_from_parallel' - si les polygones sont créés manuellement, il faut donc prendre soin de fournir l'information adhoc ou alors utiliser l'rgument 'ds' ATTENTION : Les coordonnées Z ne sont sauvegardées sur disque que si le fichier est 3D, autrement dit au format '.vecz' :param fig: Figure :param ax: Axes :param linked_arrays: dictionnaire contenant les matrices à lier -- les clés sont les labels :param linked_vec: dictionnaire contenant les instances Zones à lier -- Besoin d'une zone et d'un vecteur 'trace/trace' pour convertir les positions en coordonnées curvilignes :param linestyle: style de ligne :param onlymedian: affiche uniquement la médiane :param withtopography: affiche la topographie :param ds: pas spatial le long de l'axe """ colors=['red','blue','green','darkviolet','fuchsia','lime'] #Vérifie qu'au moins une matrice liée est fournie, sinon rien à faire exit=True for curlabel, curarray in linked_arrays.items(): if curarray.plotted: exit=False if exit: return k=0 zmin=99999. zmax=-99999. if ds is None: # Récupération des positions srefs=np.asarray([curpol.myvertices[0].z for curpol in self.myvectors]) else: # Création des positions sur base de 'ds' srefs=np.arange(0., float(self.nbvectors) * ds, ds) for idx, (curlabel, curarray) in enumerate(linked_arrays.items()): if curarray.plotted:'Plotting linked polygons for {}'.format(curlabel)))'Number of polygons : {}'.format(self.nbvectors)))'Extracting values inside polygons...')) vals= [curarray.get_values_insidepoly(curpol) for curpol in self.myvectors]'Computing stats...')) values = np.asarray([cur[0] for cur in vals],dtype=object) valel = np.asarray([cur[1] for cur in vals],dtype=object) zmaxloc=np.asarray([np.max(curval) if len(curval) >0 else -99999. for curval in values]) zminloc=np.asarray([np.min(curval) if len(curval) >0 else -99999. for curval in values]) zmax=max(zmax,np.max(zmaxloc[np.where(zmaxloc>-99999.)])) zmin=min(zmin,np.min(zminloc[np.where(zminloc>-99999.)])) if zmax>-99999: zloc = np.asarray([np.median(curpoly) if len(curpoly) >0 else -99999. for curpoly in values]) ax.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], color=colors[np.mod(k,3)], lw=2.0, linestyle=linestyle, label=curlabel+'_median') zloc = np.asarray([np.min(curpoly) if len(curpoly) >0 else -99999. for curpoly in values]) if not onlymedian: ax.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], color=colors[np.mod(k,3)],alpha=.3, lw=2.0, linestyle=linestyle, label=curlabel+'_min') zloc = np.asarray([np.max(curpoly) if len(curpoly) >0 else -99999. for curpoly in values]) ax.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], color=colors[np.mod(k,3)],alpha=.3, lw=2.0, linestyle=linestyle, label=curlabel+'_max') if withtopography and idx==0: if valel[0] is not None: zmaxloc=np.asarray([np.max(curval) if len(curval) >0 else -99999. for curval in valel]) zminloc=np.asarray([np.min(curval) if len(curval) >0 else -99999. for curval in valel]) zmax=max(zmax,np.max(zmaxloc[np.where(zmaxloc>-99999.)])) zmin=min(zmin,np.min(zminloc[np.where(zminloc>-99999.)])) if zmax>-99999: zloc = np.asarray([np.median(curpoly) if len(curpoly) >0 else -99999. for curpoly in valel]) ax.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], color='black', lw=2.0, linestyle=linestyle, label=curlabel+'_top_median') # if not onlymedian: # zloc = np.asarray([np.min(curpoly) for curpoly in valel]) # ax.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], # color='black',alpha=.3, # lw=2.0, # linestyle=linestyle, # label=curlabel+'_top_min') # zloc = np.asarray([np.max(curpoly) for curpoly in valel]) # ax.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], # color='black',alpha=.3, # lw=2.0, # linestyle=linestyle, # label=curlabel+'_top_max') k+=1 for curlabel, curzones in linked_vec.items(): curzones:Zones names = [curzone.myname for curzone in curzones.myzones] trace = None tracels = None'Plotting linked zones for {}'.format(curlabel))) curzone: zone if 'trace' in names: curzone = curzones.get_zone('trace') trace = curzone.get_vector('trace') if trace is None: if curzone is not None: if curzone.nbvectors>0: trace = curzone.myvectors[0] if trace is not None: tracels = trace.asshapely_ls() else: logging.warning(_('No trace found in the vectors {}'.format(curlabel))) break if ('marks' in names) or ('repères' in names): if ('marks' in names): curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('marks')] else: curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('repères')]'Plotting marks for {}'.format(curlabel)))'Number of marks : {}'.format(curzone.nbvectors))) for curvect in curzone.myvectors: curls = curvect.asshapely_ls() if curls.intersects(tracels): inter = curls.intersection(tracels) curs = float(tracels.project(inter)) ax.plot([curs, curs], [zmin, zmax], linestyle='--', label=curvect.myname) ax.text(curs, zmax, curvect.myname, fontsize=8, ha='center', va='bottom') if ('banks' in names) or ('berges' in names): if ('banks' in names): curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('banks')] else: curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('berges')]'Plotting banks for {}'.format(curlabel)))'Number of banks : {}'.format(curzone.nbvectors))) for curvect in curzone.myvectors: curvect: vector curproj = curvect.projectontrace(trace) sz = curproj.asnparray() ax.plot(sz[:,0], sz[:,1], label=curvect.myname) if ('bridges' in names) or ('ponts' in names): if ('bridges' in names): curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('bridges')] else: curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('ponts')]'Plotting bridges for {}'.format(curlabel))) for curvect in curzone.myvectors: curvect: vector curls = curvect.asshapely_ls() if curls.intersects(tracels):'Bridge {} intersects the trace'.format(curvect.myname))) inter = curls.intersection(tracels) curs = float(tracels.project(inter)) locz = np.asarray([vert.z for vert in curvect.myvertices]) zmin = np.amin(locz) zmax = np.amax(locz) ax.scatter(curs, zmin, label=curvect.myname + ' min') ax.scatter(curs, zmax, label=curvect.myname + ' max') ax.set_ylim(zmin,zmax) zmodmin= np.floor_divide(zmin*100,25)*25/100 ax.set_yticks(np.arange(zmodmin,zmax,.25)) fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def plot_linked_polygons_wx(self, fig:MplFig, linked_arrays:dict, linked_vec:dict[str,"Zones"]=None, linestyle:str='-', onlymedian:bool=False, withtopography:bool = True, ds:float = None): """ Création d'un graphique sur base des polygones Chaque polygone se positionnera sur base de la valeur Z de ses vertices - façon conventionnelle de définir une longueur - ceci est normalement fait lors de l'appel à 'create_polygon_from_parallel' - si les polygones sont créés manuellement, il faut donc prendre soin de fournir l'information adhoc ou alors utiliser l'rgument 'ds' ATTENTION : Les coordonnées Z ne sont sauvegardées sur disque que si le fichier est 3D, autrement dit au format '.vecz' :param fig: Figure :param ax: Axes :param linked_arrays: dictionnaire contenant les matrices à lier -- les clés sont les labels :param linked_vec: dictionnaire contenant les instances Zones à lier -- Besoin d'une zone et d'un vecteur 'trace/trace' pour convertir les positions en coordonnées curvilignes :param linestyle: style de ligne :param onlymedian: affiche uniquement la médiane :param withtopography: affiche la topographie :param ds: pas spatial le long de l'axe """ colors=['red','blue','green','darkviolet','fuchsia','lime'] #Vérifie qu'au moins une matrice liée est fournie, sinon rien à faire exit=True for curlabel, curarray in linked_arrays.items(): if curarray.plotted: exit=False if exit: return k=0 zmin=99999. zmax=-99999. if ds is None: # Récupération des positions srefs=np.asarray([curpol.myvertices[0].z for curpol in self.myvectors]) else: # Création des positions sur base de 'ds' srefs=np.arange(0., float(self.nbvectors) * ds, ds) for idx, (curlabel, curarray) in enumerate(linked_arrays.items()): if curarray.plotted:'Plotting linked polygons for {}'.format(curlabel)))'Number of polygons : {}'.format(self.nbvectors)))'Extracting values inside polygons...')) vals= [curarray.get_values_insidepoly(curpol) for curpol in self.myvectors]'Computing stats...')) values = np.asarray([cur[0] for cur in vals],dtype=object) valel = np.asarray([cur[1] for cur in vals],dtype=object) zmaxloc=np.asarray([np.max(curval) if len(curval) >0 else -99999. for curval in values]) zminloc=np.asarray([np.min(curval) if len(curval) >0 else -99999. for curval in values]) zmax=max(zmax,np.max(zmaxloc[np.where(zmaxloc>-99999.)])) zmin=min(zmin,np.min(zminloc[np.where(zminloc>-99999.)])) if zmax>-99999: zloc = np.asarray([np.median(curpoly) if len(curpoly) >0 else -99999. for curpoly in values]) fig.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], color=colors[np.mod(k,3)], lw=2.0, linestyle=linestyle, label=curlabel+'_median') zloc = np.asarray([np.min(curpoly) if len(curpoly) >0 else -99999. for curpoly in values]) if not onlymedian: fig.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], color=colors[np.mod(k,3)],alpha=.3, lw=2.0, linestyle=linestyle, label=curlabel+'_min') zloc = np.asarray([np.max(curpoly) if len(curpoly) >0 else -99999. for curpoly in values]) fig.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], color=colors[np.mod(k,3)],alpha=.3, lw=2.0, linestyle=linestyle, label=curlabel+'_max') if withtopography and idx==0: if valel[0] is not None: zmaxloc=np.asarray([np.max(curval) if len(curval) >0 else -99999. for curval in valel]) zminloc=np.asarray([np.min(curval) if len(curval) >0 else -99999. for curval in valel]) zmax=max(zmax,np.max(zmaxloc[np.where(zmaxloc>-99999.)])) zmin=min(zmin,np.min(zminloc[np.where(zminloc>-99999.)])) if zmax>-99999: zloc = np.asarray([np.median(curpoly) if len(curpoly) >0 else -99999. for curpoly in valel]) fig.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], color='black', lw=2.0, linestyle=linestyle, label=curlabel+'_top_median') # if not onlymedian: # zloc = np.asarray([np.min(curpoly) for curpoly in valel]) # ax.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], # color='black',alpha=.3, # lw=2.0, # linestyle=linestyle, # label=curlabel+'_top_min') # zloc = np.asarray([np.max(curpoly) for curpoly in valel]) # ax.plot(srefs[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)],zloc[np.where(zloc!=-99999.)], # color='black',alpha=.3, # lw=2.0, # linestyle=linestyle, # label=curlabel+'_top_max') k+=1 for curlabel, curzones in linked_vec.items(): curzones:Zones names = [curzone.myname for curzone in curzones.myzones] trace = None tracels = None'Plotting linked zones for {}'.format(curlabel))) curzone: zone if 'trace' in names: curzone = curzones.get_zone('trace') trace = curzone.get_vector('trace') if trace is None: if curzone is not None: if curzone.nbvectors>0: trace = curzone.myvectors[0] if trace is not None: tracels = trace.asshapely_ls() else: logging.warning(_('No trace found in the vectors {}'.format(curlabel))) break if ('marks' in names) or ('repères' in names): if ('marks' in names): curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('marks')] else: curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('repères')]'Plotting marks for {}'.format(curlabel)))'Number of marks : {}'.format(curzone.nbvectors))) for curvect in curzone.myvectors: curls = curvect.asshapely_ls() if curls.intersects(tracels): inter = curls.intersection(tracels) curs = float(tracels.project(inter)) fig.plot([curs, curs], [zmin, zmax], linestyle='--', label=curvect.myname) fig.text(curs, zmax, curvect.myname, fontsize=8, ha='center', va='bottom') if ('banks' in names) or ('berges' in names): if ('banks' in names): curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('banks')] else: curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('berges')]'Plotting banks for {}'.format(curlabel)))'Number of banks : {}'.format(curzone.nbvectors))) for curvect in curzone.myvectors: curvect: vector curproj = curvect.projectontrace(trace) sz = curproj.asnparray() fig.plot(sz[:,0], sz[:,1], label=curvect.myname) if ('bridges' in names) or ('ponts' in names): if ('bridges' in names): curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('bridges')] else: curzone = curzones.myzones[names.index('ponts')]'Plotting bridges for {}'.format(curlabel))) for curvect in curzone.myvectors: curvect: vector curls = curvect.asshapely_ls() if curls.intersects(tracels):'Bridge {} intersects the trace'.format(curvect.myname))) inter = curls.intersection(tracels) curs = float(tracels.project(inter)) locz = np.asarray([vert.z for vert in curvect.myvertices]) zmin = np.amin(locz) zmax = np.amax(locz) fig.plot(curs, zmin, label=curvect.myname + ' min', marker='x') fig.plot(curs, zmax, label=curvect.myname + ' max', marker='x') fig.cur_ax.set_ylim(zmin,zmax) zmodmin= np.floor_divide(zmin*100,25)*25/100 fig.cur_ax.set_yticks(np.arange(zmodmin,zmax,.25))
