Source code for wolfhece.PyCrosssections

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Utashi Ciraane Docile
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

from numpy import asarray,ndarray,arange,zeros,linspace,concatenate,unique,amin,amax
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import LineString,MultiLineString,Point,Polygon,CAP_STYLE,Point
from shapely.prepared import prep
from shapely.ops import nearest_points,substring
from OpenGL.GL  import *
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from os import path
import pygltflib
import typing
import copy
from enum import Enum
import logging
import wx
from typing import Union, Literal
from pathlib import Path

from .PyTranslate import _
from .drawing_obj import Element_To_Draw
from .PyVertexvectors import vector,zone,Zones
from .PyVertex import wolfvertex,cloud_vertices, getIfromRGB
from .lazviewer.laz_viewer import xyz_laz_grids, myviewer

[docs] example_largesect="""-138 100 -114 90 -70 80 -45 70 -32 62 0 61.5 32 62 60 70 80 80 98 84 120 87"""
[docs] example_smallsect="""0 68 10 67 12 65 15 63 20 62 24 61.5 30 62 35 64 40 66 42 66.5 50 68"""
[docs] example_diffsect1="""0 10 10 5 12 5 15 6 16 6 17 5 20 3 25 3 30 5 42 7 50 10"""
[docs] def INTERSEC(x1,y1,x2,y2,el): """Procédure de calcul de l'abscisse d'intersection d'une altitude donnée el dans un segment défini par ses coordonnées (x1,y1) et (x2,y2)""" xx=1.0e10 if x2-x1==0.: if y2>y1: if y1<=el<=y2: return x2 elif y2<y1: if y2<=el<=y1: return x2 elif 0.0<abs(y2-y1): a=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) b=(x2*y1-x1*y2)/(x2-x1) xx=(el-b)/a return xx
[docs] def partranslation(base, x, y ): copie = base.copy() copie[:,0] += x copie[:,1] += y return(copie)
[docs] def find_xy(section,x3,y3): x1 = section[0,0] y1 = section[0,1] x2 = section[-1,0] y2 = section[-1,1] if x2==x1: y4 = y3 x4 = x1 else: a = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) b = y1-(a*x1) vecteur = ([1,a]) normale = ([-a,1]) normale_opposée = ([a,-1]) c = -1/a d = y3-(c*x3) x4 = (d-b)/(a-c) y4 = a*x4 + b x = (x3-x4) y = (y3-y4) return x,y
[docs] class postype(Enum): """ Mode de stockage des points de référence (berges, fond lit) """
[docs] BY_VERTEX = 0 # sur base de coordonnées (wolfvertex)
[docs] BY_S3D = 1 # sur base d'une position curviligne 3D (le long de la trace de la section)
[docs] BY_INDEX = 2 # sur base d'un index de vertex
[docs] class profile(vector): """ Surcharge d'un vecteur en vue de définir un profil de rivière Les coordonnées attendues sont en 3D (x,y,z) """ def __init__(self, name, data_sect='',parent=None) -> None: super().__init__(name=name) if data_sect!='': for curline in data_sect.splitlines(): values=curline.split(' ') curvert=wolfvertex(float(values[0]),0.,float(values[1])) self.add_vertex(curvert) # Les positions de référence sont intanciées à None # Elles sont accessibles comme "property" de l'objet --> valeur "brute" # mais il est également possible d'obtenir l'info à travers : # - bankleft_vertex, bankright_vertex, bed_vertex qui retournent un vertex quel que soit le format de stockage # - bankleft_s3D, bankright_s3D, bed_s3D qui retournent la position curvi 3D quel que soit le format de stockage # - bankleft_sz, bankright_sz, bed_sz qui retournent un couple (s,z) quel que soit le format de stockage self._bankleft=None self._bankright=None self._bed=None self.banksbed_postype = postype.BY_VERTEX self.refpoints={} self.s = 0.0 self.up:profile = None self.down:profile = None self.laz=False if parent is not None: assert isinstance(parent,crosssections), _('Bad type of parent object') self.parent=parent self.zdatum = 0. self.add_zdatum=False self.sdatum = 0. self.add_sdatum=False self.orient = None = None self.sz_bankbed = None self.s3d_bankbed = None self.prepared=False # if True, one can call instead of self.get_sz @property
[docs] def linked_arrays(self): if self.parent is not None: return self.parent.get_linked_arrays() else: return {}
[docs] def bankleft(self): return self._bankleft
@bankleft.setter def bankleft(self,value): self._bankleft=value @property
[docs] def bankright(self): return self._bankright
@bankright.setter def bankright(self,value): self._bankright=value @property
[docs] def bed(self): return self._bed
@bed.setter def bed(self,value): self._bed=value @property
[docs] def bankleft_vertex(self): if self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_VERTEX: return self._bankleft elif self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_INDEX: return self.myvertices[self._bankleft] else: return self.interpolate(self._bankleft, adim=False)
[docs] def bankright_vertex(self): if self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_VERTEX: return self._bankright elif self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_INDEX: return self.myvertices[self._bankright] else: return self.interpolate(self._bankright, adim=False)
[docs] def bed_vertex(self): if self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_VERTEX: return self._bed elif self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_INDEX: return self.myvertices[self._bed] else: return self.interpolate(self._bed, adim=False)
[docs] def bankleft_s3D(self): if self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_S3D: return self._bankleft else: # on dispose d'un vertex 3D et on doit retnvoyer une position s3D # --> projection x,y sur la trace --> récupération de 's' # --> calcul de la distance s3D via shapely LineString sz en projetant '(s,z)' if self.bankleft_vertex is not None: ls2d = self.asshapely_ls() lssz = self.asshapely_sz() curvert = self.bankleft_vertex s = ls2d.project(Point(curvert.x, curvert.y)) s3d = lssz.project(Point(s,curvert.z)) else: s3d = 0. return s3d
[docs] def bankright_s3D(self): if self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_S3D: return self._bankright else: # on dispose d'un vertex 3D et on doit retnvoyer une position s3D # --> projection x,y sur la trace --> récupération de 's' # --> calcul de la distance s3D via shapely LineString sz en projetant '(s,z)' if self.bankright_vertex is not None: ls2d = self.asshapely_ls() lssz = self.asshapely_sz() curvert = self.bankright_vertex s = ls2d.project(Point(curvert.x, curvert.y)) s3d = lssz.project(Point(s,curvert.z)) else: s3d = self.length3D return s3d
[docs] def bed_s3D(self): if self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_S3D: return self._bed else: # on dispose d'un vertex 3D et on doit retnvoyer une position s3D # --> projection x,y sur la trace --> récupération de 's' # --> calcul de la distance s3D via shapely LineString sz en projetant '(s,z)' if self.bed_vertex is not None: ls2d = self.asshapely_ls() lssz = self.asshapely_sz() curvert = self.bed_vertex s = ls2d.project(Point(curvert.x, curvert.y)) s3d = lssz.project(Point(s,curvert.z)) else: s3d = self.length3D/2. return s3d
[docs] def bankleft_sz(self): ls2d = self.asshapely_ls() curvert = self.bankleft_vertex s = ls2d.project(Point(curvert.x, curvert.y)) return s, curvert.z
[docs] def bankright_sz(self): ls2d = self.asshapely_ls() curvert = self.bankright_vertex s = ls2d.project(Point(curvert.x, curvert.y)) return s, curvert.z
[docs] def bed_sz(self): ls2d = self.asshapely_ls() curvert = self.bed_vertex s = ls2d.project(Point(curvert.x, curvert.y)) return s, curvert.z
[docs] def verif(self): self.update_lengths()
# for curl in self._lengthparts3D
[docs] def triangulation_gltf(self, zmin): """ Génération d'un info de triangulation pour sortie au format GLTF --> Blender :zmin : position d'altitude minimale de la triangulation """ section = self.asnparray3d() base = section.copy() base[:,2] = zmin points = np.concatenate((section,base),axis=0) triangles=[] nb=self.nbvertices for j in range (nb-1): a = 0+j b = nb+1+j c = nb+j for i in range(2): triangles.append([a,b,c]) c = b b = a+1 return points,triangles
[docs] def triangulation_ponts(self,x,y, zmax): """ Triangulation d'une section de pont """ section = self.asnparray3d() x1,y1=find_xy(section,x,y) parallele = partranslation(section,x1,y1) base1 = section.copy() base1[:,2]= zmax base2 = parallele.copy() base2[:,2]= zmax points = np.concatenate((section,base1,parallele,base2),axis=0) triangles=[] for j in range (len(section)-1): a = 0+j b = len(section)+1+j c = len(section)+j for i in range(2): triangles.append([a,b,c]) c = b b = a+1 for j in range (len(section)-1): a = len(section)+j b = len(section)*3+j+1 c = len(section)*3+j for i in range(2): triangles.append([a,b,c]) c = b b = a+1 for j in range (len(section)-1): a = len(section)*2+j b = len(section)*3+j+1 c = len(section)*3+j for i in range(2): triangles.append([a,b,c]) c = b b = a+1 for j in range (len(section)-1): a = 0+j b = len(section)*2+j+1 c = len(section)*2+j for i in range(2): triangles.append([a,b,c]) c = b b = a+1 triangles.append([0,len(section)*3,len(section)*2]) triangles.append([0,len(section),len(section)*3]) triangles.append([len(section)-1,len(section)*4-1,len(section)*3-1]) triangles.append([len(section)-1,len(section)*2-1,len(section)*4-1]) return(np.asarray([[curpt[0],curpt[2],-curpt[1]] for curpt in points],dtype=np.float32),np.asarray(triangles,dtype=np.uint32))
[docs] def set_orient(self): """ Calcul du vecteur directeur de la section sur base des points extrêmes """ self.orient = asarray([self.myvertices[-1].x-self.myvertices[0].x, self.myvertices[-1].y-self.myvertices[0].y]) self.orient = self.orient /np.linalg.norm(self.orient)
[docs] def get_xy_from_s(self,s) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Récupération d'un tuple (x,y) sur base d'une distance 2D 's' orientée dans l'axe de la section """ if self.orient is None: self.set_orient() return self.myvertices[0].x+self.orient[0]*s,self.myvertices[0].y+self.orient[1]*s
