from pyproj import Transformer
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
import os
import logging
from .PyTranslate import _
def reproject_and_resample_raster(input_raster_path:str, output_raster_path:str,
input_srs:str='EPSG:3812', output_srs:str='EPSG:31370',
xRes:float=0.5, yRes:float=0.5, debug:bool=False):
Use gdal to open a tiff raster in a given input EPSG 'inputEPSG' and transforms the raster into another EPSG system 'outputEPSG'.
The resolution can be forced through xRes and yRes (the origin will be rounded to the nearest multiple of the resolution). The
resampling method can be chosen among the gdal GRA_* constants (gdal.GRA_Average; gdal.GRA_Bilinear; gdal.GRA_Cubic; gdal.GRA_CubicSpline;
gdal.GRA_Lanczos; gdal.GRA_Mode; gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbor).
:param input_raster_path: the path to the input raster file (.tif or .tiff)
:type input_raster_path: str
:param output_raster_path: the path to the output raster file (.tif or .tiff) that will be created
:type output_raster_path: str
:param input_srs: Input EPSG code. Defaults to Lambert 2008 "EPSG:3812"
:type input_srs: str
:param output_srs: Output EPSG code. Defaults to Lambert 72 "EPSG:31370"
:type output_srs: str
:param resampling_method: Resampling method. Defaults to gdal.GRA_Bilinear
:type resampling_method: int, str
:param xRes: Resolution along X. Defaults to 0.5
:type xRes: float
:param yRes: Resolution along Y. Defaults to 0.5
:type yRes: float
:param debug: If True, print debug information. Defaults to False
:type debug: bool
from osgeo import osr
# santitize inputs
input_raster_path = str(input_raster_path)
output_raster_path = str(output_raster_path)
# ATTENTION: mask values should be negative in the tiff corresponding to input_raster_path!
if not(input_raster_path.endswith('.tif') or input_raster_path.endswith('.tiff')):
logging.error(_("Input raster must be a GeoTIFF file"))
if not(output_raster_path.endswith('.tif') or output_raster_path.endswith('.tiff')):
logging.error(_("Output raster must be a GeoTIFF file"))
# check the output file
if os.path.exists(output_raster_path):
except PermissionError as e:
logging.error(_(f"Permission denied while trying to delete {output_raster_path}. Ensure the file is not open in another program and you have sufficient privileges."))
except Exception as e:
logging.error(_(f"An unexpected error occurred while trying to delete {output_raster_path}: {str(e)}"))
# Open the input raster
input_raster = gdal.Open(input_raster_path)
if input_raster is None:
logging.error(_(f"Unable to open input raster: {input_raster_path}"))
# Get the source SRS from the input raster
source_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
if debug:
print('Initial projection: ',input_raster.GetProjection())
print('set projection init: ',int(input_srs.split(':')[1]))
# Create the target SRS
target_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
if debug:
print('set projection out: ',int(output_srs.split(':')[1]))
# Define the options for the reprojection
# Load the initial array to obtain the origin and the limits
ulx, xres, xskew, uly, yskew, yres = input_raster.GetGeoTransform()
Orig = np.array([[ulx,uly],
[ulx+input_raster.RasterXSize*xres, uly+input_raster.RasterYSize*yres]])
# Transform the origin and the limits into the new projection 'Lambert 72'
Orig_out = transform_coordinates(Orig, inputEPSG=input_srs, outputEPSG=output_srs)
# Round each coordinate to the nearest multiple of the wanted resolution
Orig_out[:,0] = np.round(Orig_out[:,0]/xRes)*xRes
Orig_out[:,1] = np.round(Orig_out[:,1]/yRes)*yRes
if debug:
# Define the reprojection options
# outputBounds=tuple(Orig_out.reshape(-1)),
# xRes=xRes, yRes=yRes,
reproject_options = gdal.WarpOptions(
outputBounds=tuple(Orig_out.reshape(-1)), # Output bounds: (minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
xRes=xRes, yRes=yRes,
# Reproject and resample the input raster
output_raster = gdal.Warp(
if output_raster is None:
logging.error(_(f"Reprojection failed for input raster: {input_raster_path}"))
# Flush cache to ensure the output is written to disk
# Close the datasets IMPORTANT to set to None in order to close them
input_raster = None
output_raster = None
if debug:
print(f"Reprojection and resampling completed successfully. Output saved to: {output_raster_path}")