[docs] def reset_listogl(self): """ Reset OpenGL lists. Force deletion of the OpenGL list. If the object is newly plotted, the lists will be recreated. """ if self.idgllist!=-99999: glDeleteLists(self.idgllist,1) self.idgllist=-99999
[docs] def deepcopy_zone(self, name: str =None, parent: str= None) -> "zone": """ Return a deep copy of the zone""" if name is None: name = self.myname + '_copy' if parent is not None: copied_zone = zone(name=name, parent=parent) else: copied_zone = zone(name=name) copied_zone.myvectors = [] for vec in self.myvectors: copied_vec = vec.deepcopy_vector(parentzone = copied_zone) copied_zone.add_vector(copied_vec, forceparent=True) return copied_zone
[docs] def deepcopy(self, name: str =None, parent: str= None) -> "zone": """ Return a deep copy of the zone""" return self.deepcopy_zone(name, parent)
[docs] def show_properties(self): """ Show properties of the zone --> will be applied to all vectors int he zone """ if self.myprops is None: locvec = vector() locvec.show_properties() self.myprops = locvec.myprop.myprops self.myprops[('Legend','X')] = str(99999.) self.myprops[('Legend','Y')] = str(99999.) self.myprops[('Legend','Text')] = _('Not used') if self._rotation_center is None: self.myprops[('Rotation','Center X')] = 99999. self.myprops[('Rotation','Center Y')] = 99999. else: self.myprops[('Rotation','Center X')] = self._rotation_center.x self.myprops[('Rotation','Center Y')] = self._rotation_center.y if self._rotation_step is None: self.myprops[('Rotation','Step [degree]')] = 99999. else: self.myprops[('Rotation','Step [degree]')] = self._rotation_step self.myprops[('Rotation', 'Angle [degree]')] = 0. if self._move_start is None: self.myprops[('Move','Start X')] = 99999. self.myprops[('Move','Start Y')] = 99999. else: self.myprops[('Move','Start X')] = self._move_start.x self.myprops[('Move','Start Y')] = self._move_start.y if self._move_step is None: self.myprops[('Move','Step [m]')] = 99999. else: self.myprops[('Move','Step [m]')] = self._move_step self.myprops[('Move', 'Delta X')] = 0. self.myprops[('Move', 'Delta Y')] = 0. self.myprops.Populate() self.myprops.set_callbacks(self._callback_prop, self._callback_destroy_props) self.myprops.SetTitle(_('Zone properties - {}'.format(self.myname))) self.myprops.Center() self.myprops.Raise()
[docs] def hide_properties(self): """ Hide the properties window """ if self.myprops is not None: # window for general properties self.myprops.Hide() for curvect in self.myvectors: curvect.hide_properties()
[docs] def _callback_destroy_props(self): """ Callback to destroy the properties window """ if self.myprops is not None: self.myprops.Destroy() self.myprops = None
[docs] def _callback_prop(self): """ Callback to update properties """ if self.myprops is None: logging.warning(_('No properties available')) return for curvec in self.myvectors: curvec.myprop.fill_property(self.myprops, updateOGL = False) angle = self.myprops[('Rotation', 'Angle [degree]')] dx = self.myprops[('Move', 'Delta X')] dy = self.myprops[('Move', 'Delta Y')] if angle!=0. and (dx!=0. or dy!=0.): logging.warning(_('Rotation and translation are not compatible')) return elif angle!=0.: if self._rotation_center is None: logging.warning(_('No rotation center defined')) return else: self.rotate(angle, self._rotation_center) self.clear_cache() elif dx!=0. or dy!=0.: self.move(dx, dy) self.clear_cache() if self.parent.mapviewer is not None: self.prep_listogl() self.parent.mapviewer.Refresh()
[docs] def set_legend_to_centroid(self): """ Set the legend to the centroid of the zone """ for curvec in self.myvectors: curvec.set_legend_to_centroid()
[docs] class Zones(wx.Frame, Element_To_Draw): """ Objet de gestion d'informations vectorielles Une instance 'Zones' contient une liste de 'zone' Une instance 'zone' contient une listde de 'vector' (segment, ligne, polyligne, polygone...) """
[docs] tx:float
[docs] ty:float
# nbzones:int
[docs] myzones:list[zone]
[docs] treelist:TreeListCtrl
[docs] xls:CpGrid
def __init__(self, filename:Union[str, Path]='', ox:float=0., oy:float=0., tx:float=0., ty:float=0., parent=None, is2D=True, idx: str = '', plotted: bool = True, mapviewer=None, need_for_wx: bool = False, bbox:Polygon = None, find_minmax:bool = True, shared:bool = False, colors:dict = None) -> None: """ Objet de gestion et d'affichage d'informations vectorielles :param filename: nom du fichier à lire :param ox: origine X :param oy: origine Y :param tx: Translation selon X :param ty: Translation selon Y :param parent: objet parent -- soit une instance 'WolfMapViewer', soit une instance 'Ops_Array' --> est utile pour transférer la propriété 'active_vector' et obtenir diverses informations ou lancer des actions :param is2D: si True --> les vecteurs sont en 2D :param idx: identifiant :param plotted: si True --> les vecteurs sont prêts à être affichés :param mapviewer: instance WolfMapViewer :param need_for_wx: si True --> permet l'affichage de la structure via WX car une app WX existe et est en cours d'exécution :param bbox: bounding box :param find_minmax: si True --> recherche des valeurs min et max :param shared: si True --> les vecteurs sont partagés entre plusieurs autres objets --> pas de préparation de la liste OGL wx_exists : si True --> permet l'affichage de la structure via WX car une app WX existe et est en cours d'exécution Si wx_exists alors on cherche une instance WolfMapViewer depuis le 'parent' --> set_mapviewer() Dans ce cas, le parent doit posséder une routine du type 'get_mapviewer()' Exemple : def get_mapviewer(self): # Retourne une instance WolfMapViewer return self.mapviewer """ Element_To_Draw.__init__(self, idx, plotted, mapviewer, need_for_wx) self._myprops = None # common properties of all zones self.loaded=True self.shared = shared # shared betwwen several WolfArray, wolfresults2d... self.active_vector:vector = None self.active_zone:zone = None self.last_active = None # dernier élément activé dans le treelist self.force3D=False self.is2D=is2D self.filename=str(filename) self.parent = parent # objet parent (PyDraw, OpsArray, Wolf2DModel...) self.wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None self.xls = None self.labelactvect = None self.labelactzone = None if self.wx_exists: self.set_mapviewer() try: super(Zones, self).__init__(None, size=(400, 400)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE,self.OnClose) # on lie la procédure de fermeture de façon à juste masquer le Frame et non le détruire except: raise Warning(_('Bad wx context -- see Zones.__init__')) self.init_struct=True # il faudra initialiser la structure dans showstructure lors du premier appel self.xmin=ox self.ymin=oy self._first_find_minmax:bool = True self.tx=tx self.ty=ty self.myzones=[] self._move_start = None self._move_step = None self._rotation_center = None self._rotation_step = None if self.filename!='': # lecture du fichier if self.filename.endswith('.dxf'): self.is2D=False self.import_dxf(self.filename) elif self.filename.endswith('.shp'): self.is2D=False self.import_shapefile(self.filename, bbox=bbox) elif self.filename.endswith('.gpkg'): self.is2D=False self.import_gpkg(self.filename, bbox=bbox) elif Path(filename).is_dir() and self.filename.endswith('.gdb'): self.is2D=False self.import_gdb(self.filename, bbox=bbox) elif self.filename.endswith('.vec') or self.filename.endswith('.vecz'): if self.filename.endswith('.vecz'): self.is2D=False f = open(self.filename, 'r') lines = f.close() try: tx,ty=lines[0].split() except: tx,ty=lines[0].split(',') self.tx=float(tx) self.ty=float(ty) tmp_nbzones=int(lines[1]) curstart=2 for i in range(tmp_nbzones): curzone=zone(lines[curstart:],parent=self,is2D=self.is2D) self.myzones.append(curzone) curstart+=curzone._nblines() if Path(self.filename + '.extra').exists(): # lecture des propriétés "extra" with open(self.filename + '.extra', 'r') as f: lines = try: nblines = len(lines) i=0 idx_zone = 0 while i<nblines: curzone = self.myzones[idx_zone] assert curzone.myname == lines[i], _('Error while reading extra properties of {}'.format(self.filename)) i+=1 ret = curzone.load_extra(lines[i:]) i+=ret idx_zone += 1 except: logging.warning(_('Error while reading extra properties of {}'.format(self.filename))) if find_minmax: self.find_minmax(True) if colors is not None: self.colorize_data(colors, filled=True) if plotted and self.has_OGLContext and not self.shared: self.prep_listogl()
[docs] def set_cache(self): """ Set cache for all zones """ for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.set_cache()
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ Clear cache for all zones """ for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.clear_cache()
[docs] def move(self, dx:float, dy:float, use_cache:bool = True, inplace:bool = True): """ Move all zones """ if self._move_step is not None: dx = np.round(dx/self._move_step)*self._move_step dy = np.round(dy/self._move_step)*self._move_step if inplace: for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.move(dx, dy, use_cache=use_cache, inplace=inplace) return self else: newzones = self.deepcopy_zones() newzones.move(dx, dy, use_cache=False, inplace=True) newzones.find_minmax(True) return newzones
[docs] def rotate(self, angle:float, center:Point = None, use_cache:bool = True, inplace:bool = True): """ Rotate all zones """ if self._rotation_step is not None: angle = np.round(angle/self._rotation_step)*self._rotation_step if inplace: for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.rotate(angle, center, use_cache=use_cache, inplace=inplace) return self else: newzones = self.deepcopy_zones() newzones.rotate(angle, center, use_cache=False, inplace=True) newzones.find_minmax(True) return newzones
[docs] def rotate_xy(self, angle:float, center:Point = None, use_cache:bool = True, inplace:bool = True): """ Rotate all zones """ if inplace: for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.rotate_xy(angle, center, use_cache=use_cache, inplace=inplace) return self else: newzones = self.deepcopy_zones() newzones.rotate_xy(angle, center, use_cache=False, inplace=True) newzones.find_minmax(True) return newzones
[docs] def force_unique_zone_name(self): """ Check if all zones have a unique id If not, the id will be set to the index of the zone in the list """ names = [curzone.myname for curzone in self.myzones] unique_names = set(names) if len(unique_names) != len(names): for idx, curzone in enumerate(self.myzones): if names.count(curzone.myname)>1: curzone.myname += '_'+str(idx)
[docs] def set_legend_text(self, text:str): """ Set the legend text for the zones """ for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.set_legend_text(text)
[docs] def set_legend_position(self, x, y): """ Set the legend position for the zones """ for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.set_legend_position(x, y)
[docs] def nbzones(self): return len(self.myzones)
[docs] def import_shapefile(self, fn:str, bbox:Polygon = None): """ Import shapefile by using geopandas Shapefile == 1 zone """ content = gpd.read_file(fn, bbox=bbox) for idx, row in content.iterrows(): if 'NAME' in row.keys(): name = row['NAME'] elif 'location' in row.keys(): name = row['location'] # tuilage gdal elif 'name' in row.keys(): name = row['name'] elif 'MAJ_NIV3T' in row.keys(): # WALOUS name = row['MAJ_NIV3T'] elif 'NATUR_DESC' in row.keys(): name = row['NATUR_DESC'] else: name = str(idx) poly = row['geometry'] newzone = zone(name=name, parent = self, fromshapely = poly) self.add_zone(newzone)
[docs] def export_to_shapefile(self, filename:str): """ Export to shapefile. The first vector of each zone will be exported. If you want to export all vectors, you have to use "export_shape" of the zone object. FIXME: Add support of data fields """ import geopandas as gpd names=[] geoms=[] # One zone is a polygon for curzone in self.myzones: if curzone.nbvectors == 0: logging.warning(_('Zone {} contains no vector'.format(curzone.myname))) continue elif curzone.nbvectors>1: logging.warning(_('Zone {} contains more than one vector -- only the first one will be exported'.format(curzone.myname))) names.append(curzone.myname) for curvect in curzone.myvectors[:1]: if curvect.is2D: if curvect.closed: geoms.append(curvect.asshapely_pol()) else: geoms.append(curvect.asshapely_ls()) else: if curvect.closed: geoms.append(curvect.asshapely_pol3D()) else: geoms.append(curvect.asshapely_ls3d()) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'id':names,'geometry':geoms}) = 'EPSG:31370' gdf.to_file(filename)