[docs] def set_vertices_sz_orient(self, sz:np.ndarray, xy1:np.ndarray, xy2:np.ndarray): """ Ajout de vertices depuis : - une matrice numpy (s,z) -- shape = (nb_vert,2) - d'un point source [x,y]_1 - d'un point visé [x,y]_2 """ if isinstance(sz,list): sz = np.asarray(sz) if isinstance(sz,tuple): sz = np.asarray(sz) if isinstance(xy1,list): xy1 = np.asarray(xy1) if isinstance(xy2,list): xy2 = np.asarray(xy2) if isinstance(xy1,tuple): xy1 = np.asarray(xy1) if isinstance(xy2,tuple): xy2 = np.asarray(xy2) if sz.shape[1]==2 and xy1.shape==(2,) and xy2.shape==(2,): if not np.array_equal(xy1,xy2): self.myvertices=[] dx, dy = xy2[0]-xy1[0], xy2[1]-xy1[1] norm = np.linalg.norm([dx,dy]) dx, dy = dx/norm, dy/norm for cur in sz: x, y = xy1[0] + dx*cur[0], xy1[1] + dy*cur[0] self.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x, y, float(cur[1])))
[docs] def get_laz_around(self,length_buffer=10.): """ Récupération de points LAZ autour de la section """ myls = self.asshapely_ls() mypoly = myls.buffer(length_buffer,cap_style=CAP_STYLE.square) mybounds = ((mypoly.bounds[0],mypoly.bounds[2]),(mypoly.bounds[1],mypoly.bounds[3])) myxyz = self.parent.gridlaz.scan(mybounds) prep_poly = prep(mypoly) mytests = [prep_poly.contains(Point(cur[:3])) for cur in myxyz] self.usedlaz = np.asarray(myxyz[mytests]) orig = [self.myvertices[0].x,self.myvertices[0].y] a=[self.myvertices[-1].x-self.myvertices[0].x,self.myvertices[-1].y-self.myvertices[0].y] a= a/np.linalg.norm(a) self.s_laz = np.asarray([,cur[:2]-orig) for cur in self.usedlaz]) self.colors_laz=np.ones((self.usedlaz.shape[0],4),dtype=np.float32) self.colors_laz[self.usedlaz[:,3]==1]=[.5,.5,.5,1.] self.colors_laz[self.usedlaz[:,3]==2]=[.5,.25,.25,1.] self.colors_laz[self.usedlaz[:,3]==4]=[0.,0.5,0.,1.] self.colors_laz[self.usedlaz[:,3]==9]=[0.,0.5,1.,1.] self.colors_laz[self.usedlaz[:,3]==10]=[1,0.2,0.2,1.] s = np.asarray([float(np.cross(a,cur[:2]-orig)) for cur in self.usedlaz]) smax=np.max(np.abs(s)) self.colors_laz[:,3] = 1.-np.abs(s)/smax up=np.where(s[:]<0.)[0] down=np.where(s[:]>=0.)[0] self.uplaz = self.s_laz[up] self.downlaz = self.s_laz[down] self.uplaz_colors = self.colors_laz[up] self.downlaz_colors = self.colors_laz[down] self.upz = self.usedlaz[up] self.downz = self.usedlaz[down] self.laz=True
[docs] def plot_laz(self,length_buffer=5.,fig:Figure=None,ax:Axes=None,show=False): """ Dessin des points LAZ sur le graphique Matplotlib """ if not self.laz: self.get_laz_around(length_buffer) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) # ax.scatter(self.s_laz,self.usedlaz[:,2],c=self.colors_laz,marker='.') ax.scatter(self.uplaz,self.upz[:,2],c=self.uplaz_colors,marker='.') ax.scatter(self.downlaz,self.downz[:,2],c=self.downlaz_colors,marker='+') if show: return np.min(self.usedlaz[:,2]),np.max(self.usedlaz[:,2])
[docs] def slide_vertex(self,s): """ Glissement des vertices d'une constante 's' """ if self.orient is None: self.set_orient() dx = self.orient[0] *s dy = self.orient[1] *s for curv in self.myvertices: curv.x +=dx curv.y +=dy
[docs] def movebankbed_index(self,which,orientation): """ Déplacement des points de référence sur base d'un index Le cas échéant, adaptation du mode de stockage """ if self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_VERTEX: if which=='left': k = self.myvertices.index(self._bankleft) elif which=='right': k = self.myvertices.index(self._bankright) elif which=='bed': k = self.myvertices.index(self._bed) if orientation=='left': k=max(0,k-1) elif orientation=='right': k=min(self.nbvertices-1,k+1) if which=='left': self._bankleft=k elif which=='right': self._bankright=k elif which=='bed': self._bed=k elif self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_S3D: if which=='left': k = 0 self._bankleft=k elif which=='right': k = self.nbvertices-1 self._bankright=k elif which=='bed': k = int(self.nbvertices/2) self._bed=k if self.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_INDEX: if which=='left': k = self._bankleft elif which=='right': k = self._bankright elif which=='bed': k = self._bed if orientation=='left': k=max(0,k-1) elif orientation=='right': k=min(self.nbvertices-1,k+1) if which=='left': self._bankleft=k elif which=='right': self._bankright=k elif which=='bed': self._bed=k self.banksbed_postype = postype.BY_INDEX if self.prepared: self.sz_bankbed = self.get_sz_banksbed(force=True) self.s3d_bankbed = self.get_s3d_banksbed(force=True)
[docs] def update_sdatum(self, new_sdatum): """ MAJ de la position de la section selon sa trace """ sdatum_prev = self.sdatum self.sdatum = new_sdatum self.add_sdatum = True if self.prepared: delta = new_sdatum-sdatum_prev[:,0] += delta self.smin += delta self.smax += delta
[docs] def update_zdatum(self, new_zdatum): """ MAJ de l'altitude de référence de la section """ zdatum_prev = self.zdatum self.zdatum = new_zdatum self.add_zdatum = True if self.prepared: delta = new_zdatum-zdatum_prev[:,1] +=new_zdatum-zdatum_prev self.zmin += delta self.zmax += delta
[docs] def update_banksbed_from_s3d(self, which, s:float): """ MAJ des points de référence depuis une coordonnée curvi 3D """ if self.banksbed_postype != postype.BY_S3D: s1, s2, s3 = self.get_s3d_banksbed() self.bankleft = s1 self.bed = s2 self.bankright = s3 self.banksbed_postype = postype.BY_S3D if which=='left': self.bankleft = s if self.prepared: self.s3d_bankbed[0]=s elif which =='right': self.bankright = s if self.prepared: self.s3d_bankbed[2]=s elif which=='bed': self.bed = s if self.prepared: self.s3d_bankbed[1]=s if self.prepared: self.sz_bankbed = self.get_sz_banksbed(force=True)
[docs] def save(self,f): """ Surcharge de l'opération d'écriture """ if self.parent.forcesuper: super().save(f) else: for curvert in self.myvertices: which='' if curvert is self.bed: which = "BED" elif curvert is self.bankleft: which = "LEFT" elif curvert is self.bankright: which = "RIGHT" f.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\n".format(self.myname,curvert.x,curvert.y,which,curvert.z))
[docs] def get_s_from_xy(self, xy:wolfvertex) -> float: """ Retourne la coordonnér curvi sur base d'un vertex """ x1 = self.myvertices[0].x y1 = self.myvertices[0].y length = math.sqrt((xy.x-x1)**2.+(xy.y-y1)**2.) return length
[docs] def get_sz(self, cumul=True) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Retourne 2 vecteurs avec la position curvi 2D et l'altitude des points """ if self.prepared: return[:,0],[:,1] z = asarray([self.myvertices[i].z for i in range(self.nbvertices)]) if self.add_zdatum: z+=self.zdatum nb = len(z) s = zeros(nb) if cumul: x1 = self.myvertices[0].x y1 = self.myvertices[0].y for i in range(nb-1): x2 = self.myvertices[i+1].x y2 = self.myvertices[i+1].y length = np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2.+(y2-y1)**2.) s[i+1] = s[i]+length x1=x2 y1=y2 else: for i in range(nb): s[i] = self.myvertices[0].dist2D(self.myvertices[i]) if self.add_sdatum: s+=self.sdatum return s,z
[docs] def set_sz(self, sz, trace): """ Calcule les positions des vertices sur base d'une matrice sz et d'une trace s : colonne 0 z : colonne 1 trace : liste de 2 couples xy -> [[x1,y1], [x2,y2]] """ orig = trace[0] end = trace[1] vec = np.asarray(end)-np.asarray(orig) vec = vec/np.linalg.norm(vec) xy = np.asarray([s*vec+np.asarray(orig) for s in sz[:,0]]) for i in range(len(xy)): curvert = wolfvertex(xy[i,0],xy[i,1],sz[i,1]) self.add_vertex(curvert)
[docs] def get_sz_banksbed(self, cumul=True, force:bool=False) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]: """ Retourne les positions des points de référence mais avec la coordonnée curvi 2D - (sleft, sbed, sright, zleft, zbed, zright) """ if self.prepared and not force: return self.sz_bankbed x1 = self.myvertices[0].x y1 = self.myvertices[0].y if self.bankleft is not None: if cumul: sleft, zleft = self.bankleft_sz else: curvert = self.bankleft_vertex x2 = curvert.x y2 = curvert.y sleft = math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2.+(y2-y1)**2.) zleft=curvert.z else: sleft=-99999. zleft=-99999. if self.bankright is not None: if cumul: sright, zright = self.bankright_sz else: curvert = self.bankright_vertex x2 = curvert.x y2 = curvert.y sright = math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2.+(y2-y1)**2.) zright=curvert.z else: sright=-99999. zright=-99999. if self.bed is not None: if cumul: sbed, zbed = self.bed_sz else: curvert = self.bed_vertex x2 = curvert.x y2 = curvert.y sbed = math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2.+(y2-y1)**2.) zbed=curvert.z else: sbed=-99999. zbed=-99999. if self.add_sdatum: sleft+=self.sdatum sbed+=self.sdatum sright+=self.sdatum if self.add_zdatum: zleft+=self.zdatum zbed+=self.zdatum zright+=self.zdatum return sleft,sbed,sright,zleft,zbed,zright
[docs] def get_s3d_banksbed(self, force:bool=False)-> tuple[float, float, float]: """ Retourne les coordonnée curvi 3D des points de référence - (sleft, sbed, sright) """ if self.prepared and not force: return self.s3d_bankbed return self.bankleft_s3D, self.bed_s3D, self.bankright_s3D
[docs] def asshapely_sz(self) -> LineString: """ Retroune la section comme objet shapely - polyligne selon la trace avec altitudes """ s,z = self.get_sz() return LineString(np.asarray([[curs, curz] for curs, curz in zip(s,z)]))
[docs] def asshapely_s3dz(self) -> LineString: """ Retroune la section comme objet shapely - polyligne selon la trace 3D avec altitudes """ s = self.get_s3d() z = [cur.z for cur in self.myvertices] return LineString(np.asarray([[curs, curz] for curs, curz in zip(s,z)]))
[docs] def prepare(self,cumul=True): """ Pre-Compute sz and sz_banked to avoid multiple computation """ self.reset_prepare() self.update_lengths() x,y = self.get_sz() = np.column_stack([x,y]) self.smin = min(x) self.smax = max(x) self.zmin = min(y) self.zmax = max(y) self.prepare_shapely() self.sz_bankbed = list(self.get_sz_banksbed(cumul)) self.s3d_bankbed = list(self.get_s3d_banksbed()) self.prepared=True
[docs] def reset_prepare(self): """ Réinitialisation de la préparation de la section """ = None self.smin = -99999 self.smax = -99999 self.zmin = -99999 self.zmax = -99999 self.sz_bankbed = None self.s3d_bankbed = None self.linestring = None self.prepared=False
[docs] def get_min(self): return sorted(self.myvertices,key=lambda x:x.z)[0]
[docs] def get_max(self): return sorted(self.myvertices,key=lambda x:x.z)[-1]
[docs] def get_minz(self): return amin(list(x.z for x in self.myvertices))
[docs] def get_maxz(self): return amax(list(x.z for x in self.myvertices))
[docs] def plot_linked(self, fig, ax, linked_arrays:dict): colors=['red','blue','green'] k=0 for curlabel, curarray in linked_arrays.items(): if curarray.plotted: myls = self.asshapely_ls() length = myls.length ds = min(curarray.dx,curarray.dy) nb = int(np.ceil(length/ds*2)) alls = np.linspace(0,int(length),nb) pts = [myls.interpolate(curs) for curs in alls] allz = [curarray.get_value(curpt.x,curpt.y) for curpt in pts] if np.max(allz)>-99999: ax.plot(alls,allz, color=colors[np.mod(k,3)], lw=2.0, label=curlabel) k+=1
[docs] def _plot_only_cs(self,fig:Figure=None,ax:Axes=None,label='',alpha=0.8,lw=1.,style: str ='dashed',centerx=0.,centery=0.,grid=True, col_ax: str = 'black'): # plot x,y=self.get_sz() sl,sb,sr,yl,yb,yr = self.get_sz_banksbed() if centerx >0. and sb!=-99999.: decal = centerx-sb x+=decal sl+=decal sb+=decal sr+=decal if centery >0. and yb!=-99999.: decal = centery-yb y+=decal yl+=decal yb+=decal yr+=decal ax.plot(x,y,color=col_ax, lw=lw, linestyle=style, alpha=alpha, label=label) curtick=ax.get_xticks() ax.set_xticks(np.arange(min(curtick[0],(x[0]//2)*2),max(curtick[-1],(x[-1]//2)*2),2)) if sl != -99999.: ax.plot(sl,yl,'or',alpha=alpha) if sb != -99999.: ax.plot(sb,yb,'ob',alpha=alpha) if sr != -99999.: ax.plot(sr,yr,'og',alpha=alpha)
[docs] def plot_cs(self, fwl=None, show=False, forceaspect=True, fig:Figure=None, ax:Axes=None, plotlaz=True, clear=True, linked_arrays:dict={}): # plot x,y=self.get_sz() sl,sb,sr,yl,yb,yr = self.get_sz_banksbed() xmin=x[0] xmax=x[-1] ymin=self.get_minz() ymax=self.get_maxz() dy=ymax-ymin ymin-=dy/4. ymax+=dy/4. if ax is None: redraw=False fig = plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) else: redraw=True if clear: ax.cla() if np.min(y) != -99999. and np.max(y) != -99999.: ax.plot(x,y,color='black', lw=2.0, label='Profil') if self.parent is not None: if plotlaz and self.parent.gridlaz is not None: minlaz=ymin maxlaz=ymax minlaz,maxlaz=self.plot_laz(fig=fig,ax=ax) if np.min(y) != -99999. and np.max(y) != -99999.: ymin = min(ymin,minlaz) ymax = max(ymax,maxlaz) else: ymin = minlaz ymax = maxlaz self.plot_linked(fig,ax,linked_arrays) if fwl is not None: ax.fill_between(x,y,fwl,where=y<=fwl,facecolor='cyan',alpha=0.3,interpolate=True) if sl != -99999.: ax.plot(sl,yl,'or') if sb != -99999.: ax.plot(sb,yb,'ob') if sr != -99999.: ax.plot(sr,yr,'og') ax.set_title(self.myname) ax.set_xlabel(_('Distance [m]')) ax.set_ylabel('Elevation [EL.m]') ax.legend() tol=(xmax-xmin)/10. ax.set_xlim(xmin-tol,xmax+tol) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) nbticks = 20 dzticks = max((((ymax-ymin)/nbticks) // .25) *.25,.25) ax.set_yticks(np.arange((ymin//.25)*.25,(ymax//.25)*.25,dzticks)) ax.grid() if forceaspect: aspect=1.0*(ymax-ymin)/(xmax-xmin)*(ax.get_xlim()[1] - ax.get_xlim()[0]) / (ax.get_ylim()[1] - ax.get_ylim()[0]) ax.set_aspect(aspect) if show: if redraw: fig.canvas.draw() return sl,sb,sr,yl,yb,yr
[docs] def relation_oneh(self,cury,x=None,y=None): if x is None and y is None: x,y=self.get_sz() s=a=w=0.0 for i in range(0,len(x)-1): #recherche des intersections sur les segments x1=x[i] y1=y[i] x2=x[i+1] y2=y[i+1] #calcul des incréments de section et de périmètre dS=0.0 dA=0.0 dL=0.0 # if y1<=cury and y2<=cury: # The inferiority was not strict under this condition especially for the computation of the wetted perimeter if y1<cury and y2<cury: #le segment est totalement situé en dessous de la hauteur utile dS=math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2.+(y2-y1)**2.) dA=0.5*(2.0*cury-y1-y2)*(x2-x1) dL=(x2-x1) else: xx=INTERSEC(x1,y1,x2,y2,cury) if x1<=xx and xx<=x2: #le segment intersecte la hauteur utile if y2<=cury and cury<=y1: dS=math.sqrt((x2-xx)**2.+(y2-cury)**2.) dA=0.5*(x2-xx)*(cury-y2) dL=(x2-xx) if y1<=cury and cury<=y2: dS=math.sqrt((xx-x1)**2.+(cury-y1)**2.) dA=0.5*(xx-x1)*(cury-y1) dL=(xx-x1) #ajout des incréments s+=dS a+=dA w+=dL if 0.0<s: r=a/s else: r=0. return a,s,w,r
[docs] def relations(self, discretize: int = 100, plot = True): """ This method returns 6 numpy arrays each containing the evolution of a specific hydraulic characteristic with respect to the water depth in the profile (wetted area, wetted perimeter, top width, water detph, hydraulic radius, critical discharge). """ x,y=self.get_sz() ymin=min(y) ymax=max(y) yy = concatenate([linspace(ymin,ymax,discretize),y]) # To avoid hard coding the discretization yy=unique(yy) yy.sort() nb=len(yy) a=zeros(nb) # Area s=zeros(nb) # Wet perimeter w=zeros(nb) # Top width r=zeros(nb) # Hydraulic radius h=zeros(nb) # Water depth qcr = zeros(nb) # Critical discharge for k in range(nb): a[k],s[k],w[k],r[k] = self.relation_oneh(yy[k],x,y) h[k]=yy[k]-ymin # Test to avoid division by zero in case the top width equals 0 (often first value) if w[k] != 0: qcr[k] = math.sqrt((9.81*((a[k])**3))/(w[k])) else: qcr[k] = 0. #Initialisation for plots if plot: # In order to allow other usages apart from Graphprofile. self.wetarea = a self.wetperimeter = s self.hyrdaulicradius = r self.waterdepth=h self.localwidth=w self.criticaldischarge = qcr return a,s,r,h,w,qcr
[docs] def slopes(self): slopedown = (self.get_minz() - self.down.get_minz()) / abs(self.down.s - self.s+1.e-10) slopeup = (self.up.get_minz() - self.get_minz()) / abs(self.s - self.up.s+1.e-10) slopecentered = (self.up.get_minz() - self.down.get_minz()) / abs(self.down.s - self.up.s+1.e-10) return slopeup,slopecentered,slopedown
[docs] def ManningStrickler_Q(self,slope=1.e-3,nManning=0.,KStrickler=0.): """Procédure générique pour obtenir une relation uniforme Q-H sur base - nManning : un coefficient de frottement - slope : une pente """ if nManning==0. and KStrickler==0.: return elif nManning>0.: coeff=1./nManning elif KStrickler>0.: coeff = KStrickler nn=len(self.waterdepth) sqrtslope=math.sqrt(slope) self.q=asarray([coeff * self.hyrdaulicradius[k]**(2./3.)*sqrtslope * self.wetarea[k] for k in range(nn)])
[docs] def ManningStrickler_oneQ(self,slope=1.e-3,nManning=0.,KStrickler=0.,cury=0.): """Procédure générique pour obtenir une relation uniforme Q-H sur base - nManning : un coefficient de frottement - slope : une pente """ if nManning==0. and KStrickler==0.: return elif nManning>0.: coeff=1./nManning elif KStrickler>0.: coeff = KStrickler a,s,w,r = self.relation_oneh(cury) sqrtslope=math.sqrt(slope) q=coeff * r**(2./3.) * sqrtslope * a return q
# Methods added
[docs] def deepcopy_profile(self, name: str = None): """ This method returns a deepcopy of the active profile. The profile features are individually transferred, therefore, only the necessary features are copied. """ # if a new name is not given, we add _copy to the current profile's name. if name is None: name = self.myname + "_copy" # We create the new profile (copy). copied_profile = profile(name) # Deep copies # 1. Vertices copied_profile.myvertices = copy.deepcopy(self.myvertices) # 3. The river banks copied_profile.bankleft = copy.deepcopy(self.bankleft) copied_profile.bankright = copy.deepcopy(self.bankright) copied_profile.bed = copy.deepcopy(self.bed) copied_profile.banksbed_postype = copy.deepcopy(self.banksbed_postype) return copied_profile
[docs] def color_active_profile(self, width: float = 3., color: list = [255, 0, 0], plot_opengl = True): """ This method colors and thickens the active profile (default width : 3, default color: red). """ self.myprop.width = width self.myprop.color = getIfromRGB(color) if plot_opengl: self.parentzone.plot(True) # FIXME (Parent zone)
[docs] def highlightning(self, width: float = 3., color: list = [255, 0, 0] , plot_opengl = True): """Alias for color_active_profile""" self.color_active_profile(width, color)
[docs] def uncolor_active_profile(self, plot_opengl = True): """ This method resets the width and the color of the active profile to 1 and black. """ self.myprop.width = 1 self.myprop.color = getIfromRGB([0, 0, 0]) if plot_opengl: self.parentzone.plot(True)
[docs] def withdrawing(self , plot_opengl = True): """Alias for uncolor_active_profile""" self.uncolor_active_profile(plot_opengl)
[docs] def ManningStrickler_profile(self, slope: float =1.e-3, nManning: float =0., KStrickler: float=0.): """ Procédure générique pour obtenir une relation uniforme Q-H d'un profile sur base: - nManning ou KStrickler: un coefficient de frottement, - slope : une pente fournie (default: 0.001), ainsi que les relations correspondant aux pentes aval(slope down), amont(slopeup), et amont-aval (centered). """ if self.down is not None and self.up is not None: slopeup,slopecentered,slopedown = self.slopes() else: slopecentered = 0 slopedown = 0 slopeup = 0 if nManning==0. and KStrickler==0.: return elif nManning>0.: coeff=1./nManning elif KStrickler>0.: coeff = KStrickler nn=len(self.waterdepth) sqrtslope = math.sqrt(slope) if slopedown > 0: sqrtslopedown= math.sqrt(slopedown) else: sqrtslopedown = 0. if slopecentered > 0: sqrtslopecentered= math.sqrt(slopecentered) else: sqrtslopecentered = 0. if slopeup > 0: sqrtslopeup= math.sqrt(slopeup) else: sqrtslopeup = 0. self.q_slope = asarray([coeff*(self.hyrdaulicradius[k]**(2/3))*sqrtslope*self.wetarea[k] for k in range (nn)]) self.q_down=asarray([coeff * self.hyrdaulicradius[k]**(2./3.)*sqrtslopedown * self.wetarea[k] for k in range(nn)]) self.q_up=asarray([coeff * self.hyrdaulicradius[k]**(2./3.)*sqrtslopeup * self.wetarea[k] for k in range(nn)]) self.q_centered=asarray([coeff * self.hyrdaulicradius[k]**(2./3.)*sqrtslopecentered * self.wetarea[k] for k in range(nn)]) return max(max(self.q_slope), max(self.q_down), max(self.q_up), max(self.q_centered), max(self.criticaldischarge))