[docs] def export_active_zone_to_shapefile(self, filename:str): """ Export the active_zone to shapefile. """ if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone')) return self.active_zone.export_shape(filename)
[docs] def import_gdb(self, fn:str, bbox:Polygon = None): """ Import gdb by using geopandas and Fiona""" import fiona layers = fiona.listlayers(fn) if self.wx_exists: dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the layers to import'), _('Choose the layers'), layers) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: layers = [layers[i] for i in dlg.GetSelections()] else: return for curlayer in layers: content = gpd.read_file(fn, bbox=bbox, layer=curlayer) if len(content)>1000: logging.warning(_('Layer {} contains more than 1000 elements -- it may take a while to import'.format(curlayer))) for idx, row in content.iterrows(): if 'NAME' in row.keys(): name = row['NAME'] elif 'MAJ_NIV3T' in row.keys(): # WALOUS name = row['MAJ_NIV3T'] elif 'NATUR_DESC' in row.keys(): name = row['NATUR_DESC'] else: name = str(idx) poly = row['geometry'] newzone = zone(name=name, parent = self, fromshapely = poly) self.add_zone(newzone) if len(content)>1000: if idx%100==0:'Imported {} elements'.format(idx)))
[docs] def import_gpkg(self, fn:str, bbox:Polygon = None): """ Import gdb by using geopandas and Fiona""" import fiona layers = fiona.listlayers(fn) if self.wx_exists: dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the layers to import'), _('Choose the layers'), layers) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: layers = [layers[i] for i in dlg.GetSelections()] else: return for curlayer in layers: content = gpd.read_file(fn, bbox=bbox, layer=curlayer) if len(content)>1000: logging.warning(_('Number of elements in layer {} : {}'.format(curlayer, len(content)))) logging.warning(_('Layer {} contains more than 1000 elements -- it may take a while to import'.format(curlayer))) if self.wx_exists: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Layer {} contains more than 1000 elements -- it may take a while to import\n\nContinue ?'.format(curlayer)), _('Warning'), wx.OK | wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_WARNING) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: return for idx, row in content.iterrows(): if 'NAME' in row.keys(): name = row['NAME'] elif 'CANU' in row.keys(): name = row['CANU'] elif 'MAJ_NIV3T' in row.keys(): # WALOUS name = row['MAJ_NIV3T'] elif 'NATUR_DESC' in row.keys(): name = row['NATUR_DESC'] elif 'Type' in row.keys(): name = row['Type'] else: name = str(idx) poly = row['geometry'] newzone = zone(name=name, parent = self, fromshapely = poly) self.add_zone(newzone) if len(content)>1000: if idx%100==0:'Imported {} elements'.format(idx)))
[docs] def set_mapviewer(self): """ Recherche d'une instance WolfMapViewer depuis le parent """ from .PyDraw import WolfMapViewer if self.parent is None: # Nothing to do because 'parent' is None return try: self.mapviewer = self.parent.get_mapviewer() except: self.mapviewer = None assert isinstance(self.mapviewer, WolfMapViewer), _('Bad mapviewer -- verify your code or bad parent')
[docs] def colorize_data(self, colors:dict[str:list[int]], filled:bool = False) -> None: """ Colorize zones based on a dictionary of colors Zone's name must be the key of the dictionary """ std_color = getIfromRGB([10, 10, 10]) for curzone in self.myzones: if curzone.myname in colors: curcolor = getIfromRGB(colors[curzone.myname]) else: curcolor = std_color for curvect in curzone.myvectors: curvect.myprop.color = curcolor curvect.myprop.alpha = 180 curvect.myprop.transparent = True curvect.myprop.filled = filled
[docs] def set_width(self, width:int) -> None: """ Change with of all vectors in all zones """ for curzone in self.myzones: for curvect in curzone.myvectors: curvect.myprop.width = width self.prep_listogl()
[docs] def get_zone(self,keyzone:Union[int, str])->zone: """ Retrouve la zone sur base de son nom ou de sa position Si plusieurs zones portent le même nom, seule la première est retournée """ if isinstance(keyzone,int): if keyzone<self.nbzones: return self.myzones[keyzone] return None if isinstance(keyzone,str): zone_names = [cur.myname for cur in self.myzones] if keyzone in zone_names: return self.myzones[zone_names.index(keyzone)] return None
def __getitem__(self, ndx:Union[int, str, tuple]) -> Union[zone, vector]: """ Retourne la zone sur base de son nom ou de sa position :param ndx: Clé ou index de zone -- si tuple, alors (idx_zone, idx_vect) """ if isinstance(ndx,tuple): idx_zone = ndx[0] idx_vect = ndx[1] return self.get_zone(idx_zone)[idx_vect] else: return self.get_zone(ndx) @property
[docs] def zone_names(self) -> list[str]: """ Return the list of zone names """ return [cur.myname for cur in self.myzones]
[docs] def import_dxf(self, fn, imported_elts=['POLYLINE','LWPOLYLINE','LINE']): """ Import d'un fichier DXF en tant qu'objets WOLF """ import ezdxf if not path.exists(fn): try: logging.warning(_('File not found !') + ' ' + fn) except: pass return # Lecture du fichier dxf et identification du modelspace doc = ezdxf.readfile(fn) msp = doc.modelspace() layers = doc.layers used_layers = {} # Bouclage sur les éléments du DXF pour identifier les layers utiles et ensuite créer les zones adhoc for e in msp: if doc.layers.get(e.dxf.layer).is_on(): if e.dxftype() in imported_elts: if e.dxftype() == "POLYLINE": if e.dxf.layer not in used_layers.keys(): curlayer = used_layers[e.dxf.layer]={} else: curlayer = used_layers[e.dxf.layer] curlayer[e.dxftype().lower()]=0 elif e.dxftype() == "LWPOLYLINE": if e.dxf.layer not in used_layers.keys(): curlayer = used_layers[e.dxf.layer]={} else: curlayer = used_layers[e.dxf.layer] curlayer[e.dxftype().lower()]=0 elif e.dxftype() == "LINE": # dans ce cas spécifique, ce sont a priori les lignes composant les croix sur les points levés if e.dxf.layer not in used_layers.keys(): curlayer = used_layers[e.dxf.layer]={} else: curlayer = used_layers[e.dxf.layer] curlayer[e.dxftype().lower()]=0 else: logging.warning(_('DXF element not supported : ') + e.dxftype()) else:'Layer {} is off'.format(e.dxf.layer))) # Création des zones for curlayer in used_layers.keys(): for curtype in used_layers[curlayer].keys(): curzone = used_layers[curlayer][curtype] = zone(name = '{} - {}'.format(curlayer,curtype),is2D=self.is2D,parent=self) self.add_zone(curzone) # Nouveau bouclage sur les éléments du DXF pour remplissage nbid=0 for e in msp: if doc.layers.get(e.dxf.layer).is_on(): if e.dxftype() == "POLYLINE": nbid+=1 # récupération des coordonnées verts = [ for cur in e.vertices] curzone = used_layers[e.dxf.layer][e.dxftype().lower()] curpoly = vector(is2D=False,name=e.dxf.handle,parentzone=curzone) curzone.add_vector(curpoly) for cur in verts: myvert = wolfvertex(cur[0],cur[1],cur[2]) curpoly.add_vertex(myvert) elif e.dxftype() == "LWPOLYLINE": nbid+=1 # récupération des coordonnées verts = np.array(e.lwpoints.values) verts = verts.reshape([verts.size // 5,5])[:,:2] # in ezdxf 1.3.5, the lwpoints.values attribute is a np.ndarray [n,5] # verts = verts.reshape([len(verts) // 5,5])[:,:2] # in ezdxf 1.2.0, the lwpoints.values attribute was flattened verts = np.column_stack([verts,[e.dxf.elevation]*len(verts)]) curzone = used_layers[e.dxf.layer][e.dxftype().lower()] curpoly = vector(is2D=False,name=e.dxf.handle,parentzone=curzone) curzone.add_vector(curpoly) for cur in verts: myvert = wolfvertex(cur[0],cur[1],cur[2]) curpoly.add_vertex(myvert) elif e.dxftype() == "LINE": nbid+=1 curzone = used_layers[e.dxf.layer][e.dxftype().lower()] curpoly = vector(is2D=False,name=e.dxf.handle,parentzone=curzone) curzone.add_vector(curpoly) # récupération des coordonnées myvert = wolfvertex(e.dxf.start[0],e.dxf.start[1],e.dxf.start[2]) curpoly.add_vertex(myvert) myvert = wolfvertex(e.dxf.end[0],e.dxf.end[1],e.dxf.end[2]) curpoly.add_vertex(myvert)'Number of imported elements : ')+str(nbid))
[docs] def find_nearest_vector(self, x:float, y:float) -> vector: """ Trouve le vecteur le plus proche de la coordonnée (x,y) """ xy=Point(x,y) distmin=99999. minvec=None curzone:zone for curzone in self.myzones: curvect:vector for curvect in curzone.myvectors: mynp = curvect.asnparray() mp = MultiPoint(mynp) near = nearest_points(mp,xy)[0] dist = xy.distance(near) if dist < distmin: minvec=curvect distmin=dist return minvec
[docs] def reset_listogl(self): """ Reset des listes OpenGL pour toutes les zones """ for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.reset_listogl()
[docs] def prep_listogl(self): """ Préparation des listes OpenGL pour augmenter la vitesse d'affichage """ try: for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.prep_listogl() except: logging.warning(_('Error while preparing OpenGL lists'))
[docs] def check_plot(self): """ L'objet doit être affiché Fonction principalement utile pour l'objet WolfMapViewer et le GUI """ self.plotted = True
[docs] def uncheck_plot(self, unload=True): """ L'objet ne doit pas être affiché Fonction principalement utile pour l'objet WolfMapViewer et le GUI """ self.plotted = False
[docs] def save(self): """ Sauvegarde sur disque, sans remise en cause du nom de fichier """ if self.filename =='': logging.warning(_('No filename defined')) return self.saveas()
[docs] def saveas(self, filename:str=''): """ Sauvegarde sur disque filename : chemin d'accès potentiellement différent de self.filename si c'est le cas, self.filename est modifié """ filename = str(filename) if filename!='': self.filename=filename if self.filename.endswith('.shp'): self.export_to_shapefile(self.filename) else: if self.filename.endswith('.vecz'): self.force3D=True #on veut un fichier 3D --> forcage du paramètre with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: f.write(f'{self.tx} {self.ty}'+'\n') f.write(str(self.nbzones)+'\n') for curzone in self.myzones: with open(self.filename + '.extra', 'w') as f: for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.save_extra(f)
[docs] def OnClose(self, e): """ Fermeture de la fenêtre """ if self.wx_exists: self.Hide()
[docs] def add_zone(self, addedzone:zone, forceparent=False): """ Ajout d'une zone à la liste """ self.myzones.append(addedzone) if forceparent: addedzone.parent = self
[docs] def find_minmax(self, update=False, only_firstlast:bool=False): """ Trouve les bornes des vertices pour toutes les zones et tous les vecteurs :param update : si True, force la MAJ des minmax dans chaque zone; si False, compile les minmax déjà présents :param only_firstlast : si True, ne prend en compte que le premier et le dernier vertex de chaque vecteur """ if update or self._first_find_minmax: for zone in self.myzones: zone.find_minmax(update or self._first_find_minmax, only_firstlast) self._first_find_minmax = False if self.nbzones > 0: minsx = np.asarray([zone.xmin for zone in self.myzones if zone.xmin!=-99999.]) minsy = np.asarray([zone.ymin for zone in self.myzones if zone.ymin!=-99999.]) maxsx = np.asarray([zone.xmax for zone in self.myzones if zone.xmax!=-99999.]) maxsy = np.asarray([zone.ymax for zone in self.myzones if zone.ymax!=-99999.]) if minsx.size == 0: self.xmin = 0. self.ymin = 0. self.xmax = 1. self.ymax = 1. else: self.xmin = minsx.min() self.xmax = maxsx.max() self.ymin = minsy.min() self.ymax = maxsy.max()
[docs] def plot(self, sx=None, sy=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, size=None): """ Dessine les zones """ for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.plot(sx=sx, sy=sy, xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, size=size)
[docs] def select_vectors_from_point(self, x:float, y:float, inside=True): """ Sélection de vecteurs dans chaque zones sur base d'une coordonnée --> remplit la liste 'selected_vectors' de chaque zone inside : si True, teste si le point est contenu dans le polygone; si False, sélectionne le vecteur le plus proche """ xmin=1e30 for curzone in self.myzones: xmin = curzone.select_vectors_from_point(x,y,inside)
[docs] def show_properties(self, parent=None, forceupdate=False): """ Affichage des propriétés des zones parent : soit une instance 'WolfMapViewer', soit une instance 'Ops_Array' --> est utile pour transférer la propriété 'active_vector' et obtenir diverses informations si parent est d'un autre type, il faut s'assurer que les options/actions sont consistantes """ self.showstructure(parent, forceupdate)
[docs] def hide_properties(self): """ Hide the properties window """ self.Hide() if self._myprops is not None: self._myprops.Hide() for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.hide_properties()