[docs] def plotcs_profile(self, fig: Figure = None, ax: Axes = None, compare = None, vecs : list = [], col_structure: str ='none', fwl: float = None, fwd: float = None, simuls:list=None, show = False, forceaspect= True, plotlaz= True, clear = True, redraw=True ): """ This method plots the physical geometry of the current cross section (profile). - If a reference profile (compare) is given, the method hatchs the differences with resepect to cuts and fills. - If forceaspect is activated, the x and y axes are plotted using the same scale, otherwise, the figure is anamorphosed. - fwl (for water level) and fwd (for water depth) allow the visualisation of a specific water level on the graph. - idsimul: list of available numerical simulations containing this profile, - zsimul: list of water level in the simulations. - col_structure colors the structure displayed. """ idsimul=None zsimul=None if simuls is not None: if len(simuls)>0: idsimul = [cursimul[0] for cursimul in simuls] zsimul = [cursimul[3] for cursimul in simuls] sl,sb,sr,zl,zb,zr = self.get_sz_banksbed() x,y = self.get_sz() if fwl is None: if fwd is None or fwd <= 0: fwd =0 fwl= self.zmin+ fwd elif fwd > 0 : fwl = self.zmin + fwd elif fwl is not None: fwl = fwl fwd = fwl-self.zmin # Creation of a new ax for cleaning purposes in the wolfhece.Graphprofile. myax1 = ax if redraw: if clear: myax1.clear() # Additional drawings on the profile (plots) vec: vector max_z = [self.zmax] #Fo ylim for vec in vecs: n = vec.nbvertices verts = vec.asnparray() # 2D array containing x,y corresponding x , z max_z.append(np.max( verts[:,1])) myax1.fill(verts[:,0], verts[:,1], color= col_structure, lw = 2, hatch = _('///'), edgecolor = 'black') #Plots myax1.plot(x,y,color=_('black'),lw=2) myax1.fill_between(x,y,linewidth= 2,label=_('River bed'), color=_('black'), alpha = 0.2) if compare is not None: compare_s, compare_z = compare.get_sz() # New methods fill & cuts # Altitude diferences z = y - compare_z # Length differences s = x[1:] - x[:-1] # Method to compute the interection of 2 segments def _slope(s1 = 0., z1 = 0., s2 = 0., z2 = 0.): m =(z1 - z2)/(s1-s2) return m def _intersect_s(s1,z1,slp1, sref1, zref1,slpref1): intersection = zref1 - z1 + slp1*s1 -slpref1*sref1 return intersection def _intersect_z(intersect_s, z1, s1, slp1): intersection = (intersect_s*slp1) + z1 -slp1*s1 return intersection def _intersect_coords(smod1, zmod1, smod2, zmod2, sref1, zref1, sref2, zref2): if smod2 - smod1 == 0 or sref1 - sref2 == 0: raise Exception('Kindly delete duplicated point(s) in your data.') #FIXME How one could handle this elegantly? else: slope_mod = (zmod2 - zmod1)/(smod2 - smod1) # slope modified slope_ref = (zref2 - zref1)/(sref2 - sref1) # slope reference s_int = (zref1 - zmod1 + slope_mod*smod1 - slope_ref*sref1)/(slope_mod - slope_ref) z_int = zmod1 + slope_mod*(s_int -smod1) return s_int, z_int # Method to compute the areas (scenarios) def _area_triangle(b = None, h = None): area = (b*h)/2 return area def _area_trapezoid(b1 = None, b2 = None, h= None): area = ((b1+b2)/2)*h return area # Handling the 4 cases positive_trap = [] negative_trap = [] positive_tri = [] negative_tri = [] for i in range(len(z)-1): if z[i] ==0 and z[i+1] ==0: a =0 positive_trap.append(a) if z[i] > 0. and z[i+1] > 0.: a = _area_trapezoid(b1=z[i], b2=z[i+1], h = s[i]) positive_trap.append(a) if z[i] < 0. and z[i+1] < 0.: a = _area_trapezoid(b1=z[i], b2=z[i+1], h = s[i]) negative_trap.append(a) if z[i] >= 0. and z[i+1] < 0. or z[i] > 0. and z[i+1] <= 0.: #s_inter, z_inter = _intersect_coords(smod=s_x[i], zmod=z_y[i], sref =sref_x[i], zref = zref_y[i]) s_inter, z_inter = _intersect_coords(smod1 = x[i], zmod1 = y[i], smod2 = x[i+1], zmod2 = y[i+1], sref1 = compare_s[i], zref1 = compare_z[i], sref2 = compare_s[i+1], zref2 = compare_z[i+1]) a_fill = (z[i] *(s_inter - compare_s[i]))/2 a_cut = (z[i+1]*(compare_s[i+1] - s_inter))/2 positive_tri.append(a_fill) negative_tri.append(a_cut) if z[i] <= 0. and z[i+1]>0 or z[i] < 0. and z[i+1]>=0: s_inter, z_inter = _intersect_coords(smod1 = x[i], zmod1 = y[i], smod2 = x[i+1], zmod2 = y[i+1], sref1 = compare_s[i], zref1 = compare_z[i], sref2 = compare_s[i+1], zref2 = compare_z[i+1]) a_fill = (z[i+1]*(compare_s[i+1] - s_inter))/2 a_cut = (z[i] *(s_inter - compare_s[i]))/2 positive_tri.append(a_fill) negative_tri.append(a_cut) fill = sum(positive_trap) + sum(positive_tri) cut = sum(negative_trap) + sum(negative_tri) total_area = abs(cut) + abs(fill) balance = fill + cut myax1.annotate('earthmoving: %.2f $m^3/m$ \n balance: %.2f $m^3/m$'% (total_area, balance), (self.smax/2, self.zmax-1), fontsize = _('x-small')) myax1.plot(compare_s,compare_z,color=_('red'), lw=2, ls = _('dashed'), label =_('Reference')) myax1.fill_between(x, y, compare_z, where=(y < compare_z), interpolate= True,color =_('none'),\ alpha = 0.2, hatch = _('///'), edgecolor= _('red'), label =_('Cuts: %.2f $m^3/m$'%(cut))) myax1.fill_between(x, y, compare_z,where=(y > compare_z), interpolate= True, color =_('red'),\ alpha = 0.2, hatch = _('///'), edgecolor= _('white'), label=_('Fill: %.2f $m^3/m$'%(fill))) #Banks if sl != -99999.: myax1.plot(sl,zl,_('om'), label= _('Left bank')) if sb != -99999.: myax1.plot(sb,zb,_('ob'), label= _('River bed')) if sr != -99999.: myax1.plot(sr,zr,_('og'), label= _('Right bank')) #Available simulations if zsimul is not None: for i in range(len(zsimul)): myax1.axhline(y=zsimul[i], color=_('blue'), alpha=0.7, lw=1, label =_('Simulation'), ls =_('dashed')) myax1.annotate(idsimul[i], (self.smax/2, zsimul[i] +0.1 ), alpha=0.7 , fontsize = _('xx-small'), color=_('blue')) #Displayed water level myax1.fill_between(x,y, fwl, where= y < fwl ,facecolor=_('cyan'),alpha=0.3,interpolate=True) #Figure parameter if zsimul is not None: myax1.set_ylim(self.zmin, max(self.zmax +1, max(zsimul) + 1, max(max_z)+1)) #In case the water level in a simulation is above the maximum altitude of the profile. elif max_z != []: myax1.set_ylim(self.zmin, max(self.zmax, max(max_z)+1)) else: myax1.set_ylim(self.zmin, self.zmax +1) myax1.set_xlim(min(x), max(x)) myax1.set_xlabel(_('Section Width ($m$)'), size=12) myax1.set_ylabel(_('Altitude - Z \n($m$)'), size=12) ## equal aspect between axis if forceaspect: myax1.set_aspect(_('equal'), adjustable=_('box')) ## Second Y - axis --> relationship functions def alt_to_depth(y): return y-self.zmin def depth_to_alt(y): return y+self.zmin secax = myax1.secondary_yaxis(_('right'), functions=(alt_to_depth, depth_to_alt)) myax1.grid(axis=_('y'), ls= _('--')) if show: return sl, sb, sr, zl, zb, zr
[docs] def plotcs_discharges(self, fig: Figure = None, ax: Axes = None, fwl: float = None, fwd: float = None, fwq: float = None, simuls:list=None, show = False, clear = True, labels = True, redraw =True): """ This method plots the discharges relationship computed with the methods: relations and ManningStrcikler_profile. - fwl: for water level, - fwd: for water depth, - fwq: for water discharge, - idsimul: list of available numerical models. - qsimul: list of discharges in the available numerical models, - hsimul: list of water depth in the available numerical models. """ hsimul = None qsimul = None idsimul = None if simuls is not None: if len(simuls)>0: hsimul = [cursimul[2] for cursimul in simuls] qsimul = [cursimul[1] for cursimul in simuls] idsimul= [cursimul[0] for cursimul in simuls] sl,sb,sr,zl,zb,zr = self.get_sz_banksbed() x,y = self.get_sz() if fwl is None: if fwd is None or fwd <= 0: fwd =0 fwl= self.zmin+ fwd elif fwd > 0 : fwl = self.zmin + fwd elif fwl is not None: fwl = fwl fwd = fwl-self.zmin # Creation of a new ax for cleaning purposes in the wolfhece.Graphprofile. myax2 = ax if redraw: if clear: myax2.clear() # Discharges in available numerical models if qsimul is not None and hsimul is not None: myax2.scatter(qsimul,hsimul + self.zmin, c=_('blue'), alpha= 0.8, label =_('Available models')) for i in range(len(qsimul)): myax2.annotate(idsimul[i], (qsimul[i], hsimul[i] + self.zmin), alpha= 0.8, fontsize = _('xx-small'),color =_('blue')) # plots myax2.plot(self.criticaldischarge,self.waterdepth + self.zmin,color=_('red'),lw=2.0,label=_('Critical Discharge ($m^3/s$)'), ls =_('dashed')) myax2.plot(self.q_slope,self.waterdepth + self.zmin ,color=_('black'),lw=2.0,label=_('Q - chosen slope')) # Other curves are plotted only if the cross sections are sorted along the river bed. if self and self.down and self.up: myax2.plot(self.q_down,self.waterdepth + self.zmin,color=_('black'),lw=1.0,label=_('Q - slope (%s - %s)')%(self.myname,self.down.myname), alpha = 0.5, ls = _('dotted')) myax2.plot(self.q_up,self.waterdepth + self.zmin,color=_('black'),lw=1.0,label=_('Q slope (%s - %s)')%(self.up.myname,self.myname), alpha= 0.5, ls= _('--')) #Plot the evolution of the uniform discharge as function of water depth myax2.plot(self.q_centered,self.waterdepth + self.zmin ,color=_('black'),lw=1.0,label=_('Q slope (%s - %s)')%(self.up.myname,self.down.myname), alpha = 0.5, ls = _('-.')) # Displayed discharge if fwq is not None: myax2.axvline(x=fwq, color=_('blue'), alpha=1, lw=2, label =_(' QD - Desired discharge')) # River banks if zl and zr and zb: myax2.axhline(y=zl, color=_('magenta'), alpha=1, lw=1, label =_('Left bank'), ls =_('dotted')) myax2.axhline(y=zr, color=_('green'), alpha=1, lw=1, label =_('Right bank'), ls =_('dotted') ) myax2.axhline(y=zb, color=_('blue'), alpha=1, lw=1, label =_('Bed'), ls =_('dotted')) # Desired water depth myax2.axhspan(ymin= self.zmin, ymax =fwl,color=_('cyan'), alpha=0.2, lw=2, label =_('Desired water depth')) myax2.set_xlabel(_('Discharge - Q ($m^3/s$)'), size=12) myax2.set_ylim(self.zmin, self.zmax+1) if qsimul is not None: myax2.set_xlim(0., max(max(self.q_down),max(self.q_up),max(self.q_centered),max(self.q_slope), max(self.criticaldischarge),max(qsimul))) else: myax2.set_xlim(0., max(max(self.q_down),max(self.q_up),max(self.q_centered),max(self.q_slope), max(self.criticaldischarge))) # Conversion methods for the second matplotlib ax def alt_to_depth(y): return y-self.zmin def depth_to_alt(y): return y+self.zmin secax = myax2.secondary_yaxis(_('right'), functions=(alt_to_depth,depth_to_alt)) #secax.set_yticks(y) myax2.yaxis.tick_left() #myax2.set_yticks(alt_to_depth(self.waterdepth)) #secax.set_yticks(self.waterdepth +self.ymin) #myax2.grid(axis= 'y' , ls= _('--')) myax2.grid(axis ='both') if labels: myax2.set_ylabel(_('Water depth - h\n($m$)'), size=12, rotation=270,labelpad=35) myax2.yaxis.set_label_position(_('right')) secax.set_ylabel(_('Altitude - Z\n($m$)'), size=12, labelpad=10) fig.suptitle('Discharges C.S. - %s'%(self.myname), size=15) if show:
[docs] def plotcs_hspw(self, fig: Figure = None, ax: Axes = None, fwl: float = None, fwd: float = None, fwq: float = None, show = False, clear = True, labels = True,redraw =True): """ This method plots the hydraulic geometries computed by the relations method (Hydraulic radius, wetted area, wetted perimeter, Top width). - fwl: for water level, - fwd: for water depth, - fwq: for water discharge. """ sl,sb,sr,zl,zb,zr = self.get_sz_banksbed() x,y = self.get_sz() if fwl is None: if fwd is None or fwd <= 0: fwd =0 fwl= self.zmin+ fwd elif fwd > 0 : fwl = self.zmin + fwd elif fwl is not None: fwl = fwl fwd = fwl-self.zmin # Creation of a new ax for cleaning purposes in the wolfhece.Graphprofile. myax3 = ax axt3 = ax if redraw: if clear: axt3.clear() # myax3.clear() # Plots # FIXME (Clearing issues) a second x axis for the Hydraulic radius to provide more clarity. axt3.plot(self.hyrdaulicradius,self.waterdepth + self.zmin,color=_('green'),lw=2,label=_('H - Hydraulic radius($m$)'), ls= _('--')) #Plot the evaluation of the hydraulic radius as function of water depth axt3.set_xlim(0, max(self.hyrdaulicradius)) myax3.plot(self.wetarea,self.waterdepth + self.zmin,color=_('black'),lw=2.0,label=_('S - Wet area ($m^2$)')) #Plot the wetted area as function of water depth myax3.plot(self.wetperimeter,self.waterdepth + self.zmin,color=_('magenta'),lw=1,label=_('P - Wet perimeter($m$)')) #Plot the wetted perimeter as function of water depth myax3.plot(self.localwidth,self.waterdepth + self.zmin,color=_('red'),lw=1,label=_('W - Top Width ($m$)')) #Plot the evalution of the water table as function of water depth # Selection of hydraulic geometries based on their index if fwq is not None and fwq > 0.: # First, We select the closest critical discharge to the user's input. mask = np.absolute(self.criticaldischarge - fwq) index = np.argmin(mask) # Second, since the matrices have the same shapes and their elements are sorted likewise, # we use the index of the selected critical discharge to find the corresponding hydraulic geometries. cr_wetarea = self.wetarea[index] cr_wetperimeter = self.wetperimeter[index] cr_width = self.localwidth[index] cr_radius = self.hyrdaulicradius[index] cr_h = self.waterdepth[index] myax3.plot(cr_wetarea,cr_h + self.zmin,'ok' ) myax3.annotate(_('$Critical$ $characteristics$ \nH: %s $m$ \nS: %s $m^2$ \nP: %s $m$ \nW: %s $m$ \n \n')% (round(cr_radius,2),round(cr_wetarea,2),round(cr_wetperimeter,2),round(cr_width,2)),\ (cr_wetarea, cr_h + self.zmin), alpha= 1, fontsize = _('x-small'),color =_('black')) #Finally, we plot the critical hydraulic geometries as dots. myax3.plot(cr_wetperimeter,cr_h + self.zmin,_('om') ) myax3.plot(cr_width,cr_h + self.zmin,_('or') ) myax3.plot(cr_radius,cr_h + self.zmin,_('og') ) #Displayed water depths and banks myax3.axhspan(ymin= self.zmin, ymax =fwd + self.zmin,color=_('cyan'), alpha=0.2, lw=2, label =_('Desired water depth')) myax3.axhline(y=zl, color=_('magenta'), alpha=1, lw=1, label =_('Left bank'), ls =_('dotted') ) myax3.axhline(y=zr, color=_('green'), alpha=1, lw=1, label =_('right bank'), ls =_('dotted') ) myax3.axhline(y=zb, color=_('blue'), alpha=1, lw=1, label =_(' bed '), ls =_('dotted')) #Limits and labels myax3.set_ylim(self.zmin,self.zmax+1) myax3.set_xlim(0., max(max(self.wetarea), max(self.wetperimeter), max(self.localwidth))) myax3.set_xlabel(_('S - P - W'), size=12) myax3.set_ylabel(_('Water depth - h\n($m$)'), size=12,rotation=270, labelpad=50) #Conversion methods for the second y axis def alt_to_depth(y): return y-self.zmin def depth_to_alt(y): return y+self.zmin secax = myax3.secondary_yaxis(_('right'), functions=(alt_to_depth,depth_to_alt)) myax3.yaxis.tick_left() myax3.yaxis.set_label_position(_('right')) if labels: secax.set_ylabel(_('Altitude - Z ($m$)'), size=12, rotation=270, labelpad=20) myax3.grid() if show:
[docs] class crosssections(Element_To_Draw): """ Gestion de sections en travers pour différents formats - SPW 2000 --> format ='2000' - SPW 2022 --> format ='2022' - WOLF vecz --> format ='vecz' - WOLF sxy --> format ='sxy' L'objet stocke ses informations dans un dictionnaire : self.myprofiles Les clés de chaque entrée sont: ['index'] : integer ['left'] : wolfvertex ['bed'] : wolfvertex ['right'] : wolfvertex ['cs'] : profile (surcharge de vector) Pour le moment, il est possible de lire les fichiers et d'effectuer cerrains traitements (tri selon vecteur, export gltf...). Une instance de cet objet peut être ajouté à une instance graphique WOLF pour affichage. Pour ce faire: - une propriété "myzones" de type "Zones" est présente pour stocker les sections sous forme WOLF "ZONES/ZONE/VECTOR/VERTICES". --> "crosssections" n'est donc pas une extension de "Zones" !! - deux instances de "cloud_vertices" contiennent les vertices des sections : - cloud - cloud_all :remark !! La classe n'est pas encore prévue pour créer des sections en travers!! """
[docs] myprofiles:dict
[docs] mygenprofiles:dict
def __init__(self, myfile:str = '', format:typing.Literal['2000','2022','vecz','sxy']='2022', dirlaz:typing.Union[str, xyz_laz_grids] =r'D:\OneDrive\OneDrive - Universite de Liege\Crues\2021-07 Vesdre\CSC - Convention - ARNE\Data\LAZ_Vesdre\2023', mapviewer = None, idx='', plotted=True) -> None: super().__init__(idx=idx, plotted= plotted, mapviewer=mapviewer, need_for_wx=False) self.filename=myfile self.myzones=None self.myzone=None if isinstance(dirlaz,str): if path.exists(dirlaz): self.dirlaz=dirlaz self.gridlaz = xyz_laz_grids(self.dirlaz) else: self.dirlaz='' self.gridlaz =None elif isinstance(dirlaz,xyz_laz_grids): self.gridlaz = dirlaz self.dirlaz = 'instance xyz_laz_grids' self.format = None self.linked_zones=None if format in ['2000','2022','sxy']: self.filename=myfile if Path(myfile).exists() and myfile!='': f=open(myfile,'r') f.close() else: lines=[] self.myprofiles={} self.mygenprofiles={} = None self.cloud_all = None self.multils = None self.sorted = {} self.plotted = False if len(lines)>0: if format=='2000': self.format='2000' lines.pop(0) nameprev='' index=0 for curline in lines: vals=curline.split('\t') name=vals[0] if name!=nameprev: #création d'un nouveau dictionnaire self.myprofiles[name]={} curdict=self.myprofiles[name] curdict['index']=index index+=1 curdict['cs']=profile(name=name,parent=self) cursect:profile cursect=curdict['cs'] x=float(vals[1]) y=float(vals[2]) type=vals[3] z=float(vals[4]) curvertex=wolfvertex(x,y,z) cursect.add_vertex(curvertex) if type=='LEFT': if cursect.bankleft is None: cursect.bankleft=wolfvertex(x,y,z) curdict['left']=cursect.bankleft else: logging.debug(name) elif type=='BED': if cursect.bed is None: cursect.bed=wolfvertex(x,y,z) curdict['bed']=cursect.bed else: logging.debug(name) elif type=='RIGHT': if cursect.bankright is None: cursect.bankright=wolfvertex(x,y,z) curdict['right']=cursect.bankright else: logging.debug(name) nameprev=name elif format=='2022': self.format='2022' lines.pop(0) nameprev='' index=0 for curline in lines: vals=curline.split('\t') if vals[0].find('.')>0: name=vals[0].split('.')[0] xpos=1 ypos=xpos+1 zpos=ypos+1 labelpos=zpos+1 else: name=vals[0] xpos=2 ypos=xpos+1 zpos=ypos+1 labelpos=zpos+1 if name!=nameprev: #création d'un nouveau dictionnaire self.myprofiles[name]={} curdict=self.myprofiles[name] curdict['index']=index index+=1 curdict['cs']=profile(name=name,parent=self) cursect:profile cursect=curdict['cs'] x=float(vals[xpos].replace(',','.')) y=float(vals[ypos].replace(',','.')) z=float(vals[zpos].replace(',','.')) curvertex=wolfvertex(x,y,z) cursect.add_vertex(curvertex) type='' type=vals[labelpos] if type=='HBG': if cursect.bankleft is None: cursect.bankleft=wolfvertex(x,y,z) curdict['left']=cursect.bankleft else: logging.debug(name) elif type=='TWG': if cursect.bed is None: cursect.bed=wolfvertex(x,y,z) curdict['bed']=cursect.bed else: logging.debug(name) elif type=='HBD': if cursect.bankright is None: cursect.bankright=wolfvertex(x,y,z) curdict['right']=cursect.bankright else: logging.debug(name) nameprev=name elif format=='vecz' or format=='zones': if isinstance(myfile, Zones): self.filename=myfile.filename tmpzones=myfile elif isinstance(myfile, str): self.filename=myfile tmpzones=Zones(myfile, find_minmax=False) curzone:zone curvec:vector curzone=tmpzones.myzones[0] index=0 for curvec in curzone.myvectors: self.myprofiles[curvec.myname]={} curdict=self.myprofiles[curvec.myname] curdict['index']=index curdict['left']=None curdict['bed']=None curdict['right']=None index+=1 curdict['cs']=profile(name=curvec.myname,parent=self) cursect:profile cursect=curdict['cs'] cursect.myvertices = curvec.myvertices elif format=='sxy': self.format='sxy' nbpotsect = int(lines[0]) index=1 for i in range(nbpotsect): vals=lines[index].split(',') nbrel=int(vals[0]) index+=1 sz = np.asarray([np.float64(cursz) for k in range(index,index+nbrel) for cursz in lines[k].split(',') ]).reshape([nbrel,2],order='C') self.mygenprofiles[i+1]=sz index+=nbrel nbsect = int(lines[index]) # o linked position in a 2D array (i, j) (integer,integer) (optional) # o datum (float) – added to the Z_min of the raw cross section (optional) # o boolean value indicating whether the relative datum must be added (logical) # o boolean value indicating whether it is a real or synthetic section (logical) # o ID of the cross section to which this line relates (integer) # o pair of coordinates of the left end point (float, float) # o pair of coordinates of the right end point (float, float) # o pair of coordinates of the minor bed (float, float) (optional) # o pair of coordinates of the left bank in local reference (float, float) (optional) # o pair of coordinates of the right bank in local reference (float, float) (optional) # o boolean value indicating whether an attachment point has been defined (optional) # # 2,2,0,#FALSE#,#TRUE#,16,222075.5,110588.5,222331.5,110777.5,99999,99999,99999,99999,99999,99999,#FALSE# # 2,2,0,#FALSE#,#TRUE#,17,222131.6,110608.2,222364.4,110667.9,99999,99999,99999,99999,99999,99999,#FALSE# index+=1 #création d'un nouveau dictionnaire for i in range(nbsect): name=str(i+1) vals=lines[index].split(',') index+=1 posi = int(vals[0]) posj = int(vals[1]) zdatum = float(vals[2]) add_zdatum=vals[3]=='#TRUE#' real_sect=vals[4]=='#TRUE#' id = int(vals[5]) startx=float(vals[6]) starty=float(vals[7]) endx=float(vals[8]) endy=float(vals[9]) beds=float(vals[10]) bedz=float(vals[11]) lbs=float(vals[12]) lbz=float(vals[13]) rbs=float(vals[14]) rbz=float(vals[15]) attached=vals[16]=='#TRUE#' curdict=self.myprofiles[name]={} curdict['index']=id curdict['cs']=profile(name=name,parent=self) cursect:profile cursect=curdict['cs'] cursect.zdatum = zdatum cursect.add_zdatum = add_zdatum cursect.set_sz(self.mygenprofiles[id],[[startx,starty],[endx,endy]]) if lbs!=99999: cursect.bankleft=wolfvertex(lbs,lbz) curdict['left']=cursect.bankleft if beds!=99999: cursect.bed=wolfvertex(beds,bedz) curdict['bed']=cursect.bed if rbs!=99999: cursect.bankright=wolfvertex(rbs,rbz) curdict['right']=cursect.bankright self.verif_bed() self.find_minmax(True) self.init_cloud()