[docs] def showstructure(self, parent=None, forceupdate=False): """ Affichage de la structure des zones parent : soit une instance 'WolfMapViewer', soit une instance 'Ops_Array' --> est utile pour transférer la propriété 'active_vector' et obtenir diverses informations si parent est d'un autre type, il faut s'assurer que les options/actions sont consistantes """ if self.parent is None: self.parent = parent self.wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None if forceupdate: self.init_struct = True self.parent = parent if self.wx_exists: self.set_mapviewer() # wx est initialisé et tourne --> on peut créer le Frame associé aux vecteurs if self.init_struct: self.init_ui() self.Show() self.Center() self.Raise()
[docs] def init_ui(self): """ Création de l'interface wx de gestion de l'objet """ if self.wx_exists: # la strcuture n'existe pas encore box = BoxSizer(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL) boxleft = BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) boxright = BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) boxadd = BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) boxdelete = BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) boxupdown = BoxSizer(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL) boxupdownv = BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) boxupdownz = BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) self.xls=CpGrid(self,-1,wx.WANTS_CHARS) self.xls.CreateGrid(10,6) sizer_add_update = BoxSizer(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL) self.addrows = wx.Button(self,label=_('Add rows')) self.addrows.SetToolTip(_("Add rows to the grid --> Useful for manually adding some points to a vector")) self.addrows.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Onaddrows) self.updatevertices = wx.Button(self,label=_('Update coordinates')) self.updatevertices.SetToolTip(_("Transfer the coordinates from the editor to the memory and update the plot")) self.updatevertices.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Onupdatevertices) sizer_add_update.Add(self.addrows,1, wx.EXPAND) sizer_add_update.Add(self.updatevertices,3, wx.EXPAND) self.capturevertices = wx.Button(self,label=_('Add')) self.capturevertices.SetToolTip(_("Capture new points from mouse clicks \n\n Keyboard 'Return' to stop the action ! ")) self.capturevertices.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Oncapture) self.modifyvertices = wx.Button(self,label=_('Modify')) self.modifyvertices.SetToolTip(_("Modify some point from mouse clicks \n\n - First click around the desired point \n - Move the position \n - Validate by a click \n\n Keyboard 'Return' to stop the action ! ")) self.modifyvertices.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Onmodify) self.dynapar = wx.Button(self,label=_('Add and parallel')) self.dynapar.SetToolTip(_("Capture new points from mouse clicks and create parallel \n\n - MAJ + Middle Mouse Button to adjust the semi-distance \n - CTRL + MAJ + Middle Mouse Button to choose specific semi-distance \n\n Keyboard 'Return' to stop the action ! ")) self.dynapar.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OncaptureandDynapar) self.createapar = wx.Button(self,label=_('Create parallel')) self.createapar.SetToolTip(_("Create a single parallel to the currently activated vector as a new vector in the same zone")) self.createapar.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnAddPar) sizer_reverse_split = BoxSizer(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL) self.reverseorder = wx.Button(self,label=_('Reverse points order')) self.reverseorder.SetToolTip(_("Reverse the order/sens of the currently activated vector -- Overwrite the data")) self.reverseorder.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnReverse) self.sascending = wx.Button(self,label=_('Verify vertices positions')) self.sascending.SetToolTip(_("Check whether the vertices of the activated vector are ordered according to increasing 's' defined as 2D geometric distance \n If needed, invert some positions and return information to the user")) self.sascending.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Onsascending) self.insertvertices = wx.Button(self,label=_('Insert')) self.insertvertices.SetToolTip(_("Insert new vertex into the currently active vector from mouse clicks \n The new vertex is inserted along the nearest segment \n\n Keyboard 'Return' to stop the action ! ")) self.insertvertices.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Oninsert) self.splitvertices = wx.Button(self,label=_('Copy and Split')) self.splitvertices.SetToolTip(_("Make a copy of the currently active vector and add new vertices according to a user defined length \n The new vertices are evaluated based on a 3D curvilinear distance")) self.splitvertices.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Onsplit) self.interpxyz = wx.Button(self,label=_('Interpolate coords')) self.interpxyz.SetToolTip(_("Linear Interpolation of the Z values if empty or egal to -99999 \n The interpolation uses the 's' value contained in the 5th column of the grid, X being the first one")) self.interpxyz.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Oninterpvec) self.evaluates = wx.Button(self,label=_('Evaluate s')) self.evaluates.SetToolTip(_("Calculate the curvilinear 's' distance using a '2D' or '3D' approach and store the result in the 5th column of the grid, X being the first one")) self.evaluates.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Onevaluates) self.update_from_s = wx.Button(self,label=_('Update from sz (support)')) self.update_from_s.SetToolTip(_("Update the coordinates of the vertices based on the 's' distance \n The interpolation uses the 's' value contained in the 5th column of the grid, X being the first one.\nThe support vector is in XY. It will be replaced.")) self.update_from_s.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Onupdate_from_sz_support) # Modified self.zoomonactive = wx.Button(self,label=_('Zoom on active vector')) self.zoomonactive.SetToolTip(_("Zoom on the active vector and a default view size of 500 m x 500 m")) self.zoomonactive.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Onzoom) # Added self.zoomonactivevertex = wx.Button(self, label =_('Zoom on active vertex')) self.zoomonactivevertex.SetToolTip(_("Zoom on the active vertex and a default view size of 50 m x 50 m")) self.zoomonactivevertex.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.Onzoomvertex) boxzoom = BoxSizer(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL) boxzoom.Add(self.zoomonactive,1, wx.EXPAND) boxzoom.Add(self.zoomonactivevertex,1, wx.EXPAND) self.saveimages = wx.Button(self,label=_('Save images from active zone')) self.saveimages.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Onsaveimages) self.binfrom3 = wx.Button(self,label=_('Create bin from 3 vectors')) self.binfrom3.SetToolTip(_("Create a bin/rectangular channel based on 3 vectors in the currently active zone \n Some parameters will be prompted to the user (lateral height, ...) and if a triangular mesh must be created --> Blender")) self.binfrom3.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Oncreatebin) sizer_triangulation = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.trifromall = wx.Button(self,label=_('Triangulation')) self.trifromall.SetToolTip(_("Create a triangular mesh based on all vectors within the currently active zone.\nUse the vertices as they are after subdividing the vectors into a specified number of points.\nAdd the resulting mesh to the GUI.\nThis can be useful in certain interpolation methods.")) self.trifromall.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Oncreatemultibin) self.trifromall_proj = wx.Button(self,label=_('Triang. (projection)')) self.trifromall_proj.SetToolTip(_("Create a triangular mesh based on all vectors in the currently active zone.\nGenerate vertices by projecting the central polyline, or the nearest one if there is an even number of polylines, onto the other polylines.\nAdd the resulting mesh to the GUI.\nThis can be useful in certain interpolation methods.")) self.trifromall_proj.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Oncreatemultibin_project) sizer_triangulation.Add(self.trifromall, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer_triangulation.Add(self.trifromall_proj, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer_delaunay = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.constrainedDelaunay = wx.Button(self,label=_('Constr. Delaunay')) self.constrainedDelaunay.SetToolTip(_("Create a triangular mesh based on all vectors in the currently active zone.")) self.constrainedDelaunay.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnconstrainedDelaunay) self.tri_cs = wx.Button(self,label=_('Triang. (cross-section)')) self.tri_cs.SetToolTip(_("Create a triangular mesh based on all vectors in the currently active zone.\nSupport vectors must have 'support' in their name.\nOthers must cross the supports.")) self.tri_cs.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Oncreatetricrosssection) sizer_delaunay.Add(self.constrainedDelaunay, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer_delaunay.Add(self.tri_cs, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer_polygons = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.polyfrompar = wx.Button(self,label=_('Polygons from paral.')) self.polyfrompar.SetToolTip(_("Create polygons in a new zone from parallels defined by " + _('Add and parallel') + _(" and a 2D curvilinear distance \n Useful for plotting some results or analyse data inside each polygon"))) self.polyfrompar.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Oncreatepolygons) self.slidingpoly = wx.Button(self,label=_('Sliding polygons')) self.slidingpoly.SetToolTip(_("Create sliding polygons in a new zone")) self.slidingpoly.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Oncreateslidingpoly) sizer_polygons.Add(self.polyfrompar, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer_polygons.Add(self.slidingpoly, 1, wx.EXPAND) # Added self.getxyfromsz = wx.Button(self, label = _('Update from sz (2 points)')) self.getxyfromsz.SetToolTip(_("Populate the X an Y columns based on: \n - Given sz coordinates, \n - 2 Points \n - The X and Y coordinates of the initial point (s = 0) and, \n - The X and Y coordinates of a second point (for the direction)")) self.getxyfromsz.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.get_xy_from_sz) boxright.Add(self.xls,1,wx.EXPAND) boxright.Add(sizer_add_update,0,wx.EXPAND) # boxright.Add(self.updatevertices,0,wx.EXPAND) subboxadd = BoxSizer(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL) subboxadd.Add(self.capturevertices,1,wx.EXPAND) subboxadd.Add(self.dynapar,1,wx.EXPAND) boxright.Add(subboxadd,0,wx.EXPAND) subboxmod = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subboxmod.Add(self.modifyvertices,1,wx.EXPAND) subboxmod.Add(self.insertvertices,1,wx.EXPAND) boxright.Add(subboxmod,0,wx.EXPAND) boxright.Add(self.createapar,0,wx.EXPAND) sizer_reverse_split.Add(self.reverseorder,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_reverse_split.Add(self.splitvertices,1,wx.EXPAND) boxright.Add(sizer_reverse_split,0,wx.EXPAND) # boxright.Add(self.splitvertices,0,wx.EXPAND) # boxright.Add(self.zoomonactive,0,wx.EXPAND) boxright.Add(boxzoom,0,wx.EXPAND) box_s = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) boxright.Add(box_s,0,wx.EXPAND) box_s.Add(self.evaluates,1,wx.EXPAND) box_s.Add(self.update_from_s,1,wx.EXPAND) box_s.Add(self.getxyfromsz,1,wx.EXPAND) # Added boxright.Add(self.interpxyz,0,wx.EXPAND) boxright.Add(self.sascending,0,wx.EXPAND) self.butgetval = wx.Button(self,label=_('Get values')) self.butgetval.SetToolTip(_("Get values of the attached/active array (not working with 2D results) on each vertex of the active vector and update the editor")) self.butgetval.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Ongetvalues) boxright.Add(self.butgetval,0,wx.EXPAND) self.butgetvallinked = wx.Button(self,label=_('Get values (all)')) self.butgetvallinked.SetToolTip(_("Get values of all the visible arrays and 2D results on each vertex of the active vector \n\n Create a new zone containing the results")) self.butgetvallinked.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Ongetvalueslinked) self.butgetrefvallinked = wx.Button(self,label=_('Get values (all and remeshing)')) self.butgetrefvallinked.SetToolTip(_("Get values of all the visible arrays and 2D results on each vertex of the active vector \n and more is the step size of the array is more precise \n\n Create a new zone containing the results")) self.butgetrefvallinked.