[docs] def init_cloud(self): = cloud_vertices() self.cloud_all = cloud_vertices() self.fillin_cloud_all() self.cloud_all.myprop.filled=True self.cloud_all.myprop.width=4
[docs] def add(self, newprofile:profile | vector): if isinstance(newprofile, profile): curvec = newprofile curdict = self.myprofiles[newprofile.myname] = {} curdict['index']=len(self.myprofiles) curdict['cs'] = newprofile curdict['left']= newprofile.bankleft_vertex.copy() curdict['bed']= newprofile.bed_vertex.copy() curdict['right']=newprofile.bankright_vertex.copy() elif isinstance(newprofile, vector): curvec = newprofile curdict = self.myprofiles[curvec.myname] = {} curdict['index']=len(self.myprofiles) curdict['left']=None curdict['bed']=None curdict['right']=None cursect = curdict['cs'] = profile(name=curvec.myname,parent=self) cursect.myvertices = curvec.myvertices
[docs] def get_linked_arrays(self): """ Passerelle pour obntenir les matrices liées """ if self.mapviewer is not None: return self.mapviewer.get_linked_arrays() else: return {}
[docs] def get_profile(self, which_prof, which_dict:str=None): """ Recherche et renvoi d'un profil sur base du nom ou de son index et éventuellement de la liste triée """ if which_dict is not None: # on travaille sur les vecteurs triés if which_dict in self.sorted.keys(): curlist = self.sorted[which_dict]['sorted'] if isinstance(which_prof, str): keys = [curprof.myname for curprof in curlist] if which_prof in keys: return curlist[keys.index(which_prof)] elif isinstance(which_prof, int): return curlist[which_prof] else: if isinstance(which_prof, str): keys = self.myprofiles.keys() if which_prof in keys: return self.myprofiles[which_prof]['cs'] elif isinstance(which_prof, int): return self.myprofiles[list(self.myprofiles.keys())[which_prof]]['cs'] return None
[docs] def fillin_cloud_all(self): curprof:profile for idx,vect in self.myprofiles.items(): curprof=vect['cs'] for curvert in curprof.myvertices: self.cloud_all.add_vertex(curvert) self.cloud_all.find_minmax()
[docs] def update_cloud(self): curprof:profile for idx,vect in self.myprofiles.items(): curprof=vect['cs'] if not curprof.bankleft is None: myvert = wolfvertex(curprof.bankleft.x,curprof.bankleft.y) if not curprof.bankright is None: myvert = wolfvertex(curprof.bankright.x,curprof.bankright.y) if not curprof.bed is None: myvert = wolfvertex(curprof.bed.x,curprof.bed.y) for idx,curvert in curprof.refpoints.items():
[docs] def create_zone_from_banksbed(self): if self.linked_zones is None: return bed = [curs['cs'].bed for idx,curs in self.myprofiles.items()] left = [curs['cs'].bankleft for idx,curs in self.myprofiles.items()] right = [curs['cs'].bankright for idx,curs in self.myprofiles.items()] newzone=zone(name='banksbed',parent=self.linked_zones,is2D=False) self.linked_zones.add_zone(newzone) newvec = vector(name='left',is2D=False,parentzone=newzone) newvec.myvertices=left newzone.add_vector(newvec) newvec = vector(name='bed',is2D=False,parentzone=newzone) newvec.myvertices=bed newzone.add_vector(newvec) newvec = vector(name='right',is2D=False,parentzone=newzone) newvec.myvertices=right newzone.add_vector(newvec)
[docs] def export_gltf(self,zmin,fn=''): points=[] triangles=[] incr=0 curs:profile for cursname in self.myprofiles.values(): curs=cursname['cs'] m, n = curs.triangulation_gltf(zmin) points.append(np.asarray(m,dtype=np.float32)) triangles.append(np.asarray(n,dtype=np.uint32)+incr) incr += len(m) points = np.concatenate(points) tmpy=points[:,1].copy() points[:,1] = points[:,2].copy() points[:,2] = -tmpy.copy() triangles = np.concatenate(triangles) triangles_binary_blob = triangles.flatten().tobytes() points_binary_blob = points.tobytes() gltf = pygltflib.GLTF2( scene=0, scenes=[pygltflib.Scene(nodes=[0])], nodes=[pygltflib.Node(mesh=0)], meshes=[ pygltflib.Mesh( primitives=[ pygltflib.Primitive( attributes=pygltflib.Attributes(POSITION=1), indices=0 ) ] ) ], accessors=[ pygltflib.Accessor( bufferView=0, componentType=pygltflib.UNSIGNED_INT, count=triangles.size, type=pygltflib.SCALAR, max=[int(triangles.max())], min=[int(triangles.min())], ), pygltflib.Accessor( bufferView=1, componentType=pygltflib.FLOAT, count=len(points), type=pygltflib.VEC3, max=points.max(axis=0).tolist(), min=points.min(axis=0).tolist(), ), ], bufferViews=[ pygltflib.BufferView( buffer=0, byteLength=len(triangles_binary_blob), target=pygltflib.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ), pygltflib.BufferView( buffer=0, byteOffset=len(triangles_binary_blob), byteLength=len(points_binary_blob), target=pygltflib.ARRAY_BUFFER, ), ], buffers=[ pygltflib.Buffer( byteLength=len(triangles_binary_blob) + len(points_binary_blob) ) ], ) gltf.set_binary_blob(triangles_binary_blob + points_binary_blob) if fn=='': fn=self.filename.rpartition('.')[0]+'gltf'
[docs] def export_gltf_gen(self,points,triangles,fn=''): triangles_binary_blob = triangles.flatten().tobytes() points_binary_blob = points.tobytes() gltf = pygltflib.GLTF2( scene=0, scenes=[pygltflib.Scene(nodes=[0])], nodes=[pygltflib.Node(mesh=0)], meshes=[ pygltflib.Mesh( primitives=[ pygltflib.Primitive( attributes=pygltflib.Attributes(POSITION=1), indices=0 ) ] ) ], accessors=[ pygltflib.Accessor( bufferView=0, componentType=pygltflib.UNSIGNED_INT, count=triangles.size, type=pygltflib.SCALAR, max=[int(triangles.max())], min=[int(triangles.min())], ), pygltflib.Accessor( bufferView=1, componentType=pygltflib.FLOAT, count=len(points), type=pygltflib.VEC3, max=points.max(axis=0).tolist(), min=points.min(axis=0).tolist(), ), ], bufferViews=[ pygltflib.BufferView( buffer=0, byteLength=len(triangles_binary_blob), target=pygltflib.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ), pygltflib.BufferView( buffer=0, byteOffset=len(triangles_binary_blob), byteLength=len(points_binary_blob), target=pygltflib.ARRAY_BUFFER, ), ], buffers=[ pygltflib.Buffer( byteLength=len(triangles_binary_blob) + len(points_binary_blob) ) ], ) gltf.set_binary_blob(triangles_binary_blob + points_binary_blob) if fn=='': fn=self.filename.rpartition('.')[0]+'gltf'
[docs] def set_zones(self, forceupdate:bool=False): if forceupdate: self.myzone=None self.myzones=None if self.myzones is None: self.myzones=Zones(is2D=False, mapviewer=self.mapviewer) self.myzones.force3D=True self.myzone=zone(name='CS',parent=self.myzones) self.myzones.add_zone(self.myzone) for curprof in self.myprofiles.keys(): curdict=self.myprofiles[curprof] curprof=curdict['cs'] self.myzone.add_vector(curprof) curprof.parentzone=self.myzone if self.plotted: self._prep_listogl() #FIXME : Does not work in the context of a 1D model
[docs] def showstructure(self, parent=None, forceupdate=False): self.set_zones() self.myzones.showstructure(parent, forceupdate)
[docs] def get_upstream(self) -> dict: curprof:profile curprof=self.myprofiles[list(self.myprofiles.keys())[0]]['cs'] while curprof.up is not curprof: curprof = curprof.up return self.myprofiles[curprof.myname]
[docs] def get_downstream(self) -> dict: curprof:profile curprof=self.myprofiles[list(self.myprofiles.keys())[0]]['cs'] while curprof.down is not curprof: curprof = curprof.down return self.myprofiles[curprof.myname]
[docs] def rename(self,fromidx,updown=True): idx=fromidx if updown: curdict=self.get_upstream() curvec:profile curvec=curdict['cs'] while curvec.down is not curvec: self.myprofiles[idx]=curdict self.myprofiles.pop(curvec.myname) curvec.myname=str(idx) idx+=1 curdict = self.myprofiles[curvec.down.myname] curvec=curvec.down self.myprofiles[idx]=curdict self.myprofiles.pop(curvec.myname) curvec.myname=str(idx) else: mykeys=list(self.myprofiles.keys()) for curprof in mykeys: curdict=self.myprofiles[idx]=self.myprofiles[curprof] self.myprofiles.pop(curprof) curdict['cs'].myname=str(idx) idx+=1 self.set_zones(True)
[docs] def saveas(self,filename=None): self.forcesuper=False if filename is not None: self.filename = filename if self.filename is None: logging.error(_('No Filename -- Retry !')) return if self.filename.endswith('.vecz'): self.forcesuper=True self.saveas_wolfvec(self.filename) elif self.format=='2000' or self.format=='2022': with open(self.filename,'w') as f: f.write("Profile\tx\ty\tBerge\tz\n") for idx,curvect in self.myprofiles.items(): curprof=curvect['cs'] elif self.format=='sxy': with open(self.filename,'w') as f: f.write(str(len(self.mygenprofiles))) for curid in self.mygenprofiles.keys(): cursect = self.mygenprofiles[curid] f.write('{n},0'.format(n=len(cursect))) for xy in cursect: f.write('{x},{y}'.format(x=xy[0],y=xy[1])) f.write(str(len(self.myprofiles))) for curid in self.myprofiles.keys(): curdict = self.myprofiles[curid] cursect:profile cursect = curdict['cs'] locid=curdict['index'] f.write('2,2,{zdatum},{add_datum},#TRUE#,{id},{x1},{y1},{x2},{y2},{beds},{bedz},{lbs},{lbz},{rbs},{rbz},#FALSE#'.format( zdatum=xy[0], add_datum=xy[1], id=locid, x1=cursect.myvertices[0].x, y1=cursect.myvertices[0].y, x2=cursect.myvertices[-1].x, y2=cursect.myvertices[-1].y, beds=cursect.get_s_from_xy(cursect.bed), bedz=cursect.bed.z, lbs=cursect.get_s_from_xy(cursect.bankleft), lbz=cursect.bankleft.z, rbs=cursect.get_s_from_xy(cursect.bankright), rbz=cursect.bankright.z))
[docs] def verif_bed(self): """Verification de l'existence du point lit mineur sinon attribution de l'altitude minimale""" for idx,curvect in self.myprofiles.items(): curprof=curvect['cs'] if curprof.bed is None: curprof.bed = curprof.get_min()
[docs] def get_min(self,whichname='',whichprofile=None): curvect:profile if whichname!='': curvect=self.myprofiles[whichname]['cs'] curvert=curvect.myvertices elif not whichprofile is None: curvect=whichprofile['cs'] curvert=curvect.myvertices return sorted(curvert,key=lambda x:x.z)[0]