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Ongetvalueslinkedandref) self._move_rotate_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.butmove = wx.Button(self,label=_('Move')) self.butmove.SetToolTip(_("Move the active vector - If not defined in properties, the first right click is the origin of the move")) self.butmove.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnMove) self.butrotate = wx.Button(self,label=_('Rotate')) self.butrotate.SetToolTip(_("Rotate the active vector - If not defined in properties, the first right click is the origin of the rotation")) self.butrotate.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnRotate) self._move_rotate_sizer.Add(self.butmove, 1, wx.EXPAND) self._move_rotate_sizer.Add(self.butrotate, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer_budget = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer_budget.Add(self.butgetvallinked,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_budget.Add(self.butgetrefvallinked,1,wx.EXPAND) boxright.Add(sizer_budget,0,wx.EXPAND) # boxright.Add(self.butgetrefvallinked,0,wx.EXPAND) boxright.Add(self._move_rotate_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.treelist = TreeListCtrl(self,style=TL_CHECKBOX|wx.TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT|wx.TR_EDIT_LABELS) self.treelist.AppendColumn('Zones') self.treelist.Bind(EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_CHECKED, self.OnCheckItem) self.treelist.Bind(EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnActivateItem) self.treelist.Bind(EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_CONTEXT_MENU,self.OnRDown) self.treelist.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR,self.OnEditLabel) self.labelactvect = wx.StaticText( self, wx.ID_ANY, _("None"), style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL ) self.labelactvect.Wrap( -1 ) self.labelactvect.SetToolTip(_('Name of the active vector')) self.labelactzone = wx.StaticText( self, wx.ID_ANY, _("None"), style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL ) self.labelactzone.Wrap( -1 ) self.labelactzone.SetToolTip(_('Name of the active zone')) sizer_addzonevector=wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.addzone = wx.Button(self,label=_('Add zone')) self.addvector = wx.Button(self,label=_('Add vector')) sizer_addzonevector.Add(self.addzone,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_addzonevector.Add(self.addvector,1,wx.EXPAND) self.duplicatezone = wx.Button(self,label=_('Duplicate zone')) self.duplicatevector = wx.Button(self,label=_('Duplicate vector')) self.deletezone = wx.Button(self,label=_('Delete zone')) self.findactivevector = wx.Button(self,label=_('Find in all')) self.findactivevector.SetToolTip(_("Search and activate the nearest vector by mouse click (Searching window : all zones)")) self.findactivevectorcurz = wx.Button(self,label=_('Find in active')) self.findactivevectorcurz.SetToolTip(_("Search and activate the nearest vector by mouse click (Searching window : active zone)")) self.deletevector = wx.Button(self,label=_('Delete vector')) self.upvector = wx.Button(self,label=_('Up vector')) self.downvector = wx.Button(self,label=_('Down vector')) self.upzone = wx.Button(self,label=_('Up zone')) self.downzone = wx.Button(self,label=_('Down zone')) # self.interpolate = wx.Button(self,label=_('Interpolate vector')) self._move_rotate_zone_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.butmove_zone = wx.Button(self,label=_('Move zone')) self.butmove_zone.SetToolTip(_("Move the active zone - If not defined in properties, the first right click is the origin of the move")) self.butmove_zone.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnMoveZone) self.butrotate_zone = wx.Button(self,label=_('Rotate zone')) self.butrotate_zone.SetToolTip(_("Rotate the active zone - If not defined in properties, the first right click is the origin of the rotation")) self.butrotate_zone.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnRotateZone) self._move_rotate_zone_sizer.Add(self.butmove_zone, 1, wx.EXPAND) self._move_rotate_zone_sizer.Add(self.butrotate_zone, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.addzone.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickadd_zone) self.addvector.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickadd_vector) self.duplicatezone.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickduplicate_zone) self.duplicatevector.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickduplicate_vector) self.deletezone.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickdelete_zone) self.deletevector.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickdelete_vector) self.upvector.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickup_vector) self.downvector.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickdown_vector) self.upzone.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickup_zone) self.downzone.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickdown_zone) # self.interpolate.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickInterpolate) self.findactivevector.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickfindactivate_vector) self.findactivevectorcurz.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnClickfindactivate_vector2) boxadd.Add(self.labelactvect,1,wx.EXPAND) boxadd.Add(self.labelactzone,1,wx.EXPAND) boxadd.Add(sizer_addzonevector,1,wx.EXPAND) # boxadd.Add(self.addvector,1,wx.EXPAND) boxduplicate = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) boxduplicate.Add(self.duplicatezone,1,wx.EXPAND) boxduplicate.Add(self.duplicatevector,1,wx.EXPAND) boxadd.Add(boxduplicate,1,wx.EXPAND) subboxadd = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subboxadd.Add(self.findactivevector,1,wx.EXPAND) subboxadd.Add(self.findactivevectorcurz,1,wx.EXPAND) boxadd.Add(subboxadd,1,wx.EXPAND) subboxdelete = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subboxdelete.Add(self.deletezone,1,wx.EXPAND) subboxdelete.Add(self.deletevector,1,wx.EXPAND) boxdelete.Add(subboxdelete,1,wx.EXPAND) boxupdown.Add(boxupdownz,1,wx.EXPAND) boxupdown.Add(boxupdownv,1,wx.EXPAND) boxupdownv.Add(self.upvector,1,wx.EXPAND) boxupdownv.Add(self.downvector,1,wx.EXPAND) boxupdownz.Add(self.upzone,1,wx.EXPAND) boxupdownz.Add(self.downzone,1,wx.EXPAND) # boxdelete.Add(self.interpolate,1,wx.EXPAND) boxtri = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) boxtri.Add(self.saveimages,1,wx.EXPAND) boxtri.Add(self.binfrom3,1,wx.EXPAND) boxtri.Add(sizer_triangulation,1,wx.EXPAND) # boxtri.Add(self.trifromall,1,wx.EXPAND) # boxtri.Add(self.trifromall_proj,1,wx.EXPAND) boxtri.Add(sizer_delaunay,1,wx.EXPAND) boxtri.Add(sizer_polygons,1,wx.EXPAND) # boxtri.Add(self.polyfrompar,1,wx.EXPAND) # boxtri.Add(self.slidingpoly,1,wx.EXPAND) boxleft.Add(self.treelist,1,wx.EXPAND) boxleft.Add(boxadd,0,wx.EXPAND) boxleft.Add(boxdelete,0,wx.EXPAND) boxleft.Add(boxupdown,0,wx.EXPAND) boxleft.Add(boxtri,0,wx.EXPAND) boxleft.Add(self._move_rotate_zone_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) box.Add(boxleft,1,wx.EXPAND) box.Add(boxright,1,wx.EXPAND) self.fill_structure() self.treelist.SetSize(200,500) self.SetSize(600,700) self.SetSizer(box) icon = wx.Icon() icon_path = Path(__file__).parent / "apps/wolf_logo2.bmp" icon.CopyFromBitmap(wx.Bitmap(str(icon_path), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) self.SetIcon(icon) if self.idx == '': if self.parent is not None: try: self.SetTitle(_('Zones associated to : {}'.format(self.parent.idx))) except: logging.warning(_('No parent idx found')) else: self.SetTitle(_('Zones : {}'.format(self.idx))) self.init_struct=False
[docs] def get_xy_from_sz(self, event: wx.Event): """ Add vertices and their respectives xy coordinates from s and Z entries in the xls grid: - NB: The coordinates of the initial point s= 0 and one other points should be explicitly given in the xls grid. """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return curv = self.active_vector n_rows = self.xls.GetNumberRows() if n_rows < 2: logging.warning(_('You need at least 2 points to interpolate the XY coordinates from the SZ coordinates')) return # Getting the 2 first XY coordinates X = [] Y = [] z_row = 1 #Starting from the second row because the first one is the initial point # First row coordinates x1 = self.xls.GetCellValue(0,0) y1 = self.xls.GetCellValue(0,1) if x1 != '' and y1 != '': X.append(float(x1)) Y.append(float(y1)) else: raise Exception('Encode the coordinates of the initial point (S = 0 --> first point)') # Coordinates of the second points while z_row < n_rows: if len(X) < 2 and len(Y) < 2: x2 = self.xls.GetCellValue(z_row,0) y2 = self.xls.GetCellValue(z_row,1) if x2 != '' and y2 != '': X.append(float(x2)) Y.append(float(y2)) z_row += 1 else: break xy1 = np.array([X[0], Y[0]]) xy2 = np.array([X[1], Y[1]]) # xy2 /= np.linalg.norm(xy2 - xy1) # Collection of sz coordinates row = 0 SZ = [] while row < n_rows: s = self.xls.GetCellValue(row,4) z = self.xls.GetCellValue(row,2) if z=='': z=0. if s != '': SZ.append((s,z)) row += 1 elif s=='': #FIXME logging msg to notify the user a point is missing break else: raise Exception (_("Recheck your data inputs")) break sz = np.asarray(SZ,dtype='float64') # FIXME The type is required otherwise type == <U self.update_from_sz_direction(xy1, xy2, sz) # update of the xls grid for k in range(curv.nbvertices ): self.xls.SetCellValue(k,0,str(curv.myvertices[k].x)) self.xls.SetCellValue(k,1,str(curv.myvertices[k].y))
[docs] def fill_structure(self): """ Remplissage de la structure wx """ def store_tree_state(tree:TreeListCtrl): """ Store the state of the tree control. Recursively store the state of the tree control in a list of item data. """ expended_items = [] root = tree.GetRootItem() if root is None: return def traverse_and_store(item:wx._dataview.TreeListItem): if not item.IsOk(): return if tree.IsExpanded(item): expended_items.append(tree.GetItemData(item)) item = tree.GetNextItem(item) traverse_and_store(item) traverse_and_store(root) return expended_items def restore_tree_state(tree:TreeListCtrl, expended_items): """ Restore the state of the tree control. Recursively restore the state of the tree control from a list of item data. """ if len(expanded)==0: # Nothing to do return root = tree.GetRootItem() if root is None: return def traverse_and_restore(item): if not item.IsOk(): return if tree.GetItemData(item) in expended_items: tree.Expand(item) item = tree.GetNextItem(item) traverse_and_restore(item) traverse_and_restore(root) if self.wx_exists: if self.xls is not None: expanded = store_tree_state(self.treelist) self.treelist.DeleteAllItems() root = self.treelist.GetRootItem() mynode=self.treelist.AppendItem(root, 'All zones', data=self) self.treelist.CheckItem(mynode) for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.add2tree(self.treelist,mynode) self.treelist.Expand(mynode) restore_tree_state(self.treelist, expanded)
[docs] def expand_tree(self, objzone=None): """ Développe la structure pour un objet spécifique stocké dans la self.treelist. L'objet peut être une 'zone' ou un 'vector' --> see more in 'fill_structure'. """ if self.wx_exists: if self.xls is not None: root = self.treelist.GetRootItem() curchild = self.treelist.GetFirstChild(root) curzone=self.treelist.GetItemData(curchild) while curchild is not None: if curzone is objzone: self.treelist.Expand(curchild) break else: curchild=self.treelist.GetNextItem(curchild) curzone=self.treelist.GetItemData(curchild)
[docs] def Oncapture(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Ajoute de nouveaux vertices au vecteur courant Fonctionne par clicks souris via le GUI wx de WolfMapViewer """ if self.wx_exists: # N'est pas à strictement parlé dépendant de wx mais n'a de sens # que si le mapviewer est défini --> si un GUI wx existe if self.verify_activevec(): return self.mapviewer.start_action('capture vertices', _('Capture vertices')) firstvert=wolfvertex(0.,0.) self.active_vector.add_vertex(firstvert) self.active_vector._reset_listogl() self.mapviewer.mimicme()
[docs] def OnReverse(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Renverse le vecteur courant """ if self.wx_exists: # N'est pas à strictement parlé dépendant de wx mais n'a de sens # que si le mapviewer est défini --> si un GUI wx existe if self.verify_activevec(): return self.active_vector.reverse() self.fill_structure() self.active_vector._reset_listogl()
[docs] def OnAddPar(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Ajout d'une parallèle au vecteur courant via le bouton adhoc """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_('Normal distance ? \nd > 0 is right \n d < 0 is left'),value='0.0') ret=dlg.ShowModal() dist=dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() try: dist = float(dist) except: logging.warning(_('Bad value -- Retry !')) return self.active_zone.add_parallel(dist) self.fill_structure() self.find_minmax(True) self.expand_tree(self.active_zone) self.active_zone.reset_listogl()