[docs] def asshapely_ls(self): mylines=[] curvect:profile for idx,curvect in self.myprofiles.items(): mylines.append(curvect['cs'].asshapely_ls()) return MultiLineString(mylines)
[docs] def prepare_shapely(self): self.multils = self.asshapely_ls()
[docs] def sort_along(self,vecsupport:LineString,name:str,downfirst=True): """ Sélectionne les sections qui intersectent un vecteur support et les trie selon l'abscisse curviligne """ curdict = self.sorted[name]={} curdict['support'] = vecsupport mysorted = curdict['sorted'] = [] length = vecsupport.length prepsup=prep(vecsupport) #Prepare le vecteur support aux opérations récurrentes curvect:profile for idx,curv in self.myprofiles.items(): #bouclage sur les sections curvect=curv['cs'] #obtention de la section sous forme d'un objet Shapely myline = curvect.asshapely_ls() if prepsup.intersects(myline): #le vecteur intersecte --> on calcule le point d'intersection myintersect = vecsupport.intersection(myline) #on projette l'intersection sur le support pour trouver l'abscisse curvi mydist = vecsupport.project(myintersect) #on ajoute le vecteur à la liste mysorted.append(curvect) if downfirst: curvect.s = length - mydist else: curvect.s = mydist #on trie le résultat en place mysorted.sort(key=lambda x:x.s) mysorted[0].down = mysorted[1] mysorted[0].up = mysorted[0] mysorted[-1].up = mysorted[-2] mysorted[-1].down = mysorted[-1] for idx in arange(1,len(mysorted)-1): mysorted[idx].down = mysorted[idx+1] mysorted[idx].up = mysorted[idx-1] return len(mysorted)
[docs] def find_minmax(self, update:bool=False): if len(self.myprofiles)==0: self.xmin = 0 self.ymin = 0 self.xmax = 0 self.ymax = 0 return if update: for idx,vect in self.myprofiles.items(): vect['cs'].find_minmax(only_firstlast = True) self.xmin = min(vect['cs'].xmin for idx,vect in self.myprofiles.items()) self.ymin = min(vect['cs'].ymin for idx,vect in self.myprofiles.items()) self.xmax = max(vect['cs'].xmax for idx,vect in self.myprofiles.items()) self.ymax = max(vect['cs'].ymax for idx,vect in self.myprofiles.items())
[docs] def plot(self, sx=None, sy=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, size=None): """ Plotting cross-sections """ self.set_zones() self.myzones.plot(sx, sy, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, size)
[docs] def _prep_listogl(self): """ Prepare list of GL objects """ self.myzones.prep_listogl()
[docs] def saveas_wolfvec(self,filename:str): self.set_zones() self.myzones.saveas(filename=filename)
[docs] def select_profile(self,x,y): mypt = Point(x,y) distmin=1.e300 profmin=None curprof:profile for idx,vect in self.myprofiles.items(): curprof=vect['cs'] myshap=curprof.asshapely_ls() try: dist=myshap.distance(mypt) if dist<distmin: profmin=curprof distmin=dist except: pass return profmin
[docs] class Interpolator(): """ Objet d'interpolation sur sections en travers - self.interpolants est une liste de listes - chaque élément de self.interpolants est également une liste de listes - chaque liste de self.interpolants[k] contient les wolfvertex de la section discrétisée """ def __init__(self, vec1:vector, vec2:vector, supports:list[vector], ds=1.) -> None: self.interpolants=[] sect1={} sect2={} #Linestrings shapely des sections 1 et 2 #ATTENTION, SHAPELY est une librairie géométrique 2D --> des outils spécifiques ont été programmés pour faire l'interpolation 3D s1=sect1['ls']=vec1.asshapely_ls() s2=sect2['ls']=vec2.asshapely_ls() nb = 0 supls={} eps=5.e-2 for curvec in supports: #linestring du support courant #distances des intersections des sections sur le support myls:LineString myls=curvec.asshapely_ls() #intersections du vecteur support avec les sections i1=myls.intersects(s1) if not i1: pt=Point(s1.xy[0][0],s1.xy[1][0]) pt1=myls.interpolate(myls.project(pt)) length = pt1.distance(pt) i1 = length<eps if i1: vec1.myvertices[0].x=pt1.xy[0][0] vec1.myvertices[0].y=pt1.xy[1][0] s1=vec1.asshapely_ls() if not i1: pt=Point(s1.xy[0][-1],s1.xy[1][-1]) pt1=myls.interpolate(myls.project(pt)) length = pt1.distance(pt) i1 = length<eps if i1: vec1.myvertices[-1].x=pt1.xy[0][-1] vec1.myvertices[-1].y=pt1.xy[1][-1] s1=vec1.asshapely_ls() i2=myls.intersects(s2) if not i2: pt=Point(s2.xy[0][0],s2.xy[1][0]) pt2=myls.interpolate(myls.project(pt)) length = pt2.distance(Point(s2.xy[0][0],s2.xy[1][0])) i2 = length<eps if i2: vec2.myvertices[0].x=pt2.xy[0][0] vec2.myvertices[0].y=pt2.xy[1][0] s2=vec2.asshapely_ls() if not i2: pt=Point(s2.xy[0][-1],s2.xy[1][-1]) pt2=myls.interpolate(myls.project(pt)) length = pt2.distance(pt) i2 = length<eps if i2: vec2.myvertices[-1].x=pt2.xy[0][-1] vec2.myvertices[-1].y=pt2.xy[1][-1] s2=vec2.asshapely_ls() if i1 and i2: supls[nb]={} supls[nb]['ls']=myls supls[nb]['vec']=curvec nb+=1 #bouclage sur les vecteurs supports pour trouver les intersections avec les sections # - trouver la portion utile entre intersections des supports # - trouver les distances sur les sections de ces intersections for k in range(nb): #linestring du support courant #distances des intersections des sections sur le support myls:LineString myls=supls[k]['ls'] #intersections du vecteur support avec les sections #section amont i1=myls.intersection(s1) if i1.geom_type=='MultiPoint': i1=i1.geoms[0] logging.debug('MultiPoint -- use first point or debug') #section aval i2=myls.intersection(s2) if i2.geom_type=='MultiPoint': i2=i2.geoms[0] logging.debug('MultiPoint -- use first point or debug') #Les distances, sur les sections, sont calculées en projetant l'intersection du vecteur support et des sections sect1[k]=s1.project(i1) sect2[k]=s2.project(i2) #Les distances, sur le support, sont calculées en projetant l'intersection du vecteur support et des sections supls[k][1]=myls.project(i1) if supls[k][1]==-1.: #problème de précision de calcul if myls.distance(Point(s1.xy[0][0],s1.xy[1][0]))<eps: supls[k][1]=myls.project(Point(s1.xy[0][0],s1.xy[1][0])) sect1[k]=s1.project(Point(s1.xy[0][0],s1.xy[1][0])) elif myls.distance(Point(s1.xy[0][-1],s1.xy[1][-1]))<eps: supls[k][1]=myls.project(Point(s1.xy[0][-1],s1.xy[1][-1])) sect1[k]=s1.project(Point(s1.xy[0][-1],s1.xy[1][-1])) supls[k][2]=myls.project(i2) if supls[k][2]==-1.: #problème de précision de calcul if myls.distance(Point(s2.xy[0][0],s2.xy[1][0]))<eps: supls[k][2]=myls.project(Point(s2.xy[0][0],s2.xy[1][0])) sect2[k]=s2.project(Point(s2.xy[0][0],s2.xy[1][0])) elif myls.distance(Point(s2.xy[0][-1],s2.xy[1][-1]))<eps: supls[k][2]=myls.project(Point(s2.xy[0][-1],s2.xy[1][-1])) sect2[k]=s2.project(Point(s2.xy[0][-1],s2.xy[1][-1])) #on ne conserve que la fraction utile entre intersections supls[k]['vec']=supls[k]['vec'].substring(supls[k][1],supls[k][2],False,False) #bouclage sur les intervalles --> nb_supports-1 for k in range(nb-1): interpolant=[] self.interpolants.append(interpolant) cursupl:vector cursupr:vector curvec1:vector curvec2:vector #morceaux de sections entre intersections avec le support curvec1=sect1['sub'+str(k)]=vec1.substring(sect1[k],sect1[k+1],is3D=False,adim=False) curvec2=sect2['sub'+str(k)]=vec2.substring(sect2[k],sect2[k+1],is3D=False,adim=False) #pointeurrs vers les morceaux des supports cursupl = supls[k]['vec'] cursupr = supls[k+1]['vec'] #MAJ des longueurs 2D et 3D cursupl.update_lengths() cursupr.update_lengths() curvec1.update_lengths() curvec2.update_lengths() #Trouve la liste des distances à traiter pour le maillage nbi = np.ceil(max(curvec1.length3D,curvec2.length3D)/ds) locds = 1./float(nbi) dist3d = np.concatenate([np.arange(0.,1.,locds),np.cumsum(curvec1._lengthparts3D)/curvec1.length3D,np.cumsum(curvec2._lengthparts3D)/curvec2.length3D]) dist3d = np.unique(dist3d) #nombre de points à traiter sur les supports # on divise la longueur 3D des supports par la taille souhaitée et on arrondi à l'entier supérieur nbi = int(np.ceil(max(cursupl.length3D,cursupr.length3D)/ds)) # nouvelle distance de calcul locds = 1./float(nbi) sloc=0. pt1l = curvec1.interpolate(0.,True,True) pt2l = curvec2.interpolate(0.,True,True) pt1r = curvec1.interpolate(1.,True,True) pt2r = curvec2.interpolate(1.,True,True) s1dr = vector(name='sectiondroite1') s2dr = vector(name='sectiondroite2') s1dr.add_vertex([pt1l,pt1r]) s2dr.add_vertex([pt2l,pt2r]) s1dr = s1dr.asshapely_ls() s2dr = s2dr.asshapely_ls() # if np.isnan(pt1l.x): # a=1 # if np.isnan(pt2l.x): # a=1 # if np.isnan(pt1r.x): # a=1 # if np.isnan(pt2r.x): # a=1 for curalong in range(nbi+1): logging.debug(str(curalong)) #interpolation 3D sur les 2 supports l1 = cursupl.interpolate(sloc,True,True) l2 = cursupr.interpolate(sloc,True,True) curvec=vector(name='loc') curvec.add_vertex([l1,l2]) val = [] if l1.z!=0.: if pt1l.z==0.: alpha1l=0. else: alpha1l = l1.z/pt1l.z if pt2l.z==0.: alpha2l=0. else: alpha2l = l1.z/pt2l.z else: alpha1l = 0. alpha2l = 0. if l2.z!=0.: if pt1r.z==0.: alpha1r = 0. else: alpha1r = l2.z/pt1r.z if pt2r.z==0.: alpha2r = 0. else: alpha2r = l2.z/pt2r.z else: alpha1r=0. alpha2r=0. for curdist in dist3d: #interpolation 3D dans les 2 sections cur1 = curvec1.interpolate(curdist,True,True) cur2 = curvec2.interpolate(curdist,True,True) alpha1 = alpha1l*(1.-curdist)+alpha1r*curdist alpha2 = alpha2l*(1.-curdist)+alpha2r*curdist sr1 = s1dr.project(Point(cur1.x,cur1.y)) sr2 = s2dr.project(Point(cur2.x,cur2.y)) pr1 = s1dr.interpolate(sr1) pr2 = s2dr.interpolate(sr2) sr1/=s1dr.length sr2/=s2dr.length dx1 = cur1.x-pr1.x dy1 = cur1.y-pr1.y dx2 = cur2.x-pr2.x dy2 = cur2.y-pr2.y dx = dx1*(1.-sloc)+dx2*sloc dy = dy1*(1.-sloc)+dy2*sloc s = sr1*(1.-sloc)+sr2*sloc # dist2d1 = cur1.dist2D(curvec1.myvertices[0])/curvec1.myvertices[0].dist2D(curvec1.myvertices[-1]) #curvec1.length2D # dist2d2 = cur2.dist2D(curvec2.myvertices[0])/curvec2.myvertices[0].dist2D(curvec2.myvertices[-1]) #curvec2.length2D # dist2d = dist2d1*(1.-sloc) + dist2d2*sloc # pt = curvec.interpolate(dist2d,False,True) pt = curvec.interpolate(s,False,True) # xloc = cur1.x + sloc * (cur2.x-cur1.x) # yloc = cur1.y + sloc * (cur2.y-cur1.y) zloc = cur1.z*alpha1 + sloc * (cur2.z*alpha2-cur1.z*alpha1) val.append(wolfvertex(pt.x+dx,pt.y+dy,zloc)) # val.append(wolfvertex(xloc,yloc,zloc)) interpolant.append(val) sloc+=locds sloc=min(sloc,1.)
[docs] def get_xyz_for_viewer(self,nbsub=10): pts=self.interpolants nb=0 for curpt in pts: for curl in curpt: nb+=(len(curpt)-1)*(len(curl)-1)*3+(len(curl)-1)+(len(curpt)) pond=np.arange(0.,1.,1./float(nbsub)) xyz=np.ones([(nb-1)*nbsub,4],order='F') start=0 for curpt in pts: for k in range(len(curpt)-1): curl=curpt[k] nextl=curpt[k+1] for i in range(len(curl)-1): v1=curl[i].getcoords() v2=curl[i+1].getcoords() v3=nextl[i].getcoords() xyz[start:start+nbsub,:3]=[v1+(v2-v1)*curpond for curpond in pond] start+=nbsub xyz[start:start+nbsub,:3]= [v2+(v3-v2)*curpond for curpond in pond] start+=nbsub xyz[start:start+nbsub,:3]= [v3+(v1-v3)*curpond for curpond in pond] start+=nbsub curl=curpt[-1] for i in range(len(curl)-1): v1=curl[i].getcoords() v2=curl[i+1].getcoords() xyz[start:start+nbsub,:3]=[v1+(v2-v1)*curpond for curpond in pond] start+=nbsub for k in range(len(curpt)-1): curl=curpt[k] nextl=curpt[k+1] v1=curl[-1].getcoords() v3=nextl[-1].getcoords() xyz[start:start+nbsub,:3]=[v1+(v3-v1)*curpond for curpond in pond] start+=nbsub return xyz
[docs] def add_triangles_to_zone(self,myzone:zone): nb=0 npt=1 for curpt in self.interpolants: for k in range(len(curpt)-1): curl=curpt[k] nextl=curpt[k+1] for i in range(len(curl)-1): curvec = vector(name='tr'+'_'+str(npt)+'_'+str(k)+'_'+str(i),parentzone=myzone) curvec.add_vertex([curl[i],curl[i+1],nextl[i]]) curvec.close_force() curvec.myprop.used=False myzone.add_vector(curvec) curvec = vector(name='tr'+'_'+str(npt)+'_'+str(k+1)+'_'+str(i),parentzone=myzone) curvec.add_vertex([nextl[i],curl[i+1],nextl[i+1]]) curvec.close_force() curvec.myprop.used=False myzone.add_vector(curvec) npt+=1 nb+=(len(curpt)-1)*(len(curl)-1)*3+(len(curl)-1)+(len(curpt))
[docs] def get_triangles(self,forgltf=True): points=[] triangles=[] nbpts=0 nbtr=0 for curpt in self.interpolants: nb_points_perline = len(curpt[0]) nbsect=len(curpt) if forgltf: pointsloc=[[pt.x,pt.z,-pt.y] for curl in curpt for pt in curl] else: pointsloc=[[pt.x,pt.y,pt.z] for curl in curpt for pt in curl] trianglesloc=[[[k+decal*nb_points_perline+nbpts, k+1+decal*nb_points_perline+nbpts, nb_points_perline+k+decal*nb_points_perline+nbpts], [nb_points_perline+k+decal*nb_points_perline+nbpts, k+1+decal*nb_points_perline+nbpts, nb_points_perline+k+decal*nb_points_perline+1+nbpts]] for decal in range(len(curpt)-1) for k in range(nb_points_perline-1)] nbpts+=nb_points_perline*nbsect nbloc=(nb_points_perline-1)*(nbsect-1)*2 nbtr+=nbloc points.append(pointsloc) triangles.append(np.asarray(trianglesloc).reshape([nbloc,3])) points=np.asarray(np.concatenate(points),dtype=np.float32) triangles=np.asarray(np.concatenate(triangles),dtype=np.uint32) if len(np.argwhere(np.isnan(points)==True))>0: a=1 return nbpts,points,triangles
[docs] def get_points(self,forgltf=False): points=[] nbpts=0 for curpt in self.interpolants: nb_points_perline = len(curpt[0]) nbsect=len(curpt) if forgltf: pointsloc=[[pt.x,pt.z,-pt.y] for curl in curpt for pt in curl] else: pointsloc=[[pt.x,pt.y,pt.z] for curl in curpt for pt in curl] nbpts+=nb_points_perline*nbsect points.append(pointsloc) if forgltf: points=np.asarray(np.concatenate(points),dtype=np.float32) else: points=np.asarray(np.concatenate(points)) return nbpts,points
[docs] def export_gltf(self,points=None,triangles=None): if points is None and triangles is None: points,triangles= self.get_triangles() triangles_binary_blob = triangles.flatten().tobytes() points_binary_blob = points.tobytes() gltf = pygltflib.GLTF2( scene=0, scenes=[pygltflib.Scene(nodes=[0])], nodes=[pygltflib.Node(mesh=0)], meshes=[ pygltflib.Mesh( primitives=[ pygltflib.Primitive( attributes=pygltflib.Attributes(POSITION=1), indices=0 ) ] ) ], accessors=[ pygltflib.Accessor( bufferView=0, componentType=pygltflib.UNSIGNED_INT, count=triangles.size, type=pygltflib.SCALAR, max=[int(triangles.max())], min=[int(triangles.min())], ), pygltflib.Accessor( bufferView=1, componentType=pygltflib.FLOAT, count=len(points), type=pygltflib.VEC3, max=points.max(axis=0).tolist(), min=points.min(axis=0).tolist(), ), ], bufferViews=[ pygltflib.BufferView( buffer=0, byteLength=len(triangles_binary_blob), target=pygltflib.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ), pygltflib.BufferView( buffer=0, byteOffset=len(triangles_binary_blob), byteLength=len(points_binary_blob), target=pygltflib.ARRAY_BUFFER, ), ], buffers=[ pygltflib.Buffer( byteLength=len(triangles_binary_blob) + len(points_binary_blob) ) ], ) gltf.set_binary_blob(triangles_binary_blob + points_binary_blob) dlg=wx.FileDialog(None,_('Choose filename'),wildcard='binary gltf2 (*.glb)|*.glb|gltf2 (*.gltf)|*.gltf|All (*.*)|*.*',style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret==wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fn=dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def get_xy_z_for_griddata(self): xy = np.asarray([[curvertex.x,curvertex.y] for curpt in self.interpolants for curl in curpt for curvertex in curl]) z = np.asarray([curvertex.z for curpt in self.interpolants for curl in curpt for curvertex in curl]) # if len(np.argwhere(np.isnan(z)))>0: # test=1 # if len(np.argwhere(np.isneginf(z)))>0: # test=1 # if len(np.argwhere(np.isposinf(z)))>0: # test=1 return xy,z
[docs] class Interpolators(): """ Classe de gestion des interpolations sur sections en travers """ def __init__(self, banks:Zones, cs:crosssections, ds=1.) -> None: """ Constructeur de la classe Interpolators :param banks: Zones contenant les vecteurs supports :param cs: objet 'crosssections' contenant les sections en travers --> voir PyCrosssections """ self.mybanks = [curv for curzone in banks.myzones for curv in curzone.myvectors] cs.set_zones() self.mycs = cs.myzones self.myinterp:list[Interpolator]=[] zonecs:zone zonecs = self.mycs.myzones[0] if zonecs.myvectors[0].up is not None: # Les sections ont été triées sur base d'un vecteur support # On les traite dans l'ordre du tri cs1:profile cs1=cs.get_upstream()['cs'] while cs1.down is not cs1: cs2=cs1.down'{} - {}'.format(cs1.myname,cs2.myname)) myinterp=Interpolator(cs1,cs2,self.mybanks,ds) if len(myinterp.interpolants)>0: self.myinterp.append(myinterp) else: logging.error('No interpolation found between {} and {}'.format(cs1.myname,cs2.myname)) cs1=cs2 else: # Les sections n'ont pas été triées --> on les traite dans l'ordre for i in range(zonecs.nbvectors-1): cs1=zonecs.myvectors[i] cs2=zonecs.myvectors[i+1]'{} - {}'.format(cs1.myname,cs2.myname)) myinterp=Interpolator(cs1,cs2,self.mybanks,ds) if len(myinterp.interpolants)>0: self.myinterp.append(myinterp) else: logging.error('No interpolation found between {} and {}'.format(cs1.myname,cs2.myname)) self.add_interpolators(cs.myzones.parent)
[docs] def add_interpolators(self, parent): """ Ajout d'objets 'Interpolators' pour affichage/stockage """ self.myzones = Zones(parent=parent) id=0 points=[] triangles=[] decal=0 for curinterp in self.myinterp: id+=1 myzone = zone(name='Interpolator'+str(id), parent=self.myzones, is2D=False) myzone.used=False self.myzones.add_zone(myzone) curinterp.add_triangles_to_zone(myzone) nbpts,pts,tr=curinterp.get_triangles() points.append(pts) triangles.append(tr+decal) decal+=nbpts curinterp.export_gltf(np.concatenate(points),np.concatenate(triangles))
[docs] def viewer_interpolator(self): xyz=[] for curinterp in self.myinterp: xyz.append(curinterp.get_xyz_for_viewer()) xyz=np.concatenate(xyz) myviewer(xyz,0)
[docs] def interp_on_array(self, myarray, method:Literal["nearest", "linear", "cubic"]): xy=[] z=[] for curinterp in self.myinterp: tmpxy,tmpz = curinterp.get_xy_z_for_griddata() xy.append(tmpxy) z.append(tmpz) xy = np.concatenate(xy) z = np.concatenate(z) myarray.interpolate_on_cloud(xy,z,method)