[docs] def OnMove(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Déplacement du vecteur actif """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return self.mapviewer.start_action('move vector', _('Move vector')) self.active_vector.set_cache() self.mapviewer.mimicme()
[docs] def OnMoveZone(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Déplacement de la zone active """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activezone(): return self.mapviewer.start_action('move zone', _('Move zone')) self.active_zone.set_cache() self.mapviewer.mimicme()
[docs] def OnRotate(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Rotation du vecteur actif """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return self.mapviewer.start_action('rotate vector', _('Rotate vector')) self.active_vector.set_cache() self.mapviewer.mimicme()
[docs] def OnRotateZone(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Rotation de la zone active """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activezone(): return self.mapviewer.start_action('rotate zone', _('Rotate zone')) self.active_zone.set_cache() self.mapviewer.mimicme()
[docs] def OncaptureandDynapar(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Ajoute des vertices au vecteur courant et crée des parallèles gauche-droite """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return self.mapviewer.start_action('dynamic parallel', _('Dynamic parallel')) firstvert=wolfvertex(0.,0.) self.active_vector.add_vertex(firstvert) self.mapviewer.mimicme() self.active_zone.reset_listogl()
[docs] def Onsascending(self, e:wx.MouseEvent): """ S'assure que les points sont ordonnés avec une distance 2D croissante Retourne un message avec les valeurs modifiées le cas échéant """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return correct,wherec= self.active_vector.verify_s_ascending() self.xls_active_vector() if correct: msg=_('Modification on indices :\n') for curi in wherec: msg+= str(curi)+'<-->'+str(curi+1)+'\n' dlg=wx.MessageDialog(None,msg) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def Onmodify(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Permet la modification interactive de vertex dans le vector actif Premier click : recherche du vertex le plus proche Second click : figer la nouvelle position --> action active jusqu'à sélectionne une autre action ou touche Entrée """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return self.mapviewer.start_action('modify vertices', _('Modify vertices')) self.mapviewer.mimicme() self.active_zone.reset_listogl()
[docs] def Onzoom(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Zoom sur le vecteur actif dans le mapviewer """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return self.mapviewer.zoomon_activevector()
[docs] def Onzoomvertex(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Zoom sur le vertex actif dans le mapviewer """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return self.mapviewer.zoomon_active_vertex()
[docs] def Ongetvalues(self, e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Récupère les valeurs dans une matrice --> soit la matrice courante --> soit la matrice active de l'interface parent """ if self.verify_activevec(): return try: curarray = self.parent.active_array if curarray is not None: self.active_vector.get_values_on_vertices(curarray) self.active_vector.fillgrid(self.xls) else:'Please activate the desired array')) except: raise Warning(_('Not supported in the current parent -- see PyVertexVectors in Ongetvalues function'))
[docs] def Ongetvalueslinked(self, e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Récupération des valeurs sous toutes les matrices liées pour le vecteur actif Crée une nouvelle zone contenant une copie du vecteur Le nombre de vertices est conservé """ if self.parent is not None: if self.verify_activevec(): return try: linked = self.parent.get_linked_arrays() if len(linked)>0: newzone:zone newzone = self.active_vector.get_values_linked(linked, False) self.add_zone(newzone) newzone.parent=self self.fill_structure() except: raise Warning(_('Not supported in the current parent -- see PyVertexVectors in Ongetvalueslinked function'))
[docs] def Ongetvalueslinkedandref(self, e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Récupération des valeurs sous toutes les matrices liées pour le vecteur actif Crée une nouvelle zone contenant une copie du vecteur. Le nombre de vertices est adapté pour correspondre au mieux à la matrice de liée et ne pas perdre, si possible, d'information. """ if self.parent is not None: if self.verify_activevec(): return linked=self.parent.get_linked_arrays() if len(linked)>0: newzone:zone newzone=self.active_vector.get_values_linked(linked) self.add_zone(newzone) newzone.parent=self self.fill_structure()
[docs] def Onsaveimages(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Enregistrement d'une image pour tous les vecteurs """ self.save_images_fromvec()
[docs] def Oncreatepolygons(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Création de polygones depuis des paralèles contenues dans la zone active """ if self.active_zone is None: return if self.wx_exists: curz = self.active_zone if curz.nbvectors!=3: logging.warning(_('The active zone must contain 3 vectors and only 3')) return dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('What is the desired longitudinal size [cm] ?'),'ds','ds size',500,1,10000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return ds=float(dlg.GetValue())/100. dlg.Destroy() dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('How many polygons ? \n\n 1 = one large polygon from left to right\n 2 = two polygons - one left and one right'),'Number','Polygons',1,1,2) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return nb=int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() self.active_zone.create_polygon_from_parallel(ds,nb)
[docs] def Oncreateslidingpoly(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Create sliding polygons from a support vector """ if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone - Nothing to do !')) return if self.active_zone.nbvectors!=1: logging.error(_('The active zone must contain 1 vector and only 1')) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None,_('The active zone must contain 1 vector and only 1'),style=wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return #dialog box for length, sliding length, farthest parallel and parallel interval dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('What is the desired longitudinal size [cm] ?'),'ds','ds size',5000,1,100000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return ds=float(dlg.GetValue())/100. dlg.Destroy() dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('What is the desired sliding length [cm] ?'),'sliding','sliding size',5000,1,100000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return sliding=float(dlg.GetValue())/100. dlg.Destroy() dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('What is the desired farthest parallel [cm] ?'),'farthest','farthest size',10000,1,100000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return farthest=float(dlg.GetValue())/100. dlg.Destroy() dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('What is the desired parallel interval [cm] ?'),'interval','interval size',int(farthest*10.),1,int(farthest*100.)) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return interval=float(dlg.GetValue())/100. dlg.Destroy() zones_names=[curz.myname for curz in self.myzones] if "intersect" in zones_names: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None,_('Do you want to use the intersect zone ?'),style=wx.YES_NO) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_YES: inter = True else: inter = False dlg.Destroy() else: inter = False inter_zone = None if inter: inter_zone = self.myzones[zones_names.index("intersect")] dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None,_('Do you want to separate left and right polygons ?'),style=wx.YES_NO) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_YES: howmany = 2 else: howmany = 1 self.active_zone.create_sliding_polygon_from_parallel(ds, sliding, farthest, interval, inter_zone, howmany)
[docs] def Oncreatebin(self,event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Création d'un canal sur base de 3 parallèles """ if self.wx_exists: if self.active_zone is None: return curz = self.active_zone if curz.nbvectors!=3: logging.warning(_('The active zone must contain 3 vectors and only 3')) dlg=wx.MessageDialog(None,_('Do you want to copy the center elevations to the parallel sides ?'),style=wx.YES_NO) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_YES: left:LineString center:LineString right:LineString left = curz.myvectors[0].asshapely_ls() center = curz.myvectors[1].asshapely_ls() right = curz.myvectors[2].asshapely_ls() for idx,coord in enumerate(left.coords): xy = Point(coord[0],coord[1]) curs = left.project(xy,True) curz.myvectors[0].myvertices[idx].z=center.interpolate(curs,True).z for idx,coord in enumerate(right.coords): xy = Point(coord[0],coord[1]) curs = right.project(xy,True) curz.myvectors[2].myvertices[idx].z=center.interpolate(curs,True).z dlg.Destroy() left:LineString center:LineString right:LineString left = curz.myvectors[0].asshapely_ls() center = curz.myvectors[1].asshapely_ls() right = curz.myvectors[2].asshapely_ls() dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('What is the desired lateral size [cm] ?'),'ds','ds size',500,1,10000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return addedz=float(dlg.GetValue())/100. dlg.Destroy() dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('How many points along center polyline ?')+'\n'+ _('Length size is {} meters').format(center.length),'nb','dl size',100,1,10000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return nb=int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() s = np.linspace(0.,1.,num=nb,endpoint=True) points=np.zeros((5*nb,3),dtype=np.float32) decal=0 for curs in s: ptl=left.interpolate(curs,True) ptc=center.interpolate(curs,True) ptr=right.interpolate(curs,True) points[0+decal,:] = np.asarray([ptl.coords[0][0],ptl.coords[0][1],ptl.coords[0][2]]) points[1+decal,:] = np.asarray([ptl.coords[0][0],ptl.coords[0][1],ptl.coords[0][2]]) points[2+decal,:] = np.asarray([ptc.coords[0][0],ptc.coords[0][1],ptc.coords[0][2]]) points[3+decal,:] = np.asarray([ptr.coords[0][0],ptr.coords[0][1],ptr.coords[0][2]]) points[4+decal,:] = np.asarray([ptr.coords[0][0],ptr.coords[0][1],ptr.coords[0][2]]) points[0+decal,2] += addedz points[4+decal,2] += addedz decal+=5 decal=0 triangles=[] nbpts=5 triangles.append([[i+decal,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) triangles.append([[i+decal+nbpts,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts+1] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) for k in range(1,nb-1): decal=k*nbpts triangles.append([ [i+decal,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) triangles.append([ [i+decal+nbpts,i+decal+1,i+decal+nbpts+1] for i in range(nbpts-1)]) triangles=np.asarray(triangles,dtype=np.uint32).reshape([(2*nbpts-2)*(nb-1),3]) mytri=Triangulation(pts=points,tri=triangles) mytri.find_minmax(True) fn=mytri.export_to_gltf() dlg=wx.MessageDialog(None,_('Do you want to add triangulation to parent gui ?'),style=wx.YES_NO) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_YES: self.mapviewer.add_object('triangulation',newobj=mytri) self.mapviewer.Refresh() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def Oncreatemultibin(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Création d'une triangulation sur base de plusieurs vecteurs """ if self.wx_exists: if self.active_zone is None: return myzone = self.active_zone if myzone.nbvectors<2: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None,_('Not enough vectors/polylines in the active zone -- Add element and retry !!')) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return mytri = myzone.createmultibin() self.mapviewer.add_object('triangulation',newobj=mytri) self.mapviewer.Refresh()
[docs] def Oncreatetricrosssection(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Create a tringulation like cross-sections and support vectors """ if self.wx_exists: if self.get_mapviewer() is None: logging.warning(_('No mapviewer found')) return if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone found')) return # dlg for ds value dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('What is the desired size [cm] ?'),'ds','ds size',50,1,10000) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return ds = float(dlg.GetValue())/100. dlg.Destroy() myzone = self.active_zone mapviewer = self.get_mapviewer() mapviewer.set_interp_cs(myzone.create_tri_crosssection(ds), True)
[docs] def OnconstrainedDelaunay(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Create a constrained Delaunay triangulation from the active zone """ if self.wx_exists: if self.active_zone is None: return myzone = self.active_zone mytri = myzone.create_constrainedDelaunay() self.mapviewer.add_object('triangulation',newobj=mytri) self.mapviewer.Refresh()
[docs] def Oncreatemultibin_project(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Création d'une triangulation sur base de plusieurs vecteurs Les sommets sont recherchés par projection d'un vecteur sur l'autre """ if self.wx_exists: if self.active_zone is None: return myzone = self.active_zone if myzone.nbvectors<2: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None,_('Not enough vectors/polylines in the active zone -- Add element and retry !!')) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return mytri = myzone.createmultibin_proj() self.mapviewer.add_object('triangulation',newobj=mytri) self.mapviewer.Refresh()
[docs] def save_images_fromvec(self, dir=''): """ Sauvegarde d'images des vecteurs dans un répertoire FIXME : pas encore vraiment au point """ if dir=='': if self.wx_exists: dlg = wx.DirDialog(None,"Choose directory to store images",style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return dir = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() if dir=='': return for curzone in self.myzones: for curvec in curzone.myvectors: if curvec.nbvertices>1: oldwidth=curvec.myprop.width curvec.myprop.width=4 myname = curvec.myname self.Activate_vector(curvec) if self.mapviewer is not None: if self.mapviewer.linked: for curview in self.mapviewer.linkedList: title = curview.GetTitle() curview.zoomon_activevector() fn = path.join(dir,title + '_' + myname+'.png') curview.save_canvasogl(fn) else: self.mapviewer.zoomon_activevector() fn = path.join(dir,myname+'.png') self.mapviewer.save_canvasogl(fn) fn = path.join(dir,'palette_v_' + myname+'.png') self.mapviewer.active_array.mypal.export_image(fn,'v') fn = path.join(dir,'palette_h_' + myname+'.png') self.mapviewer.active_array.mypal.export_image(fn,'h') curvec.myprop.width = oldwidth
[docs] def Oninsert(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Insertion de vertex dans le vecteur courant """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return self.mapviewer.start_action('insert vertices', _('Insert vertices')) self.mapviewer.mimicme() self.active_zone.reset_listogl()
[docs] def Onsplit(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Split le vecteur courant selon un pas spatial déterminé """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return dlg=wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('What is the desired longitudinal size [cm] ?'),'ds','ds size',100,1,100000) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return ds=float(dlg.GetValue())/100. dlg.Destroy() self.active_vector.split(ds)
[docs] def Onevaluates(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Calcule la position curviligne du vecteur courant Le calcul peut être mené en 2D ou en 3D Remplissage du tableur dans la 5ème colonne """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return curv = self.active_vector curv.update_lengths() dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, "Which mode?", "How to evaluate lengths?", ['2D','3D']) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return method=dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() self.xls.SetCellValue(0,4,'0.0') s=0. if method=='2D': for k in range(curv.nbvertices-1): s+=curv._lengthparts2D[k] self.xls.SetCellValue(k+1,4,str(s)) else: for k in range(curv.nbvertices-1): s+=curv._lengthparts3D[k] self.xls.SetCellValue(k+1,4,str(s))
[docs] def Onupdate_from_sz_support(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Update the active vector from the sz values in the xls grid """ if self.active_vector is None:'No active vector -- Nothing to do')) return sz = [] i = 0 while self.xls.GetCellValue(i,4) != '': sz.append((float(self.xls.GetCellValue(i,4)), float(self.xls.GetCellValue(i,2)))) i += 1'Number of points: {len(sz)}') vec_sz = np.array(sz) self.update_from_sz_support(vec=self.active_vector, sz=vec_sz) # update of the xls grid for k in range(self.active_vector.nbvertices ): self.xls.SetCellValue(k,0,str(self.active_vector.myvertices[k].x)) self.xls.SetCellValue(k,1,str(self.active_vector.myvertices[k].y))
[docs] def update_from_sz_direction(self, xy1:np.ndarray, xy2:np.ndarray, sz:np.ndarray): """ Update the active vector from the sz values in the xls grid """ if self.active_vector is None:'No active vector -- Nothing to do')) return curv = self.active_vector # Creation of vertices if sz.shape[1]==2 and xy1.shape==(2,) and xy2.shape==(2,): if not np.array_equal(xy1,xy2): curv.myvertices=[] dx, dy = xy2[0]-xy1[0], xy2[1]-xy1[1] norm = np.linalg.norm([dx,dy]) dx, dy = dx/norm, dy/norm for cur in sz: x, y = xy1[0] + dx*cur[0], xy1[1] + dy*cur[0] curv.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x, y, float(cur[1]))) self.find_minmax(True)
[docs] def update_from_sz_support(self, vec: vector, sz:np.ndarray, dialog_box = True): if sz.shape[0] ==0: logging.warning(_('No data to update')) return support_vec = vec.deepcopy_vector() support_vec.update_lengths() if support_vec.length2D is None or support_vec.length3D is None: logging.warning(_('The support vector must be updated before updating the active vector')) return if dialog_box: dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, "Which mode?", "How to evaluate lengths?", ['2D','3D']) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return method=dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() else: method = '2D' if method == '2D': if sz[-1,0] > support_vec.length2D: logging.warning(_('The last point is beyond the vector length. You must add more points !')) return else: if sz[-1,0] > support_vec.length3D: logging.warning(_('The last point is beyond the vector length. You must add more points !')) return vec.myvertices = [] for s,z in sz: new_vertex = support_vec.interpolate(s, method == '3D', adim= False) new_vertex.z = z vec.add_vertex(new_vertex) self.find_minmax(True)
[docs] def evaluate_s (self, vec: vector =None, dialog_box = True): """ Calcule la position curviligne du vecteur encodé Le calcul peut être mené en 2D ou en 3D Remplissage du tableur dans la 5ème colonne """ curv = vec curv.update_lengths() if dialog_box: dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, "Which mode?", "How to evaluate lengths?", ['2D','3D']) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return method=dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() else: method = '2D' self.xls.SetCellValue(0,4,'0.0') s=0. if curv.nbvertices > 0: if method=='2D': for k in range(curv.nbvertices-1): s+=curv._lengthparts2D[k] self.xls.SetCellValue(k+1,4,str(s)) else: for k in range(curv.nbvertices-1): s+=curv._lengthparts3D[k] self.xls.SetCellValue(k+1,4,str(s))
[docs] def Oninterpvec(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Interpole les valeurs Z de l'éditeur sur base des seules valeurs connues, càd autre que vide ou -99999 """ if self.verify_activevec(): return curv = self.active_vector s=[] z=[] for k in range(curv.nbvertices): zgrid = self.xls.GetCellValue(k,2) sgrid = self.xls.GetCellValue(k,4) if zgrid!='' and float(zgrid)!=-99999.: z.append(float(zgrid)) s.append(float(sgrid)) if len(z)==0: return f = interp1d(s,z) for k in range(curv.nbvertices): zgrid = self.xls.GetCellValue(k,2) sgrid = self.xls.GetCellValue(k,4) if zgrid=='' or float(zgrid)==-99999.: z = f(float(sgrid)) self.xls.SetCellValue(k,2,str(z))
[docs] def Onupdatevertices(self,event): """ Mie à jour des vertices sur base du tableur """ if self.verify_activevec(): return self.active_vector.updatefromgrid(self.xls) self.find_minmax(True)
[docs] def Onaddrows(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Ajout de lignes au tableur """ if self.wx_exists: nbrows=None dlg=wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_('How many rows?'),value='1') while nbrows is None: rc = dlg.ShowModal() if rc == wx.ID_OK: nbrows = int(dlg.GetValue()) self.xls.AppendRows(nbrows) else: return
[docs] def OnClickadd_zone(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Ajout d'une zone au GUI """ if self.wx_exists: curname=None dlg=wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_('Choose a name for the new zone'),value='New_Zone') while curname is None: rc = dlg.ShowModal() if rc == wx.ID_OK: curname = str(dlg.GetValue()) newzone = zone(name=curname,parent=self) self.add_zone(newzone) self.fill_structure() self.active_zone = newzone else: return
[docs] def OnClickadd_vector(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Ajout d'un vecteur à la zone courante """ if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone - Can not add a vector to None !')) logging.warning(_('Please activate a zone first')) return if self.wx_exists: curname=None dlg=wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_('Choose a name for the new vector'),value='New_Vector') while curname is None: rc = dlg.ShowModal() if rc == wx.ID_OK: curname = str(dlg.GetValue()) newvec = vector(name=curname,parentzone=self.active_zone) self.active_zone.add_vector(newvec) self.fill_structure() self.Activate_vector(newvec) else: return
[docs] def OnClickduplicate_zone(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Duplication de la zone active """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activezone(): return newzone = self.active_zone.deepcopy_zone() newzone.myname = self.active_zone.myname + '_copy' self.add_zone(newzone, forceparent=True) self.fill_structure() self.Activate_zone(newzone)
[docs] def OnClickduplicate_vector(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Duplication du vecteur actif """ if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector - Can not duplicate None !')) logging.warning(_('Please activate a vector first')) return if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return newvec = self.active_vector.deepcopy_vector() newvec.myname = self.active_vector.myname + '_copy' self.active_zone.add_vector(newvec, forceparent=True) self.fill_structure() self.Activate_vector(newvec)
[docs] def OnClickdelete_zone(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Suppression de la zone courante """ if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone - Can not delete None !')) logging.warning(_('Please activate a zone first')) return if self.wx_exists: curname=self.active_zone.myname r = wx.MessageDialog( None, _('The zone {n} will be deleted. Continue?').format(n=curname), style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION ).ShowModal() if r != wx.ID_YES: return self.active_zone.reset_listogl() self.myzones.pop(int(self.myzones.index(self.active_zone))) self.fill_structure() self.find_minmax(True)
[docs] def OnClickfindactivate_vector(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Recherche et activation d'un vecteur dans toutes les zones """ if self.wx_exists: dlg=wx.MessageDialog(None,"Search only closed polyline?",style=wx.YES_NO) ret=dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret==wx.YES: self.mapviewer.start_action('select active vector inside', _('Select active vector inside')) else: self.mapviewer.start_action('select active vector all', _('Select active vector all')) self.mapviewer.active_zones=self
[docs] def OnClickfindactivate_vector2(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Recherche et activation d'un vecteur dans la zone courante """ if self.wx_exists: dlg=wx.MessageDialog(None,"Search only closed polyline?",style=wx.YES_NO) ret=dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret==wx.YES: self.mapviewer.start_action('select active vector2 inside', _('Select active vector2 inside')) else: self.mapviewer.start_action('select active vector2 all', _('Select active vector2 all')) self.mapviewer.active_zone=self.active_zone self.mapviewer.active_zones=self
[docs] def get_selected_vectors(self, all=False): """ all = True : Récupération et renvoi des vecteurs sélectionnés dans les zones all = False : Récupération et renvoi du vecteur le plus proche """ if all: mylist=[] for curzone in self.myzones: ret = curzone.get_selected_vectors(all) if ret is not None: mylist.append(ret) return mylist else: distmin=99999. vecmin:vector = None for curzone in self.myzones: ret = curzone.get_selected_vectors() if ret is not None: if (ret[1]<distmin) or (vecmin is None): distmin= ret[1] vecmin = ret[0] return vecmin
[docs] def verify_activevec(self): """ Vérifie si un vecteur actif est défini, si 'None' affiche un message Return : True if self.active_vector is None False otherwise """ if self.active_vector is None: if self.wx_exists: msg='' msg+=_('Active vector is None\n') msg+=_('\n') msg+=_('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) else: logging.warning(_('Active vector is None - Retry !')) return True return False
[docs] def verify_activezone(self): """ Vérifie si une zone active est définie, si 'None' affiche un message Return : True if self.active_zone is None False otherwise """ if self.active_zone is None: if self.wx_exists: msg='' msg+=_('Active zone is None\n') msg+=_('\n') msg+=_('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return True return False
[docs] def OnClickdelete_vector(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Suppression du vecteur actif """ if self.wx_exists: if self.verify_activevec(): return curname=self.active_vector.myname r = wx.MessageDialog( None, _('The vector {n} will be deleted. Continue?').format(n=curname), style=wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION ).ShowModal() if r != wx.ID_YES: return actzone =self.active_zone if actzone.nbvectors==0: return idx = int(actzone.myvectors.index(self.active_vector)) if idx >= 0 and idx < actzone.nbvectors: actzone.myvectors.pop(idx) if actzone.nbvectors==0: self.Activate_vector(None) self.fill_structure() self.find_minmax(True)
[docs] def OnClickup_vector(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """Remonte le vecteur actif dans la liste de la zone""" if self.verify_activevec(): return for idx,curv in enumerate(self.active_zone.myvectors): if curv == self.active_vector: if idx==0: return self.active_zone.myvectors.pop(idx) self.active_zone.myvectors.insert(idx-1,curv) self.fill_structure() break
[docs] def OnClickdown_vector(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """Descend le vecteur actif dans la liste de la zone""" if self.verify_activevec(): return for idx,curv in enumerate(self.active_zone.myvectors): if curv == self.active_vector: if idx==self.active_zone.nbvectors: return self.active_zone.myvectors.pop(idx) self.active_zone.myvectors.insert(idx+1,curv) self.fill_structure() break
[docs] def OnClickup_zone(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """Remonte la zone active dans la liste de la zones self""" for idx,curz in enumerate(self.myzones): if curz == self.active_zone: if idx==0: return self.myzones.pop(idx) self.myzones.insert(idx-1,curz) self.fill_structure() break
[docs] def OnClickdown_zone(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """Descend la zone active dans la liste de la zones self""" for idx,curz in enumerate(self.myzones): if curz == self.active_zone: if idx==self.nbzones: return self.myzones.pop(idx) self.myzones.insert(idx+1,curz) self.fill_structure() break
[docs] def unuse(self): """ Rend inutilisé l'ensemble des zones """ for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.unuse()
[docs] def use(self): """ Rend utilisé l'ensemble des zones """ for curzone in self.myzones: curzone.use()
[docs] def OnCheckItem(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Coche/Décoche un ékement de la treelist """ if self.wx_exists: myitem=event.GetItem() check = self.treelist.GetCheckedState(myitem) myitemdata=self.treelist.GetItemData(myitem) if check: myitemdata.use() else: myitemdata.unuse()
[docs] def _callback_destroy_props(self): self.myprops = None
[docs] def _callback_prop(self): if self._myprops is None: logging.warning(_('No properties available')) return for curzone in self.myzones: for curvec in curzone.myvectors: curvec.myprop.fill_property(self._myprops, updateOGL = False) posx = self._myprops[('Move','Start X')] posy = self._myprops[('Move','Start Y')] if posx != 99999. and posy != 99999.: self._move_start = (posx,posy) else: self._move_start = None step = self._myprops[('Move','Step [m]')] if step != 99999.: self._move_step = step else: self._move_step = None posx = self._myprops[('Rotation','Center X')] posy = self._myprops[('Rotation','Center Y')] if posx != 99999. and posy != 99999.: self._rotation_center = (posx,posy) else: self._rotation_center = None step = self._myprops[('Rotation','Step [degree]')] if step != 99999.: self._rotation_step = step else: self._rotation_step = None angle = self._myprops[('Rotation','Angle [degree]')] dx = self._myprops[('Move','Delta X')] dy = self._myprops[('Move','Delta Y')] if angle != 0. and (dx!= 0. or dy!=0.): logging.error(_('Rotation and move are not compatible - Choose one and only one')) elif angle!= 0.: if self._rotation_center is None: logging.error(_('No rotation center defined - Choose one')) else: self.rotate(angle, self._rotation_center) self.clear_cache() elif dx!= 0. or dy!=0.: self.move(dx,dy) self.clear_cache() if self.mapviewer is not None: self.prep_listogl() self.mapviewer.Refresh()
[docs] def _edit_all_properties(self): """ Show properties of the zone --> will be applied to all vectors int he zone """ if self._myprops is None: locvec = vector() locvec.show_properties() self._myprops = locvec.myprop.myprops self._myprops[('Legend','X')] = str(99999.) self._myprops[('Legend','Y')] = str(99999.) self._myprops[('Legend','Text')] = _('Not used') if self._rotation_center is not None: self._myprops[('Rotation', 'Center X')] = self._rotation_center[0] self._myprops[('Rotation', 'Center Y')] = self._rotation_center[1] else: self._myprops[('Rotation', 'Center X')] = 99999. self._myprops[('Rotation', 'Center Y')] = 99999. if self._rotation_step is not None: self._myprops[('Rotation', 'Step [degree]')] = self._rotation_step else: self._myprops[('Rotation', 'Step [degree]')] = 99999. self._myprops['Rotation', 'Angle [degree]'] = 0. if self._move_start is not None: self._myprops[('Move', 'Start X')] = self._move_start[0] self._myprops[('Move', 'Start Y')] = self._move_start[1] else: self._myprops[('Move', 'Start X')] = 99999. self._myprops[('Move', 'Start Y')] = 99999. self._myprops[('Move', 'Delta X')] = 0. self._myprops[('Move', 'Delta Y')] = 0. if self._move_step is not None: self._myprops[('Move', 'Step [m]')] = self._move_step else: self._myprops[('Move', 'Step [m]')] = 99999. self._myprops.Populate() self._myprops.set_callbacks(self._callback_prop, self._callback_destroy_props) self._myprops.SetTitle(_('Properties for all vectors in {}'.format(self.filename))) self._myprops.Center() self._myprops.Raise()
[docs] def OnRDown(self, event:TreeListEvent): """ Affiche les propriétés du vecteur courant Clicl-droit """ if self.wx_exists: if self.active_zone is None and self.active_zone is None:'You will edit the properties of the entire instance (all zones and all vectors)')) self._edit_all_properties() elif isinstance(self.last_active, vector): self.active_vector.show_properties() elif isinstance(self.last_active, zone): self.active_zone.show_properties()
[docs] def OnActivateItem(self, event:TreeListEvent): """ Activation d'un élément dans le treelist """ if self.wx_exists: myitem=event.GetItem() myitemdata=self.treelist.GetItemData(myitem) if isinstance(myitemdata,vector): self.Activate_vector(myitemdata) elif isinstance(myitemdata,zone): self.Activate_zone(myitemdata) else: self.Activate_vector(None) self.Activate_zone(None) self.last_active = myitemdata
[docs] def Activate_vector(self, object:vector): """ Mémorise l'objet passé en argument comme vecteur actif Pousse la même information dans l'objet parent s'il existe """ if self.wx_exists: self.active_vector = object if self.active_vector is None:'Active vector is now set to None')) self.labelactvect.SetLabel('None') self.xls.ClearGrid() if self.parent is not None: try: self.parent.Active_vector(self.active_vector) except: raise Warning(_('Not supported in the current parent -- see PyVertexVectors in Activate_vector function')) return self.xls_active_vector() if object.parentzone is not None: self.active_zone = object.parentzone object.parentzone.active_vector = object if self.parent is not None: try: self.parent.Active_vector(self.active_vector) except: raise Warning(_('Not supported in the current parent -- see PyVertexVectors in Activate_vector function')) if self.xls is not None: self.labelactvect.SetLabel(self.active_vector.myname) self.labelactzone.SetLabel(self.active_zone.myname) self.Layout()
[docs] def Activate_zone(self, object:zone): """ Mémorise l'objet passé en argument comme zone active Pousse la même information dans l'objet parent s'il existe """ if self.wx_exists: self.active_zone = object if self.active_zone is None:'Active zone is now set to None')) self.labelactzone.SetLabel('None') self.xls.ClearGrid() return if object.active_vector is not None: self.active_vector = object.active_vector elif object.nbvectors>0: self.Activate_vector(object.myvectors[0]) if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No vector in the active zone')) if self.parent is not None: try: self.parent.Active_zone(self.active_zone) except: raise Warning(_('Not supported in the current parent -- see PyVertexVectors in Activate_zone function')) else: self.labelactvect.SetLabel(self.active_vector.myname) self.labelactzone.SetLabel(self.active_zone.myname) self.Layout()
[docs] def xls_active_vector(self): """ Remplit le tableur """ if self.wx_exists: if self.xls is not None: self.xls.ClearGrid() self.active_vector.fillgrid(self.xls)
[docs] def OnEditLabel(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Edition de la clé/label de l'élément actif du treelist """ if self.wx_exists: key=event.GetKeyCode() if key==wx.WXK_F2: if self.last_active is not None: curname=None dlg=wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_('Choose a new name'), value=self.last_active.myname) while curname is None: rc = dlg.ShowModal() if rc == wx.ID_OK: curname = str(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() self.last_active.myname = curname self.fill_structure() else: dlg.Destroy() return
[docs] def deepcopy_zones(self, name:str = None) -> "Zones": """ Return the deep copy of the current Zones (a new object). """ copied_Zones = Zones(idx=name) for zne in self.myzones: new_zne = zne.deepcopy_zone(parent= copied_Zones) copied_Zones.add_zone(new_zne,forceparent=True) copied_Zones.find_minmax(True) return copied_Zones
[docs] def deepcopy(self, name:str = None) -> "Zones": """ Return the deep copy of the current Zones (a new object). """ return self.deepcopy_zones(name=name)
[docs] class Grid(Zones): """ Grid to draw on the mapviewer. Contains one zone and 3 vectors (gridx, gridy, contour). Each gridx and gridy vector contains vertices forming a continuous line. Contour vector contains 4 vertices forming a closed polyline. Drawing all the elements on the mapviewer allows to draw a grid. Based on spatial extent and resolution. """ def __init__(self, size:float=1000., ox:float=0., oy:float=0., ex:float=1000., ey:float=1000., parent=None): super().__init__(ox=ox, oy=oy, parent=parent) mygrid=zone(name='grid',parent=self) self.add_zone(mygrid) gridx=vector(name='gridx') gridy=vector(name='gridy') contour=vector(name='contour') mygrid.add_vector(gridx) mygrid.add_vector(gridy) mygrid.add_vector(contour) self.creategrid(size,ox,oy,ex,ey)
[docs] def creategrid(self, size:float=100., ox:float=0., oy:float=0., ex:float=1000., ey:float=1000.): mygridx=self.myzones[0].myvectors[0] mygridy=self.myzones[0].myvectors[1] contour=self.myzones[0].myvectors[2] mygridx.reset() mygridy.reset() contour.reset() locox=int(ox/size)*size locoy=int(oy/size)*size locex=(np.ceil(ex/size))*size locey=(np.ceil(ey/size))*size nbx=int(np.ceil((locex-locox)/size)) nby=int(np.ceil((locey-locoy)/size)) dx=locex-locox dy=locey-locoy #grillage vertical xloc=locox yloc=locoy for i in range(nbx): newvert=wolfvertex(xloc,yloc) mygridx.add_vertex(newvert) yloc+=dy newvert=wolfvertex(xloc,yloc) mygridx.add_vertex(newvert) xloc+=size dy=-dy #grillage horizontal xloc=locox yloc=locoy for i in range(nby): newvert=wolfvertex(xloc,yloc) mygridy.add_vertex(newvert) xloc+=dx newvert=wolfvertex(xloc,yloc) mygridy.add_vertex(newvert) yloc+=size dx=-dx newvert=wolfvertex(locox,locoy) contour.add_vertex(newvert) newvert=wolfvertex(locex,locoy) contour.add_vertex(newvert) newvert=wolfvertex(locex,locey) contour.add_vertex(newvert) newvert=wolfvertex(locox,locey) contour.add_vertex(newvert) self.find_minmax(True)